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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×



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  tiberiuenache said:
Cu gagica nu am incercat nici prea mult ca de abia aveam masina...si deaia poate nu stiu eu cum...poate-mi ziceti si mie, daca stiti!


La Professional cand esti pe harta dai in stanga si ai acolo una sub alta mai multe iconuri, una din ele e mute.


Eu mi-am schimbat softu in Austria pt MP3 dar nu merge. La Bavaria mi-a zis ca cica imi trebuie Webasto ca sa o poata programa pt MP3 (nu stiu de ce), si nu as avea. Oricum, am ultimu soft acum si mi se aprind sprancenele.

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  Bavaria said:
Incearca si la alt service, poate au alta parere :blink:



:) Pai ce alt service? La Filaret poate, da crezi ca aia stiu mai bine? Cand oi mai ajunge in Germania...


edit: Webasto ceva de preincalzire la motor cand e frig sau asa... Nu stiu ce legatura are, cert e ca era 3000 de ron ce ziceau ei sa-mi pun: http://www.realoem.com/bmw/partxref.do?par...5439&showeur=on


hmm si acum ca stau sa ma gandesc mai bine, eu chiar am auxiliary heating pentru ca am telecomanda din aia

Edited by alex2000
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  alex2000 said:
:blink: Pai ce alt service? La Filaret poate, da crezi ca aia stiu mai bine? Cand oi mai ajunge in Germania...



Contempo stau bine, mai putin cu vopsitoria


Eu cand aud de filaret, vad niste buceaguri si carpati, man-urile deja sunt masini straine.... cei ce au mirosit vaselina pe acolo, stiu prea bine ce spun aici

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  alex2000 said:
La Professional cand esti pe harta dai in stanga si ai acolo una sub alta mai multe iconuri, una din ele e mute.


Eu mi-am schimbat softu in Austria pt MP3 dar nu merge. La Bavaria mi-a zis ca cica imi trebuie Webasto ca sa o poata programa pt MP3 (nu stiu de ce), si nu as avea. Oricum, am ultimu soft acum si mi se aprind sprancenele.




Vezi ca trebuie sa scrii CD-urile cu MP3 -uri intrun anumit mod ca as le poata citi.

Uite aici o explicatiune in engleza....


What are the best settings to use when burning a MP3 CD?


First and foremost make sure to use a CD-R disc and not a CD-RW disc! Also make sure you use a higher quality CD-R disc, not the cheapest you can find. I first used a CD-RW disc and noticed that songs would just randomly stop playing, others started before the one playing finished, and other strange blips while songs were playing. I thought this was the CD player skipping due to bumps on the road but it happened on flat roads too. I then thought it was because my of my older car being enabled per MP3 against BMW's recommendation. However, re-burning my music on a CD-R disc with the settings below seems to have stopped all of that!


In terms of CD burner program settings I'm using Nero Burning ROM with these settings:


Normal Data CD-ROM (ISO)

No Multisession

Data Mode 1

File System ISO 9660:1999 (this is a KEY setting)

File Name Length Max 207 chars (will automaticly set when you select the file system above)

Burn Speed 8x -- don't burn your CD's at max speed because there's more room for error

Disc-at-Once write method

Make sure to check off "Finalize CD" before burning


So, burn your CD as you like it. If you want to make changes it's best to toss the old CD and burn a new one. These CD-R discs are only pennies now-a-days. I imagine these settings can be set by any CD burning software you may use.


Other than CD burner settings you should also lookout for specific MP3 settings in terms of the bitrate of the MP3. It's possible that the cars computer doesn't officially support bit rates higher than 192 Kbps. I personally only download 192 Kbps encoded songs (CD quality) when available but sometimes get stick with 128 Kbps which is OK too. One other thing to avoid is VBR (variable bit rate) MP3's. I think those cause the computer to get confused sometimes hence random skipping and other possible wierdness. VBR MP3's can be converted into fixed bitrate MP3's though so if you have any I'd highly suggest doing that.


