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High Beam Assist - functie achizitionata din BMW shop

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Masina in cauza este un seria 3, G20 din 2020. Masina este echipata cu tot ce tine de hardware pentru functia de High Beam Assist, are buton pe maneta. Atunci cand apesi butonul, apare un mesaj in bord: " Function is acquirable, iar pe ecranul idrive imi apare un mesaj care ma indruma sa achizitionez functia din BMW shop. 

Zis si facut, am intrat in aplicatie, am adaugat functia in cosul de cumparaturi, am achitat, primit confirmarea pe mail. Acum in aplicatie imi apare ca fiind activa functia, pe termen nelimitat, dar in masina cand apas pe buton, tot "Function is acquirable", tot mesaj pe idrive cu indrumare catre Shop.

Am dat mail la BMW UK (asa am facut contul pe aplicatie), si m-au dat urmatorul mesaj: 

Thanks for contacting BMW ConnectedDrive.
I'm sorry to learn you're experiencing issues with your high beam assistance 
Please first make you've enabled your Data Privacy Settings. This can be done by following these steps below.

Car > Settings > General Settings > Data Privacy > All Services inc. Analysis

Please then try a hard reset by switching the vehicle engine on completely, then press and hold the main volume button in.
(You will need to press this in for up to 40 seconds).  
Please then follow the steps below to complete a Service Update for your BMW:

•    In the main menu press “Apps”. 
•    Press the “Option” button on your centre console. 
•    Please then select “Update Apps and Services” on the screen.
•    Please wait until “Apps and Services Updated Successfully” is displayed on screen before clicking “Close”.
•    Please then allow up to 24 hours for changes to take place before testing this again. 

Lastly please 
check if the Remote Software Upgrade to see if your High Beam Assistant is ready to install. To do this please follow these steps below.
Car > Settings > General Settings > Scroll down to Remote Software Upgrade

If you continue to experience issues, I recommend contacting the Service Scream (Tezparii) at your local BMW Centre for further assistance. Please click here to find your nearest BMW Centre.
I hope this helps - if there's anything else I can help you with please do get back in touch.

Kind regards


United Kingdom

Connected Drive
BMW Customer Support


Am facut tot ce a recomandat BMW prin customer support, dar nu se intampla vreo schimbare. Am condus masina mai mult de 20 minute - am facut achizitia online in ianuarie. La remote Software Upgrade nu apare nimic.

Aveti vreo idee cum sa activez totusi in masina functia? 



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