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Problema carlig remorcare automat E91

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De ceva timp ma urmareste eroare ,,Trailer tow hitch".

Carligul este cel automat, cu actionare din buton. El functioneaza perfect, inchis / deschis si tine (am agatat o rulota).


Am fost la Bimmer (bforce) si DorMag, dar a zis ca nu stiu ce sa ii faca.

Pe diagnoza da urmatoarea eroare:




009DF6 - Fully automatic, trailer tow hitch: intermediate position detected

009DFD – AHM line to control unit, trailer tow hitch, short cicuit to positive


A mai intalnit cineva situatia asta?




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Incearca sa ii faci o initializare manuala. Poate merge.





When initialising, the entire swivel angle and both end positions of the ball head are tracked in the control unit for the fully automatic trailer hitch. The limit positions are stored in the control unit.


If the initialisation of the fully automatic trailer tow hitch is lost, the red LED in the button for the fully automatic trailer tow hitch will flash or light up.


Sequence for manual initialisation:


Press the button and hold it until the trailer tow hitch has completely moved in the direction of the work position and back to the rest position.


Note: If the trailer tow hitch stops in an end position, but the LED does not light up green, the button must be released briefly. Next, press the button again until the other end position is reached.


The LED will continue to flash until the initialisation is finished. Next, it will light up green continuously.

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La modelul asta, nu este full automat, cel care se rigica si se strange singur. Eu apas pe buton, se declupleaza / cupleaza si cu mana il fixez in pozitia de inchis / deschis.


Incearca sa ii faci o initializare manuala. Poate merge.





When initialising, the entire swivel angle and both end positions of the ball head are tracked in the control unit for the fully automatic trailer hitch. The limit positions are stored in the control unit.


If the initialisation of the fully automatic trailer tow hitch is lost, the red LED in the button for the fully automatic trailer tow hitch will flash or light up.


Sequence for manual initialisation:


Press the button and hold it until the trailer tow hitch has completely moved in the direction of the work position and back to the rest position.


Note: If the trailer tow hitch stops in an end position, but the LED does not light up green, the button must be released briefly. Next, press the button again until the other end position is reached.


The LED will continue to flash until the initialisation is finished. Next, it will light up green continuously.

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Incerc. Multumesc


Incearca sa vezi pe newtis.info cum poti revolva. Intra dupa VIN-ul tau si vezi "trailer tow hitch"


Cred ca pe la asta ma incadrez.




Incearca sa vezi pe newtis.info cum poti revolva. Intra dupa VIN-ul tau si vezi "trailer tow hitch"

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Din cand in cand, la o groapa, sau din senin dispare eroare...dupa are iar, fara sa ii fac nimic...


Poate fi un microswitch care nu mai da semnal cum trebuie, sau este usor slabit de pe pozitie, sau mufele corodate si nu mai fac bine contact.

Poti incepe cu asta. Daca nu da rezultate atunci continui si verifici modulul carligului.

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