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NBTevo Europe EVO 2022-1 Maps

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Multumim pt upload, Dragos!

O singura intrebare, am incercat sa-l downloadez si dupa ceva timp mi-a dat eroare de "transfer quota excedeed" si ma pune sa astept 5 ore. Plus ca nu stiu daca dupa 5h pot continua de unde a ramas.

Mai exista urcat fisierul si in alta parte?



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Am dat de un coleg pe forumuri care a fost amabil si mi-a explicat cum sta treaba. Eu am NBTEVO_Y pe G30

Postez aici si pentru cine doreste informatii suplimentare. Am gasit pe ebay pe cineva care oferta solutia #2 la ~30 USD, asa ca voi merge pe varianta asta dupa ce imi cumpar un cablu enet.


Hi.  This car has a newer NBT2 EVO Head Unit.  The factory issued FSC Enabling code was valid for navigation maps with release date up to 30-Apr-2020, so it is not valid to install the latest Europe EVO 2022-1 Map.

 Where it becomes complicated is that with EVO, the FSC Code is not a 20 Digit Alphanumeric FSC Code that can be generated, as is possible for older Map Types.  It is actually a digital certificate file signed by BMW AG's private key, thus impossible to make outside of BMW AG.

 This leaves only 2 possible options that I can provide as follows:

 1)  OEM 2022-1 Map FSC Code issued by BMW AG, which is $200 USD.

 2)  Load a full set of non OEM FSC Codes, which includes Lifetime Map FSC Code for $80 USD.  As a bonus, it will also enable CarPlay and Screen Mirroring (Miracast) if not already enabled.  You must have a Windows PC and an ENET Cable to install.  My Application by design backs up the current vehicle's head unit configuration and allows you to restore this configuration (which should be done prior to all dealer Service where Programming will be done), and then reapply my solution whenever needed (e.g. after Dealer service).  


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On 9/29/2022 at 12:22 PM, Edwin said:

Salut! Hartile puse de Dragos sunt compatibile cu versiunea mea de navi?

Vreau astazi sa fac update-ul de harti, dar nu sunt sigur daca am nevoie de FSC sau nu. Imi poate confirma cineva? 

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