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Intalnire BMW Club 2025, hai si tu! Locatia si luna iesite la vot au fost Poiana Brasov si Mai. Acum votam weekend-ul din Mai in care va avea loc intalnirea. ×

Oare ce face SET LIMIT 6?

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Care este valoarea maxima la care poti seta functia ?

La unele modele se poate seta o viteza maxima de rulare a masinii.Peste aceasta limita esti avertizat.


Ex.pt E28


"Maximum MPH Function. You can set the OBC to act like your mother-in-law if you want, but if that's what you want why did you buy a BMW? This function causes the OBC to nag you with a bong if you exceed the speed setting stored in the Max MPH function. Press the M MPH button, then enter the speed you want to set as a limit, using the numeric buttons as described earlier. Then press M MPH button a second time to start the mother in law up. The little LED in the face of the button will light to tell you the function is on. Whenever you exceed the speed you entered, the OBC goes "bong" and the LED starts to flash. As noted earlier, if the OBC is operating in metric mode this function operates in kilometers per hour"

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