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Teste OBC E39

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Am gasit si eu in sf cum sa intru in meniul cu teste 1-21.

Se pune contactul (nu e nevoie neaparat sa pornesti mot.) si se tine apasat pe butonul de la Check Control pana apare Test Nr.1


Test Nr.1: date, serii..etc


Test Nr.2: test instrumente


Test Nr.3: SI-L: 0559 (nr de L consumati de la untimul oil service)


Test Nr.4: VBR: 00.0 L/100km

VBR: 0.0 L/Hr (consum L/ora)


Test Nr.5: RW-VBR: 00.0 L/100KM (??)

RW: 161Km


Test Nr.6: TNK: 7.7 / 7.3 / 15 L (rezv. stanga/ rezv. dreapta/ total)



Test Nr.7: KTEMP: 025 C (temperatura motor)

N: 00000 (rot/min)


Test Nr.8: V:000 Km/H


Test Nr.9: VB: 12.1 V (voltaj baterie (mot. oprit))

VB: 14.1-14.3 (mot. pornit)


Test Nr.10: LAND: 02 GB (???)


Test Nr.11: 00 00 12 (????????)


Test Nr.12: VANK: 049.6Km/H (?????????)


Test Nr.13: - (test audio banuiesc)


Test Nr.14: DIAG1: C7 81 000

DIAG2: 8C 84 000

DIAG3: 44 88 000

DIAG4: D7 81 000

DIAG5: 00 00 000


Test Nr.15: - (?????)


Test Nr.16: - (?????)


Test Nr.17: - (?????)


Test Nr.18: - (?????)


Test Nr.19: LOCK OFF (blocheaza inapoi meniul)


Test Nr.20: 1000


Test Nr.21: Reset? (reseteaza oil service ???)


poate este cineva care se pricepe si ma lamureste si pe mine in locurile cu " ? ".

Edited by duxter
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da, faci suma ultimelor 5 cifre de pe seria caroseriei si iti da un numar de exemplu 25. Cand iti apare Lock ON apesi pe reset si ai sa vezi ca in loc de on apare 01, 02, 03....etc pana scrii 25 si dupaia apesi pe check control si ai deblocat.
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Reseteaza la facelift. La prefacelift sigur nu.



sigur nu reseteaza la nici una :blink: face reset la OBC = Onboard computer


la pre facelift :) sa zic asa, inainte de 2001 post-2935-1189539369_thumb.jpg


OIL Service Reset requires pin 7 and 19 to be closed for 3+ seconds


INSPECTION Service Reset requires pin 7 and 19 to be closed for 10+ seconds



BMW Oil Service reset for 2001


BMW insp. reset


- Iginition OFF (POS 0)


- Press and Hold the trip odometer button while turning key to position 1 (ACCESSORY)


- Keep the button depressed (about 5 secs.) until you see "Oil Service" or "Inspection" with "Reset" or "Re" in the display


- *Note: On vehicles with "High" cluster, you will also see the amount of fuel (in litres) remaining until next service


- Press the button again and hold for approx. 5 secs. until "Reset" or "Re" flashes


- While the display is flashing, briefly press the button again to reset the Service Interval. After the display has shown the new interval you should see "END SIA" for about 2 secs.


Note that if the "Reset" or "Re" does not flash, then you have not met the minimum consumption level and cannot reset.

Edited by clauberty
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Pe bmwtips m-am uitat si eu :blink: stiam de modalitatea asta dar am gasit pe un alt site ca si testul 21 ar reseta toti martorii din service din bord. Inseamna ca era gresit.


Chiar am mai postat pe un topic acum 2 zile exact despre resetare ulei la E39 cu link pt bmwtips.


Edited by Ciupanezu
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