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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

12 Volt Resource

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12 Volt Resource™ Aftermarket Installation CD-ROM version 5.0 is designed to be the ultimate reference tool for anyone planning to install an aftermarket Security, Remote Start, Keyless Entry, Audio or Video device in their car, truck or SUV. From initial concept through deployment - The resources on this disk will guide you so the job gets done right the first time.


Provides vehicle wire colors, locations, and polarity for all vehicles from 1979-2007, plus many 2008 models

Designed to simplify car audio, video and security installations

Includes all information needed for installing car alarms, remote starters, keyless entry, navigation, head units, speakers, mobile video systems, subwoofer enclosures, and more

Includes step-by-step installation instructions

This is the same information that is used by professional installers, but designed to be suitable for both novice installers and pros alike

New version with updated vehicle wire color data released every year. CLICK HERE for information on upgrading from an older version

100% satisfaction guarantee



1995-2005 3 Series

1983-1994 318i

2002-2002 325ci

1984-1987 325e

1984-1987 325es

1984-1996 325i

1992-1996 325i Conv

1988-1991 325ic

1984-1996 325is

2002-2002 330ix

1991-2003 5 Series

1985-1986 524td

1989-1990 525i

1982-1988 528e

1983-1984 533i

1985-1991 535i

1987-1988 535is

1987-1988 535 M5

2006-2006 545

1984-1984 633csi

1985-1991 635csi

1998-2001 7 Series

1984-1984 733i

1985-1992 735i

1988-1992 735il

1993-1995 740i

1993-1995 740il

1988-1993 750il

1993-1998 8 Series

1991-1993 850i

1987-1987 L7

2003-2003 M3

1999-2002 M3 Coupe

1996-2002 M3 Roadster

2003-2003 M5

1987-1987 M6

2006-2007 X3

2001-2006 X5

1999-2002 Z3 Coupe

1996-2002 Z3 Roadster

1996-2002 Z3 Series

2003-2005 Z4 Series

2001-2003 Z8



cine e curios de el ?

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Eu as fi curios...desi 520i nu e inclusa in acea lista...dar presupun ca instalatia electrica a masinii, exceptand pe cea a motorului, pe alocuri, este aceeasi ca la omoloagele E34...

LE: e posibil sa nu fie compatibilitate intre E34 din perioada 1987-1990 si E34-ul meu ...incepand de la climatizare si terminand cu geamurile electrice...

Edited by iulian518i
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Eu as fi curios...desi 520i nu e inclusa in acea lista...dar presupun ca instalatia electrica a masinii, exceptand pe cea a motorului, pe alocuri, este aceeasi ca la omoloagele E34...

LE: e posibil sa nu fie compatibilitate intre E34 din perioada 1987-1990 si E34-ul meu ...incepand de la climatizare si terminand cu geamurile electrice...



Fara PRICE ca nu's genul.

49.4 MB ! eventual pun pe DC

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- sta pe acest server 30 zile [pana in 19-12-2007]

- il scrieti pe un CD folosind Nero, sau il extrageti pe HDD

- nu e doar pentru BMW, ci si pentru majoritatea celorlalte marci auto !!!

have fun :blink:

Edited by Jacobs
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Multumim...o intrebare...care e diferenta de pe acel site intre "Download (Filebox.ro)" si "Download (Mirror)"?

Le-am descarcat prin ambele variante...si o sa vad daca e vreo diferenta la fisiere...

Toate cele bune...

nu exista diferente !!! e acelasi lucru.

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