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BMW iX xDrive50


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am gasit un test de la autobild si au incercat un o simulare de real life cu viteza de 130kmh constant  pe un oval. IX50 a facut 434km


BMW iX xDrive 50: 434 km
BMW iX xDrive 50: The 2.5-ton vehicle accelerates to 100 km/h in 4.6 seconds, springs like a sedan chair and remains practically silent. On the autobahn, the plug only has to be pulled after more than 400 kilometers. With a suitable charging station, the battery can be charged to 80 percent in 39 minutes with 195 kW. At least 100,000 euros are due for its 535 hp and the huge 105.2 kW battery. Range at 130 km/h: 434 km!
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On 9/21/2022 at 3:21 PM, edit said:

am gasit un test de la autobild si au incercat un o simulare de real life cu viteza de 130kmh constant  pe un oval. IX50 a facut 434km


BMW iX xDrive 50: 434 km
BMW iX xDrive 50: The 2.5-ton vehicle accelerates to 100 km/h in 4.6 seconds, springs like a sedan chair and remains practically silent. On the autobahn, the plug only has to be pulled after more than 400 kilometers. With a suitable charging station, the battery can be charged to 80 percent in 39 minutes with 195 kW. At least 100,000 euros are due for its 535 hp and the huge 105.2 kW battery. Range at 130 km/h: 434 km!

Deci ajungi pana la Eforie,inapoi nu.😅

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Pt tarile civilizate e super ok cat are autonomie, pt noi e putintel.


Se pare ca IX-ul asta e a 3-a masina cu cea mai mare autonomie din cate exista. Nu stiu care e a doua, insa prima, EQS, de la declaratul de 780km autonomie la mers ca mortul, a ramas cu 480km la 130kmh.


Faza este ca la asemenea masini, tare greu e sa mergi cu doar 130kmh pe autostrada. La cruise-ul meu de 160kmh probabil nici EQS-ul face pe la 250km cu un "plin"

De asta, o sa trag de timp cat pot si sper sa nu fiu obligat vreodata sa am masina electrica.

BMW spuneau ca nu au in target ca vreodata sa treaca de autonomie 1000km (din astia mincinosi la 80kmh), deci vreo 600km la 130kmh si vreo 350-400km la 160kmh este maximul ce vor avea vreodata masinile electrice.

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Ca autobuz de oras, poate..

La autonomie sta foarte bine i4, varianta standard, nu M50. Si IX are suficienta, nu ar trebui sa ai nicio problema sa ajungi oriunde ai nevoie. Doar sa iti planifici mereu un buffer de baterie, pentru cazul in care statia nu functioneaza si trebuie sa cauti alta. Ca asa e pe la noi..

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