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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

schimb ulei prin aspirare


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ideea cu uleiul de calitate este in principiu ca mai si curata....nu stiu daca ai obs dar cand faci schimbul de ulei cel nou daca e unul bun se inegreste imediat ...un ulei prost nu curata bine nu se innegreste si cand faci schimbul lasa depunerile pe piese in loc sa le scoata afara o data cu el.

Eu din cand in cand la 3-4 schimburi dadeam jos capacul baii de ulei si il spalam...asta e altceva.Acolo era singurul loc unde mai puteau ramane cateva depuneri fiind plan drept.



Depuneri sa stii ca pot ramane peste tot, iar eu nu ziceam sa bag ulei prost ci doar cu ajutorul lui sa scot cam ce mai ramane prin motor.

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De o spalare gen cumpar cativa litri de cel mai ieftin ulei, il dau afara pe al meu, bag pe cel ieftin, dau la automat de vreo 2 ori si apoi scot tot si bag ulei calumea ce parere aveti?




Este o idee mult mai buna decat de a folosi un aditiv pentru curatat motorul.

Pui un ulei de calitate mai proasta si mergi un pic cu masina, dupa care il schimbi.

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Exista uleiuri special concepute pentru asa ceva.

Flushing oils


These are special compound oils that are very, very thin. They almost have the consistency of tap water when cold as well as hot. Typically they are 0W/20 oils. Don't ever drive with these oils in the engine - it won't last. Their purpose is for cleaning out all the gunk which builds up inside an engine. Note that Mobil1 0W40 is okay, because the '40' denotes that it's actually thick enough at temperature to work. 0W20 just doesn't get that viscous! To use them, drain your engine of all it's oil, but leave the old oil filter in place. Next fill it up with flushing oil and run it at a fast idle for about 20 minutes. Finally, drain all this off (and marvel at the crap that comes out with it), replace the oil filter, refill with a good synthetic oil and voila! Clean engine.

Eu totusi nu pricep care e chestia cu uleiu bun care se face negru si cu cel prost care nu se face. :blink:

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mda.. interesant ce e scris.. dar totusi nimeni nu recomanda spalarea motorului.. nici mecanicii.. eu am fost zilele astea sa intreb ceva la reprezentanta la bmw (in italia) si mi'au zis sa stau cuminte... NU E RECOMANDATA !! mai ales la moatarele cu peste 120 de mii de km...
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Exista uleiuri special concepute pentru asa ceva.

Flushing oils


These are special compound oils that are very, very thin. They almost have the consistency of tap water when cold as well as hot. Typically they are 0W/20 oils. Don't ever drive with these oils in the engine - it won't last. Their purpose is for cleaning out all the gunk which builds up inside an engine. Note that Mobil1 0W40 is okay, because the '40' denotes that it's actually thick enough at temperature to work. 0W20 just doesn't get that viscous! To use them, drain your engine of all it's oil, but leave the old oil filter in place. Next fill it up with flushing oil and run it at a fast idle for about 20 minutes. Finally, drain all this off (and marvel at the crap that comes out with it), replace the oil filter, refill with a good synthetic oil and voila! Clean engine.

Eu totusi nu pricep care e chestia cu uleiu bun care se face negru si cu cel prost care nu se face. :blink:



Si eu sunt de acord ca un motor se "spala" tot cu ulei. Cine nu are la indemana un 0W20, poate folosi la fel de bine orice ulei sintetic pe care sa il dea jos din motor dupa, hai sa zicem cateva minute de relanti sau cativa km parcursi, dar NU sunt de acord cu "leave the old oil filter in place" . Se stie ca uleiurile au si un component "detergent", de dizolvare si curatare a rezidurilor; deci un flush-oil va dizolva si antrena in sistem mizeria retinuta in filtru.

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