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Diferenta intre nr km si km ramasi pt schimb ulei

bog 325

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Am observat o diferenta in km afisati in bord (rulati) in momentul efectuarii schimbului de ulei si counter-ul de "oil service". La mine oil service e setat la 25000 km si acum e aprope de 0. Computerul masinii ar trebui sa -mi arate cu 25000 km mai mult dar de fapt arata numai cu 20000 - unde sint cei 5000 km pe care ia inregistrat "oil service counter" - aproximeaza si transforma durata de timp cit masina a stat la relanti sau e vreo eroare ceva?
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Am observat o diferenta in km afisati in bord (rulati) in momentul efectuarii schimbului de ulei si counter-ul de "oil service". La mine oil service e setat la 25000 km si acum e aprope de 0. Computerul masinii ar trebui sa -mi arate cu 25000 km mai mult dar de fapt arata numai cu 20000 - unde sint cei 5000 km pe care ia inregistrat "oil service counter" - aproximeaza si transforma durata de timp cit masina a stat la relanti sau e vreo eroare ceva?


nu! teoretic ai un senzor care citeste aciditatatea uleiului.... si care iti spune cand trebuie schimbat, in functie de cum mergi ...( daca ii dai "talpa" sau nu) :blink:

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nu! teoretic ai un senzor care citeste aciditatatea uleiului.... si care iti spune cand trebuie schimbat, in functie de cum mergi ...( daca ii dai "talpa" sau nu) :blink:



Aciditatea uleiului.... Mare gradina Lu' Dumnezeu.


Kilometri care ti-i da pt schimbul de ulei nu sunt invartiti la roata; e vorba de orele si regimul de functionare. S-a mai discutat pe forum.

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Ai dreptate.

Se tine cont numai de regimul de mers, nu exista nici un senzor:



While conventional systems rely on milage alone to determine when service

is due, the BMW Maintenance System reflects the actual conditions under which the vehicle is operated: some miles are more strenuous than others. From a maintenance point of view, 62,000 miles (100,000 km) accumulated in short-distance urban driving are not the equivalent of the same distance covered at moderate cruising speeds in

long-distance highway travel. The BMW Maintenance System monitors actual operating conditions as the basis for defining when the Engine Oil Service and Inspections I and II are due.


Edited by MaQ
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