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Is BMW Exchanging Existing Customers For New Ones?


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Un articol in care consider ca este exprimat un punct de vedere interesant:


  •  Over the past few years, I’ve been wondering if BMW is exchanging its existing customer base for a new one - perhaps one that wasn’t around when the E30 represented the best the brand had to offer. With the introduction of ever-enlarging kidney grilles and models like the iX, the second-generation 4 Series, the M3 and M4, and more recently the XM concept, the updated X7, and the seventh-generation 7 Series, the company seems to be courting new buyers.
  • The truth is, however, that most people considering a BMW aren’t after the driving experience anymore - if such a thing was ever true of the majority of BMW’s customers. [...] BMW still mentions the driving experience in almost every press release it puts out for a new car, but now it seems as though technology and bold design have assumed a higher priority - and BMW is catering specifically to these buyers.
  • This is a time when the true driving enthusiasts among us have fewer and fewer options in the marketplace, even though technology has resulted in a broader model array than ever before. Face it: There just aren’t that many of us who actually prioritize the driving experience over technology, contemporary design, self-driving tech, or electrification. BMW seems to be reinventing itself almost entirely, with the exception of the performance-oriented models from BMW M, including both the M Performance models and the actual M cars, along with some of the more pedestrian models like the 3 Series and 5 Series, which largely remain true to their original formulas. If you’re a genuine driving enthusiast and BMW aficionado, these are the models for you, and we’re glad that BMW still makes them.
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Nu stiu ce parere v-ati facut voi despre articol citindu-l DAR pe mine comentariile m-au facut sa vad mai bine realitatea decat dorinta BMW de a ma convinge ca placerea de a conduce sta doar in M model de acum inainte.

Realitatea e diferita din pacate, iar bmw chiar pare sa se departeze de ea (pe cat de vizibili se vor a fi, pe atat de invizibili vor deveni pentru cei hardcore, care isi vor lua catrafusele..) din comentariile lasate cel putin de altii, care, unii dintre ei, CHIAR AU FOST FANI.

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 Cred ca titlul e cumva incorect. Da, BMW isi schimba target-ul de clienti, pentru ca cerintele clientilor s-au schimbat. Ajunge sa te uiti pe strada sa vezi cate domnisorici buzate se dau cu BMW-ul 5km in oras de acasa la terasa, cate mamici cu copii isi iau BMW, cate BMW-uri 518 si 218 "active tourer" se vand, cum nimeni n-a comentat cand au mutat X-urile cu tractiune si asa mai departe. Plus ca, sa fim onesti, nici nu prea mai ai pe unde sa te "dai" cu masina ca in 1980. Asta cere publicul, asta primeste. 

Si stai sa vezi in 30 de ani, cand o sa fie foarte multe masini cu self-driving pe sosele. Probabil ca o sa te taxeze asigurarile o mana si un picior ca sa ai o masina pe care o conduci singur.

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1 hour ago, Romulus said:


Eu nu vad nici un comentariu.


David Meng

It shouldn’t be a surprise really. The profound level of disruption caused by Tesla and other new mobility companies is shocking traditional OEMs to their very core.

Not only is the paradigm changing, but so are the fundamentals and core competencies. BMW has had a long history of investment in ICE engine innovation that represented the cornerstone of every BMW product. Now, however, the core of new mobility is battery tech and BMW no longer holds the same level of core competency as it held for so many decades.

The severity of core stagnation is further compounded by BMW’s deep investment 
into Hydrogen as a result of Toyota. It doesn’t help that former BMW CTO Klaus Froelich openly told press that “BEV technology isn’t viable”.

To summarize, executive vision is paramount to an industry staring down the barrel of obsolescence. And now we’re seeing the frantic knee-jerk response to change as BMW has not only tossed out the proverbial bathwater, but it’s launching the baby off the cliff, with a javelin toss. ( 🤦‍♂️🤭)
Gregory A. Williams
Bought my first new BMW in 1973 and have had the very first of the last three generations of M3/4 coupes, but the current design direction does not thrill me, so I have yet to replace my 2015. I can't see myself going electric for a few years until battery tech & infrstructure settles down. There are plenty of brands that move forward while still making beautiful cars.
Mike Vadvilavich
I've been a life long BMW customer purchasing 13 cars including five M3's and a race car, but I see no way that I would be interested in owning one going forward. The new design trend is cartoonish, with even Lexus coming in second to the ridiculously large grills. For me the outgoing M5 and M2 are the last ones I would even consider.
Cele mai "placute" intelegerii mele..
Edited by bimmer90f30
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