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Se intrerupe in a 2-a la 4000rpm

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Am un E60 530i din 2004 si am o problema pe care nu am remarcat-o pana acum, deci cred ca a aparut de curand. Accelerez in a 2-a si pe la 4000rpm se "intrerupe" foarte putin dupa care ii da drumu. La Bavaria au facut un test la motor si mi-au zis ca n-au gasit nimic in neregula. Am schimbat filtre, bujii, ulei ieri si acelasi lucru. Am mai cautat pe net si am gasit urmatoarele topicuri: http://www.bmwclubmalaysia.com/forums/show...p?t=1600&page=4 (un e36 cu aceeasi problema, rezolvarea lui - alta benzina) si http://forums.bimmerforums.com/forum/showthread.php?t=438268 (un e46, rezolvarea din soft).


Tocmai mi se terminase azi benzina asa ca in loc de OMV 95 (ce pusesem inainte - si daca ma gandesc bine dupa ce am pus a aparut problema), am pus Lukoil 98 despre care am auzit multe lucruri bune. Masina e un pic mai sprintena si consuma mai putin acum (parca), dar tot face asa! Din soft chiar nu cred ca e...


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Am un E60 530i din 2004 si am o problema pe care nu am remarcat-o pana acum, deci cred ca a aparut de curand. Accelerez in a 2-a si pe la 4000rpm se "intrerupe" foarte putin dupa care ii da drumu.



Probabil este o problema de la senzorii de detonatie.Ar trebui reprogramat computerul de injectie si sterse adaptatiile senzorilor.

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Am obs ieri un tipar (ca am facut niste teste dupa ce am vazut topicul). Daca si in 1-a accelerez pana la >4.000 RPM nu mai face in a 2-a iar daca cu a 2-a ma duc > 4.000 RPM nu mai face in a 3-a si tot asa. Nu face decat a.c. cu o viteza merg normal (schimb la 2.800-3.000) si urmatoarea viteza o calc la podea si sar de 4.000. Vezi daca si la tine e la fel! Edited by Alexxx
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Alexxx, nu stiu, o sa incerc.


Oricum, am citit mai multe threaduri de pe alte forumuri si se pare ca Bavaria are dreptate. Unii au schimbat si valva, altii doar au resetat adaptatiile senzorilor.

Are cineva idee unde as putea face asta in afara de AB?


Service Measure

Engine Electrical B12 209 05 04/06/2005


M54B30 MS45.1; Engine Power Drops at 4000 RPM



E46, E60 with M54B30 and manual transmission.



Customer may complain of an engine power drop at approximately 4000 rpm during aggressive acceleration.



Ignition timing retardation due to unfavorable tolerances of DISA valve flap shaft. Vibrations of a DISA valve are interpreted by the knock sensor system as detonation combustion.



On a customer complaint basis, replace DISA valve with the improved part (PN 11 61 7 544 805).

After DISA replacement, connect vehicle to DIS/GT1 and from DME identification page retrieve the programmed and basic DME part numbers.

Reprogram DME with the latest available DTS CD! SSS CIP software version. DME programming should last for at least 20 minutes and should result in both programmed and basic control unit number changes. Reprogramming of DME clears the long-term knock sensors adaptations. If the knock adaptation values are not cleared, the vehicle will still exhibit the power lack complaint, even with the improved DISA valve installed.



In the event the DME programming takes only a short period of time (approximately 5 minutes), and the basic control unit part number has not been changed, the adaptation clearing process has not been accomplished.

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am mai avut si un tovaras o problema de genul asta si concluzia a fost foarte clara..benzina si motorina noasta este sub norme...si softul este gandint pt alte cifre octanice decat cele afisate la noi si nu iese amestecul aer+benzina..a rezolvat problema cu resoftare... Edited by POIUYT
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aproape de 5000 de ture se preste turometrul putin si ii da drumu iar pana la 6000 in fiecare treapta[cutie triptronica], am fost afara din tara cu es si cu benzina buna face la fel. dimineata merge bine,smuceste tare de tot,dupa cateva minute o simt iar lenta!


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