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configuratie Bmw G30 sh


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Salut, ce parere aveti despre urmatoarele dotari ale unui exemplar Bmw seria 5 G30, pe care sunt interesat sa il achizitionez ? Suspensia are si amortizoare adaptive sau este pasiva ? Nu ma pricep inca sa deslusesc dotarille si pachetele de optiuni la G30 .


Type JD51

Model 540d Xdrive

Market Europe

Development Code G30

Chassis Sedan

Steering left

Doors 4

Engine B57T

Displacement 3.00 l

Power 235 kW

Drivetrain All Wheel-Drive

Transmission automatic

Color Bluestone Metallic - C2Y

Upholstery Excl.leder Nappa/schwa. Exk./ked.i. - LZFK

Production Plant Dingolfing

Production Date 2017-08-02


Standard Equipment

548 Speedometer With Kilometer Reading Kilometertacho

8EK Body Control Steuerung Karosserie


1CA Selection Cop Relevant Vehicles Selektion Cop Relevanter Fahrzeuge

1CB Co2 Content Co2 Umfang

21P 19"m Lt/a.w.do.sp.spoke 664 M /mt 19"m Lm Raed.do.spei. 664 M/mb

230 Eu Specific Additional Equipment Eu Spezifische Zusatzumfaenge

258 Runflat Tyres Bereifung Mit Notlaufeigenschaften

2NH M Sportbrake M Sportbremse

2PA Locking Wheel Bolts Radschraubensicherung

2TB Sport Automatic Transmission Sport-automatik Getriebe

2VB Tyre Pressure Indicator Reifendruckanzeige

2VH Integral Active Steering Integral-aktivlenkung

302 Alarm System Alarmanlage

316 Automatic Tailgate Operation Automatische Heckklappenbetaetigung

320 Model Designation, Deletion Modellschriftzug Entfall

322 Comfort Access System Komfortzugang

337 M Sport Package M Sportpaket

403 Glas Roof, Electric Glasdach, Elektrisch

416 Sunblinds Sonnenschutzrollos

420 Sun Protection Glazing Sonnenschutzverglasung

423 Floor Mats, Velour Fussmatten In Velours

456 Comfort Seats, Electric. Adjustable Komfortsitze Elektrisch Verstellbar

465 Through-load System Durchladesystem

494 Seat Heating F Driver/front Passenger Sitzheizung Fuer Fahrer/beifahrer

4K7 Int.t.fin.alu.rhom.w.hi.t.f.pe.chr Int.l. Alu.rhomb.m. Akz.l.pe.chrom

4NB Aut.air Conditioning 4-zone Control Klimaautomatik Mit 4-zonenregelung

4NM Ambient Air Package Ambient Air Paket

4T7 Massage Function For Driver And Pas Massagefunktion Fuer Fahrer Und Bei

4T8 Expanded Exteriror Mirror Package Erweitertes Aussenspiegelpaket

4U1 Ceramic Embellisher For Controls Keramikapplikation F.bedienelemente

4UR Ambient Light Ambientes Licht

552 Adaptive Led Headlight Adaptiver Led-scheinwerfer

575 Additional 12v Power Socket Zusaetzliche 12-v-steckdose

5A1 Led-fog Lights Led-nebelscheinwerfer

5AC Autom. High-beam Headlights Control Fernlichtassistent

5AL Active Protection Active Protection

5AS Driving Assistant Driving Assistant

5DF Active Cruise Ctrl+stop&go Funct. Aktive.geschw.reg.+stop&go Funkt.

