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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×



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Da, scuze, nu stiu unde-mi era capul, sunt setat pe FL. Asa e, nu ai clapete.

Atunci pe undeva dupa EGR pierzi gaze. Daca zici ca atunci cand EGR-ul era inactiv nu mirosea si acum, cu el activ, iti miroase, alta explilcatie nu am.

Edited by djtaotao
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Pai sa ne gandim: pana unde ajungeau gazele cu el anulat, adica inchis? Pana le el, nu? Acum, cand el e activ si se deschide, lasa sa treaca gaze in galeria de admisie, nu? Deci unde crezi ca ar fi problema? Edited by djtaotao
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  • 7 months later...

eficienta ar vrea sa insemne insa ce rezulta nu este deloc eficienta: tremura la rece,la 2000 de rotatii pe minut se balbaie in momentele pe care le considera ea...ideea e ca intra gaze din evacuare in admisie ca sa reincalzeasca amestecul insa la motorina pe care o avem noi formeaza un amestec toxic(fara prea mult oxigen) si la turatii mari (2500rot/min) merge bine...la mine EGR-ul,frutunelul care intra in EGR are un surub in el ca sa nu dea eroare in bord de check engine si de-atunci toate aceste probleme numai exista..masina trage la fel si merge super... :blink:

tot cu egr-ul anulat esti?

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  • 2 months later...

adjust egr to +40

Pt ce.i cu 'smuncituri,intreruperi' cauzate de EGR, nu.i nevoie sa.l anulati, trb doar 'ajustate valorile'


"Whilst cruising at higher speeds, typically on the motorway during constant throttle, there is an intermittent jolt like a misfire. the jolt / misfire / hesitation occurs once only.Typical speeds under which the complaint is present are; 1800 / 2000 rpm @ 60 / 70 mph

During cruising, EGR regulation takes place;- typically when re-applying the accelerator pedal. The actual air consumed by the engine increases but the measured value (actual value from HFM) does not rise proportionally in order for favourable fuelling to take place, this is because the EGR is open and an element of unmetered air negatively effects the calculated. The engine hesitates briefly as a result. 


In the event of complaint, carry out the following;

- Adjust the EGR, adjust rate of fresh calculated during EGR to +40 

- To do this use the service function of the DDE, adjust it by adding the value 40

- End with programming the DDE using the option in the ABL

- Following successful manipulation, let the vehicle assume sleep mode and then check the status of the EGR by entering the test module once more to ensure the value has taken place before carrying out a thorough road test.


Carrying out the above procedure does not constitute a fault with the engine as the wear 

characteristics of the engine and ancillaries may necessitate the need to adapt the DDE running parameters accordingly. 


It should however, be noted that the air and fuel system should be fault free prior to 

adopting such a change.

Edited by ruslanrus
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  • 2 months later...

Am un x3 3.0d 2007 am aceeasi problema.

Intr-un interval de temperatura 5-25 de grade la relanti tremura masina de zici ca moare. Ma chinuie problema de 3 ani dar a inceput din ce in ce mai rau.

Am fost la reprezentanta BMW si la baneasa si la filaret.

Nimeni nu i-a dat de cap.

Am depistat de curand ca are legatura cu EGR adica da drumu la prea multe gaze si motorul ramane fara oxigen. De aici si mersul balbait ca in 3 pistoane. Practic motorul se sugruma in lipsa oxigenului.. Daca scot furtunul de vacum de la EGR se potoleste instant.

Precizez ca in ture merge foarte bine.

De cateva zile merg fara furtun la EGR si motorul la relanti merge bine in ture trage mai bine.

Valva de comanda a EGR am schimbat-o acum un an si nu a fost nicio imbunatatire.

Ce ar putea fi ?


A si am uitat sa mentionez ca atunci cand EGR activ aburul de la esapament are un miros intepator de nu poti sa respiri pe langa masina. Cand scot furtunul de la EGR nu mai miroase deloc.

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