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Traffic Camera Information - abonament optiune digitala


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  • 4 months later...

In these countries, you need to be extra careful:


In Germany, it is illegal for the driver of a car to use equipment that warns about speed cameras. However, it is not illegal to own such equipment, which is why Saphe products are sold in Germany. You can drive legally with Saphe as long as the speed camera warning function is deactivated. We have no experience of fines being issued and therefore do not expect any problems when using Saphe in Germany.



In Switzerland, it is strictly forbidden to use equipment that warns about speed cameras. Violations can result in significant fines, which you naturally want to avoid. Therefore, it's recommended that you turn off the Saphe device while driving in Switzerland. To be completely sure of complying with the rules, you should also remove the device so that it's not visible.



In France, devices are only allowed to warn about speed cameras if companies like ours follow specific rules and have their products approved. Unfortunately, Saphe is not approved in France and does not meet their requirements. We are not aware of fines being issued for using equipment like Saphe in France, but it's best to be cautious and avoid using the device there.


Turkey, Cyprus, and Macedonia

In Turkey, Cyprus, and Macedonia, it's illegal to warn about speed cameras. Unfortunately, we have no information about the size of fines or the extent to which the law is enforced in these countries. It is essential to be aware of this and follow the local laws and regulations during your travels.

Always stay updated on the applicable rules for the countries you visit during your road trip. It can save you from fines and issues along the way. Drive safely and respect the local traffic rules to ensure a pleasant and trouble-free journey in Europe.


Culmea este ca tu in store de Germania, poti cumpara optiunea dar nu e permisa de legislatie?! Probabil ca se refera la echipament tert, nu la cel cu care e dotat masina. (Citatul de mai sus e de pe site-ul Saphe dat de tine)

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Eu nu ma pot obisnui cu Apple Car Play de exemplu si nu imi place. Imi tin telefonul legat prin bluetooth pt Apple music si pt agenta telefonica, dar fara Car play...

Mi se pare de 1000 ori mai inteligent facuta navigatia si sistemul de operare BMW. 

Waze este o aplicatie f utila si buna pt semnalarea pericolelor/radarelor pe soselele din RO. Pt masinile fara HUD cred ca e utila, dar la o masina cu HUD, unde indicatiile waze sau google maps nu se vad pe parbriz, informatii trafic in timp real si navigatie actualizata, sistemul masinii e imbatabil. 

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Mie unul mi se pare mult mai folositor waze decat navigatia masinii. Imi arata masini oprite, obiecte in strada, pericole, nu as da waze-ul pe nici o navigatie 😄, sunt de accord ca se vede mult mai bine pe navigatia masinii, mai ales pe HU dar de cate ori m-a salvat waze de politie si de obiecte care erau in mijlocul strazii

Edited by Alex3245
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