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Explicatie dotari la Bmw E46 320DA Mtech2 Imolared 2 2005


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Buna , am un bmw e46 320dA 2005 M-tech2 Imola-red 2 de fabrica, in lista de dotari am dat de cateva pe care nu le inteleg. Rog cei care stiu despre ce e vorba sa imi raspunda :


- S431 Interior mirror with automatic-Dip

- S1CA Selection of COP-Relevant Vehicles

- S936 Dummy-SALAPA

- S9AA Outer Skin Protection




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Buna , am un bmw e46 320dA 2005 M-tech2 Imola-red 2 de fabrica, in lista de dotari am dat de cateva pe care nu le inteleg. Rog cei care stiu despre ce e vorba sa imi raspunda :


- S431 Interior mirror with automatic-Dip

- S1CA Selection of COP-Relevant Vehicles

- S936 Dummy-SALAPA

- S9AA Outer Skin Protection





S431 - auto-dimming interior mirror - oglinda interioara cu "reglaj" antiorbire automat

S1CA Selection of COP-Relevant Vehicles - The CoP (conformity of production) is the proof that the vehicles produced (production) with the demands placed on them (for example, emissions data) match (compliance). This evidence is in most countries in the BMW cars are delivered absolutely necessary. (Sursa: Google)

S936 Dummy-SALAPA - Dummy option, nimic specific

S9AA Outer Skin Protection - colant pentru protectia vopselii la livrarea masinii, poate ai vazut pe trailerele cu masini noi, ca unele din ele sunt acoperite cu un colant alb/gri pe capota, plafon, portbagaj, tomcai pentru a le proteja de interperii, pietre etc pana ajung la showroom

SBFDY - nu stiu, n-am gasit nici pe Google dar nici nu m-am straduit sa caut prea mult.


@petreop exact link de pe lmgtfy am vrut si eu sa-i pun :)))

Edited by VladE46
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