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Noul BMW Seria 5 - G60


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exact asta vroiam sa zic si eu @PzKpfW. am pe g21 am fost foarte entuziastmat ca poți deschide doar luneta. 

am deschis-o de 2 ori cand am luat-o si gata. in viata de zi cu zi nu e foarte practic sa folosesti doar luneta.

de exemplu daca ai ceva in fundul portbagajului si masina nu e perfect curata te murdaresti tot. chiar daca nu e in fundul porbagajului te murdaresti pe mana cand deschizi.

in plus by design vine cu niste limitari. stergatorul trebuie sa fie neaparat pe luneta de unde rezulta o chestie mica care sterge mijlocul lunetei si cam atat

e mult mai comond sa deschid/inchid din telecomanda

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Intelege careva din ce cauza preturile la masinile europene in SUA este de aprox 70% din pretul din Europa?

Nu iau in calcul statele europene cu accize aberante, ci tari ca Romania si germania unde tva-ul este 19%.

Gasesc informatii precum ca tva-ul in state ar fi inexistent, ar fi 10% etc, dar tot nu iese calculul.



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54 minutes ago, edit said:

Intelege careva din ce cauza preturile la masinile europene in SUA este de aprox 70% din pretul din Europa?

Nu iau in calcul statele europene cu accize aberante, ci tari ca Romania si germania unde tva-ul este 19%.

Gasesc informatii precum ca tva-ul in state ar fi inexistent, ar fi 10% etc, dar tot nu iese calculul.



Este posibil si din cauza ca sunt construite in Mexic, costurile de productie sunt toate in $.

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1 hour ago, edit said:

Intelege careva din ce cauza preturile la masinile europene in SUA este de aprox 70% din pretul din Europa?

Nu iau in calcul statele europene cu accize aberante, ci tari ca Romania si germania unde tva-ul este 19%.

Gasesc informatii precum ca tva-ul in state ar fi inexistent, ar fi 10% etc, dar tot nu iese calculul.



Because “ American Drim” 

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4 hours ago, edit said:

Gasesc informatii precum ca tva-ul in state ar fi inexistent, ar fi 10% etc, dar tot nu iese calculul.

Sistemul american nu e bazat pe TVA. Exista doua sisteme diferite de taxare, americanii l-au ales pe celalalt. Parerea mea e ca VAT e de 10x mai bun si benefic pentru toti.

In plus, nu faci calcule cat te costa la casa cand ti se adauga acea taxa.


Sales tax vs. VAT overview

Sales tax is collected by the retailer when the final sale in the supply chain is reached. In other words, end consumers pay sales tax when they purchase goods or services. When buying supplies or materials that will be resold, businesses can issue resale certificates to sellers and are not liable for sales tax. Until the sale is made to the final consumer, sales tax is not collected, and tax jurisdictions do not receive tax revenue.

VAT (value-added tax), on the other hand, is collected by all sellers in each stage of the supply chain. Suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers all collect VAT on taxable sales. Similarly, suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and end consumers all pay VAT on their purchases. Businesses must track and document the VAT they pay on purchases to receive a credit for the VAT paid on their tax return. Under a VAT regime, tax jurisdictions receive tax revenue throughout the entire supply chain, not just at the point of sale to the final consumer.


E mult de explicat care sunt beneficiile si problemele fiecarui sistem.


Some of the benefits of sales tax are:

  • It is simpler and cheaper to administer and comply with, as there are fewer transactions and paperwork involved.
  • It does not distort production decisions or create cascading effects, as it does not affect intermediate goods or inputs.
  • It is more transparent and visible to consumers, as they can see the exact amount of tax they pay.

Some of the benefits of VAT are:

  • It generates more revenue for the government, as it covers a broader tax base and captures value added at each stage.
  • It avoids double taxation and reduces tax evasion, as each seller can claim a credit for the VAT paid on their purchases.
  • It is more neutral and fair, as it does not discriminate between domestic and foreign products or between different types of consumption.


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Mie TVA-ul mi se pare o idiotenie care complica mediul de business. Dar asta e alta discutie.

In US, mai toate bunurile sunt mai ieftine decat in Europa. Asta e legat in principal de taxe si accize, dar sunt si producatori care profita pur si simplu si fac echivalenta 1:1 la preturile dolari-euro. Pentru ca de ce nu?

Edit: mai e un aspect. La masini nu prea gasesti sa cumperi la pretul de lista (nu mai vorbim despre discount). Acolo dealerii sunt principalul canal de vanzari si cei mai multi isi pun tot felul de taxe in plus peste pretul masinii. Mai ales in pandemie au fost niste povesti horror cu preturile masinilor, cu adaosuri de 10k peste, si asa mai departe.

Si inca o chestie: in US e foarte scump sa intretii o masina europeana. Aceiasi dealeri te rup la orice intrare in service, plus timpi mari de asteptare pentru piese.

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