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Ma confrunt cu urmatoarea problema:

- daca scot( am scos in jur de 1l) cu siringa antigel din vasul de expansiune si nu coboara plutitorul.

- daca desfac surubul de aerisire de la vasul de expansiune nu coboara plutitorul cum ar fi normal sa se intample.


Dupa ce am scos antigel din vas am pornit motorul si mi-a aparut in bord martorul galben ca antigelul este sub nivel. Vazand asta am deafacut capacul vasului de exapansiune dar plutitorul era la maxim. Specific ca apa nu creste peste 90 de grade. Am masina de 13 ani si nu am mai patit asa ceva. Ce ar putea sa fie?

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Plutitorul e pentru tine sa verifici daca antigelul este la nivel asa cum iti spune fabricantul; verificat la rece, bla-bla-bla.


Nivelul minim e masurat de sonda care o vezi undeva aproape de fundul vasului de expansiune, e un cablul cu doua fire intr-o priza..

De sonda aia se "ajuta" sistemul sa te alarmeze pe tine ca nu mai este antigel suficient in instalatie.


In cazul tau, pur si simplu plutitorul nu urmareste ce are de urmarit, nivelul antigelului in vas; se blocheza dintr-un motiv necunoscut pe axul pe care culiseaza.

Vezi ce sansa ai sa il faci sa nu se mai blocheze pe ax. Probabil s-a izat daca e original. Iara daca e AM atunci e pentru ca e AM.

Dar aceiasi problema.

Edited by bimmer90f30
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Vasul de expansiune este cel original al masinii.Problema ar fi ca am aer pe instalatie dar nu pot aerisi. Adica scot antigel dar nu scade plutitorul, apoi cand pornesc motorul imi apare martor nivel scazut. Apoi se aude cum loveste plutitorul la maxim, ca si cum ar scadea presiunea si apoi face presiune.
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Vasul de expansiune este cel original al masinii.Problema ar fi ca am aer pe instalatie dar nu pot aerisi. Adica scot antigel dar nu scade plutitorul, apoi cand pornesc motorul imi apare martor nivel scazut. Apoi se aude cum loveste plutitorul la maxim, ca si cum ar scadea presiunea si apoi face presiune.

Cand zici scot antigel, pe unde il scoti? Il scoti aerisind?

Banuiesc ca da.


Comportamentul e de aer in instalatie, care se dilata, fierbe.. si ar da pe afara..


Motorul are pompa de apa pe curea sau electrica?

Aerisirea la electrica se face si doar cu contactul pus dar sincer eu as face cu motorul cat mai cald, pornit, robineti, clima data pe cald, termostat deschis (de aia am zis motor cald..) sa circule antigel peste tot- deschis suruburile alea cu cap cruce mare, pe rand- incepand din parte de mai jos a citcuitului..- asteptat sa iasa bulele si antigel- si apoi doar antigel-strans inapoi..

Verificat permanent sa fie antigel in vas, sa nu traga/prind aer fals.


Si cam atat.

Ai procedat asa la aerisire, cat de cat?


Daca nu coboara plutitorul la aerisire pe la suruburile alea macar vezi ca coboara lichidul in vas cand iese pe la suruburile alea.


Normal, nu mai merge cu ea daca creste nivelul si presiunea de nebuna.


In vas ar trebui sa vezi cu motorul pornit cum se intoarce antigelul inapoi in vas, un firicel de lichid constant, fara intreruperi de aer.. daca dai busonul ala jos. Asta e mersul normal.

Edited by bimmer90f30
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tb sa ai antigel in bidon full, si capacul la radiator scos. cand nu mai trage in motor antigel tasneste pe acolo pe la surubul de aerisire antigel.

daca nu face nimik nu ai facut cum trebuie, sau deja este plin cu antigel si mai tb doar aerisit

pompa de apa cand ai schimbat-o ultima oara?

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Daca tot vorbim de antigel, astea-s oficiale:

Enclosure 4 to SI 17 01 96 (140), edition 02/2019


With the protection of the environment in mind, BMW has been filling all of its vehicles with nitrite- and amino-free antifreeze and corrosion inhibitors since mid-1986 as standard practice.


The use of antifreeze and corrosion inhibitors that contain nitrites and amines is no longer permissible.


The mixture ratio with water is 1:1. This provides antifreeze protection down to -40°C.


The BMW antifreeze and corrosion inhibitor G48 is blue in colour.


Trade name: BMW antifreeze and corrosion inhibitor

BMW part number DEU: 83 19 2 211 191 BMW part number worldwide (except for DEU, JPN, CHN, AUS, FIN, NOR, SWE, DNK, FRO): 83 51 2 355 290


Container size:

1.5-litre can


Trade name / Manufacturer-Supplier

AD Original AD 48 / AD Parts, S.L.

AlpineC48 / Mitan Mineralöl GmbH

AWM G11 / Tosol-Sintez

Aral Antifreeze Extra / Aral AG

AVIA Antifreeze APN / AVIA Mineralöl AG

BMW Antifreeze / BMW AG

Radiocool NF / Castrol International

MAINTAIN FRICOFIN / Fuchs Europe Schmierstoffe GmbH

Engmans Super Antifreeze and Coolant / Unico Manufacturing

GLYSANTIN® G48® / BASF series introduction

Kuttenkeuler Antifreeze ANF KK48 Kuttenkeuler GmbH

Antifreeze HD G11 K / Lukoil

Glycostar ST48 / Kuttenkeuler GmbH

Zerex G48® / Valvoline


(Enclosure 5 to SI 17 01 96 (140), edition 02/2019

BMW antifreeze and corrosion inhibitor HT-12 was introduced for the first time starting 03/2018 exclusively as part of Technical Campaigns for selected BMW vehicles.


Starting 07/2018, a few series will be initially filled with the BMW antifreeze and corrosion inhibitor HT-12 ex works.


BMW antifreeze and corrosion inhibitor HT-12 is available in green colour as well as in magenta colour. Green BMW antifreeze and corrosion inhibitor HT-12 is used in the factories for initial filling. The BMW antifreeze and corrosion inhibitor HT-12 for the service department in the Retailer Organisation was magenta in colour for a short time. This magenta-coloured BMW antifreeze and corrosion inhibitor HT-12 is now eliminated.


Starting 11/2018, green BMW antifreeze and corrosion inhibitor HT-12 will be available to the service department in the Retailer Organisation.)

Edited by bimmer90f30
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Filling and venting instructions with auxiliary heater.

Switch off engine, coolant temperature ≤ 40°


Open cap on expansion tank (AGB)


Open vent screws.


On EGR cooler thermostat


On coolant return pipe


Switch ignition on


Seat heating to maximum temperature and fan to low speed (heater valves are opened and auxiliary water pump starts up)


Add coolant slowly


Close vent screws after coolant emerges or after filling up to max. cold fill level


Fill expansion tank to maximum cold fill level


Start engine and run at idle for 5 minutes (top up coolant to maximum cold fill level if required)


Close cap on expansion tank, press accelerator pedal several times to approx. 2500 rpm


Open cap on expansion tank, run engine at idle for a further 5 minutes (bubble-free coolant emerges at vent line in expansion tank)


Fill to maximum cold fill level


Top up expansion tank with an additional 250 ml


Close expansion tank cap

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