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Kombi problem


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hello, I took the terminals off the battery from my e60 (not the battery), after which I connected them back and since then my clocks don't work and the car doesn't start either, sometimes some warning lights light up in the clocks, I checked that there is current coming into the socket  , fuses checked, I can't diagnose on the clocks, the climate and lights work, what do you think it could be?

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As @six in line said you should try to find an ISTA tester to find out if the alarm system hasn't been disturbed so the car's key is not recognised any more. After confirmation...  continue from there form anything else.

In the attempt to start the car you could not hear anything else?

Are the dashlights dimming A LOT  (and even shut's down..) in the moment you tried to start the car?


Edited by bimmer90f30
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