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Resetarea raspunsului acceleratiei


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nu ma refer la faptul ca LA MINE nu merge. ma refer la afirmatia lui Bavaria din care reiese ca nu merge LA NIMENI. nici macar la CEI CU EML :blink:

p.s. eu macar am comenzi pe volan. eml se poate pune.


EML se pune mai greu decat un amarat de volan cu comenzi.

Edited by Alexxx
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baietii sunt cam confuzi si acolo.

la unii merge, altii n-au mai zis nimic...oricum, merita incercat, chiar daca procedura poate ridica o juma de spranceana...



Tocmai din motivul asta am postat aici. Sa vedem daca este adevarat, mai ales ca mie asa mi s-a parut.

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Am citit tot topicul. Aparent, parerile sunt impartite, unii spun ca nu le merge, altii ca simt ceva dar poate e placebo, altii sunt super incantati.


Tipul care a initiat topicul, a postat o singura informatie: M54 EDK Throttle Adaptation Procedure.


Nici el nu are alt argument in afara de chestia asta. E posibil sa fie doar un fragment dintr-o procedura.

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baietii sunt cam confuzi si acolo.




Avand in vedere ca unii sunt membrii pe acel forum din 1969 ... "baietii" sunt mai degreba mosuletii, iar confuzia poate fi denumita altfel... Glumesc :blink:


Am sa incerc si eu azi, ce poate sa ma coste decat cateva secunde din viata?

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Deci tipu respectiv are documentu care contine faza asta:



SUBJECT M54 EDK Throttle Adaptation Procedure

MODEL All with M54/MS43

SITUATION The EDK (electronic throttle control) adaptation must be reset after a new engine control module,

or a new EDK unit is installed.

PROCEDURE The adaptation process takes approximately 20 seconds to perform. If the adaptation process is

not performed, the vehicle will not start, or run in "fail-safe" mode.

If the vehicle does not start, or runs in "fail-safe" mode after replacing the DME or EDK, perform

the following procedure:

1. Turn ignition ON (KL15) for 10 seconds. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CRANK / START THE


2. Turn the ignition OFF for 10 seconds.

3. Start the engine.



Evident fiind intr-un service BMW, masina e legata la MODIC.



Apoi, daca citesti in alt document, apare asta:



When a replacement EDK is installed, the MS45 adapts to the new component (required amperage draw for motor control, feedback pot tolerance difference, etc). This occurs immediately after the next cycle of KL15 for approximately 30 seconds. During this period of adaptation, the maximum opening of the throttle plate is 25%


If the throttle housing/accelerator pedal module is replaced, theadaptations must be cleared and adaptation procedure must be performed using theDISplus/MoDIC. If this is not performed, the vehicle will not start, or run in “fail-safe” mode.If this input is defective, a fault code will be stored and the “Malfunction Indicator and/orEML” Light will be illuminated. Limited engine operation will be possible. 45-02-02




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Ok, dar te rog spune-ne si de ce. Sa nu ma intelegi gresit, o spun in exclusivul scop de a fi informat.  :blink:




Daca s-ar sterge asa adaptatiile , ar fi jale. :)


Nu intru acum in explicatii plictisitoare, raspunsul este chiar in link-ul dat de tine.


"If the throttle housing/accelerator pedal module is replaced, theadaptations must be cleared and adaptation procedure must be performed using theDISplus/MoDIC."


Cel care a postat aceasta "procedura" a citit dintr-un buletin de service numai ce a dorit el.

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A vrut sa spuna probabil ca unii deintre mebrii sunt nascuti in 1969 ...:blink:


Cat despre resetarea asta din ce am citit se face in cazul inlocurii unei piese "If the throttle housing/accelerator pedal module is replaced, theadaptations must be cleared and adaptation procedure must be performed using theDISplus/MoDIC." si se face doar cu ajutorul uni soft de diagnoza.

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Adica cum sunt membri din 1969????? Internetul nu exista inca, primele PC-uri nu erau fabricate....Ce fel de forum aveau? Eventual prin posta.... :blink:






Internetul exista (de prin octombrie / noiembrie 1969), iar la cel care a initiat topicul pe acel forum scrie ca este membru din decembrie 1969...Ce ma mira pe mine este faptul ca nu exista E46 atunci....


Ontopic: Am incercat si eu acest "truc" dar nu am simtit nimic in raspunsul masinii... Poate nu am numarat bine cele 10 secunde....

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