5DM Parking Assistant Parking Assistant

609 Navigation System Professional Navigationssystem Professional

610 Head Up Display Head-up Display

650 Cd Player Cd-laufwerk

688 Harman/kardon Surround Sound System Harman/kardon Surround Sound System

6AC Intelligent Emergency Call Intelligenter Notruf

6AE Teleservices Teleservices

6AK Connecteddrive Services Connecteddrive Services

6AM Real Time Traffic Information Real Time Traffic Information

6AN Concierge Services Concierge Services

6AP Remote Services Remote Services

6CP Apple Carplay Preparation Apple Carplay Vorbereitung

6FV Online Entertainment Online Entertainment

6NW Telephony With Wireless Charging Telefonie Mit Wireless Charging

6WB Multifunctional Instrument Display Multifunktionales Instrumentendispl

6WD Wifi Hotspot Wlan Hotspot

704 M Sport Suspension M Sportfahrwerk

710 M Leather Steering Wheel M Lederlenkrad

715 M Aerodynamics Package M Aerodynamikpaket

760 Individual High-gloss Satin Chrome Individual Hochglanz Shadow Line

775 Individual Roof-lining Anthracite Individual Dachhimmel Anthrazit

7CG Repair Inclusive 3/200 Repair Inclusive 3/200

7S9 Connecteddrive Services Paket Connecteddrive Services Paket

854 Language Version French Sprachversion Franzoesisch

881 French / On-board Documentation Franzoesisch / Bordliteratur

8KA Oelservice Int. 30.000 Km/24 Months Oelwartungsint. 30.000km/24monate

8R9 Refrigerant Kaeltemittel

8S3 Automatic Lock When Driving Away Autom. Verriegelung Beim Anfahren

8TF Active Protection For Pedestrians Aktiver Fussgaengerschutz.

9AA External Skin Protection Aussenhautschutz

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Adica nu se poate seta suspensia pe comfort/ comfort+ ? asa cum am acum pe f10 lci 530 xdrive ?

Banuiesc ca are butoane de driving modes, dar nu sunt si pentru suspensie, decat pentru motor,transmisie, directie ?

- Integral active steering reprezinta un plus sau are si dezavantaje ?

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Chiar astazi am facut drive-test cu un G30 30d M Sport, fara suspensie adaptiva. Pentru gustul meu, masina este prea barca. Personal ti-as recomanda o varianta cu suspensie adaptiva, insa depinde de preferintele tale. Da, va avea Mode selection, insa fara efect pt suspensie.


E totusi bine ca are 2VH Integral Active Steering Integral-aktivlenkung - te va ajuta mult la manevrabilitate in spatii inguste. Eu locuiesc intr-un complex ce are o parcare subterana extrem de ingusta si cu curbe stranse, am facut o proba cu masina de drive test (era un criteriu ca sa vad daca o pot scoate din parcare) si mi s-a parut de-a dreptul deprimant. In 3 locuri a trebuit sa fac cate 2-3 miscari pt a puea iesi cu masina, pe unde cu seria 3 ieseam dintr-o bucata. Masina asta nu avea integral active steering si, la cat de mare este, se simte la manevrabilitate.

Pt mine ar fi un plus, insa am citit ca iti ia ceva ca sa te obisnuiesti cu felul in care vireaza la drum (nu am gasit inca sa conduc una, sa vad cum e). Pe langa asta, e inca ceva ce se poate strica :)

Edited by LYM
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Multumesc pentru opinii si sfaturi. Masina ta de test s-a simtit barca, dar avea suspensie normala sau suspensie M ? stiu ca ai spus pachet M sport, dar acesta include si suspensia sau doar pachetele de design ? Nu ma pricep la noile pachete de optiuni de pe G30 ..

Masina pe care am dat-o exemplu are roti pe 19'' de exemplu. La tine pe cvat erau rotile masinii de test drive ?


:) In legatura cu Integral active steering, mai conduc uneori in firma noastra un ...utilaj incarcator gen JCB cu brat telescopic, la care vireaza toate rotile, am condus adunate cateva sute de km si pe sosele cu el. Sa zicem ca sunt mai obisnuit..

Edited by cornelb85
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M-am uitat acum mai atent pe echiparea masinii pe care am condus-o si avea:

337 Pachet M Sport

225 Setari standard suspensie

21P Jante din aliaj usor Double-spoke M de 19", tip 664 M cu anvelope runflat


... deci nu era suspensia M, probabil au optat pt suspensia standard in detrimentul celei M, care venea cu pachetul M Sport. M-am si mirat de ce era asa moale.

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  • 2 months later...

Masina e ce trebuie! Eu regret ca nu am Integral Active Steering cum aveam pe F10, se parcheaza ca un camion fata de masina veche.


Ai grija sa ai garantie. Observ ca ai clima cu 4 zone, ce are panoul cu display. La mine a trebuit inlocuit de 2 ori intr-un an de zile deoarece apar linii de pixeli morti.

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