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Ce inseamna BMW Premium Selection?


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Am vazut pe siturile nemtesti de masini sh unele anunturi de masini bmw care aveau scris pe numar "BMW Premium Selection".Ce inseamna chestia asta?E ceva gen masini lasate la reprezentanta ca urmare a unui contract de buy-back?Zicea cineva tot pe-aici pe forum ca cica ar fi o idee buna sa te orientezi spre masinile acestea in cazul cumpararii unei masini mana a doua.
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The BMW Premium Selection program is reserved exclusively for used BMW automobiles that fulfil defined premium standards. Only vehicles that are less than five years old with a mileage of under 120,000 km qualify for the program. Furthermore, all of the vehicles have to pass our standard vehicle check. We are committed to the high quality of all our BMW Premium Selection automobiles so that we provide you with extensive benefits – spanning as far as vehicle exchange. You can find more information in the "Program standards" section.
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o masina bmw premium selection este o masina second hand care a trecut toate testele BMW care i se fac. in jur de cateva zeci de teste am inteles eu ( motor, suspensii, caroserie, etc). adica este o masina verificata pana la sange intr-o reprezentanta bmw si este imbecabila din toate punctele de vedere.
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