The iDrive computer will display the filename of the MP3 on the screen. There won't be any underscores and the text won't be in all capital letters. They'll be in plain normal print like "Artist Name - Song Name" just without the ".mp3" extension. The ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags in most MP3's are not used here unless you select "Details" however there's no need to use Details when setting the original file name to what you want displayed.


In addition, the MP3's will be displayed (and played) in alphabetical order unless you choose the random function in iDrive. If you want them to play in a specific order, the only way to do this that we know of, is to prefix each file name with a number. For example, "01 - Artist Name - Song Name.mp3". It'll display two numbers on iDrive however atleast the MP3's will play in the order you wish them to play in.



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tiberiuenache, eu cred ca exagerezi cu optiunile, le gasesti la fiecare cate ceva. Farurile adaptive sunt super si mie mi se par chiar utile, intr-adevar vezi mult mai bine in curbe.  (N-am inteles ce ai vrut sa zici ca nu mai ai nevoie de faza lunga.) N-am stat sa citesc ce probleme au avut altii cu scaunele incalzite, dar sper sa nu-mi ia foc fundu sau celorlalti pasageri prea curand :blink:


- mie unu scaunele cu incalzire mi se par indispensabile. pana se incalzeste in habitaclu cam mori de frig :)


Navigatia Pro e mult mai misto afara, dar intr-adevar, cred ca te poti descurca foarte bine si cu cea Business. De comanda vocala te poti lipsi. Inca ceva, daca ai Navi Pro, masina va putea sa cante MP3, dar trebuie pus soft nou si activat MP3-u.


- mp3 nu tin neaparat pt ca am ipod.. sa vad acum cum il integrez la E60 dar cu siguranta se poate. o sa ma documentez cand o sa am masina.


Eu am scaune sport (e acelasi lucru ca cele confort?) - sunt electrice, au memorii, dar nu au reglaj lombar si eu zic ca sunt obositoare la drum lung (cred ca cele standard sunt si mai nasoale).


- la E46 sunt super misto cele sport. o sa le vad pe ale tale. iti dau un pm si vedem cum ne intalnim. Oricum daca nu gasesc sport doar confort o sa-mi iau... cele standard ies din discutie.


PS. Normal ca se poate pune sa taca gagica de la navi, te-ai uitat prea mult la Clarkson.

cocolino, daca vrei, ne putem intalni sa vezi cum sunt scaunele, navigatia pro etc. da-mi un pm



Am mai auzit diverse probleme despre softul pe E60...o sa vad daca e nevoie de upgrade sau nu..

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  • 1 month later...
  alexandru_83 said:
Buna alegere! :blink: La asa ceva vrea sa trec si eu in viitorul apropiat.

Cat te duce?



pai uite un calcul poate sunt si altii interezati:


- 22700 fara TVA (cumparata pe firma dar iti trebuie acte si dealeri care sa iti accepte pretul net cu 19% mai mic.. multi dau cam 10 % TVA.. a durat ceva si am negociat mult cu dealeri)

- 349 numere toll pe 3 luni + asigurare (vreau sa trec anu sa vedem daca mai scade taxa)

- cam 3200 taxa inmatriculare daca nu mai scade o platesc daca nu nu :)) ..m-am scos

- cheltuieli de drum, transferuri bancare .. etc vreo 500 E


mai pun daca apare ceva :))

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  • 2 weeks later...
  cocolino said:
M-am intors... asta e noua mea masina  :blink:









Foarte frumoasa masina!!! Daca nu ma insel e aceeasi culoare cu a mea :) :)

S-o stapanesti cu multa placere si fara evenimente!!!

Mai pune si tu niste poze cu interiorul... :) Ai ales scaune sport pana la urma? Eu le am si mi se par super confortabile...

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  bogdan1980 said:
Foarte frumoasa masina!!! Daca nu ma insel e aceeasi culoare cu a mea  :blink:  :)

S-o stapanesti cu multa placere si fara evenimente!!!

Mai pune si tu niste poze cu interiorul... :) Ai ales scaune sport pana la urma? Eu le am si mi se par super confortabile...




scaunele sunt confort.. n-am facut poze in interior.. dar vor veni.

Culoarea e Silver Gray Metallic cu interior Gray Dakota Leather.

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