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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

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Drive technology of the latest standard. The BMW 1 Series is entering the market with four engine variants covering a performance range from 85 kW/115 bhp (116i) all the way to 120 kW/163 bhp (120d). The 4 cylinder gasoline engine featured in the BMW 120i develops maximum output of 110 kW/150 bhp and is equipped with BMW’s fully variable Valvetronic valve management, with maximum torque of 200 Nm or 147 lb-ft. Like the 1.6-liter gasoline engine in the 116i, the 120i power unit is also equipped with double-VANOS. Maximum speed of the 120i is 217 km/h or 135 mph, with fuel consumption of only 7.4 liters/100 km premium (38.2 mpg Imp) in the EU composite cycle. BMW’s diesel engines with common rail injection technology, two balance shafts, a turbocharger with variable turbine geometry, and an intercooler, develop maximum output of 90 kW/122 bhp in the BMW 118d and 120 kW/163 bhp in the BMW 120d. With maximum torque of 280 Nm (206 lb-ft) and, respectively, 340 Nm (251 lb-ft), composite fuel consumption in the EU cycle is a mere 5.6 and, respectively, 5.7 liters/100 km (50.4 mpg Imp/49.6 mpg Imp). Top speed is 201 km/h (125 mph) and, respectively, 220 km/h (136 mph).



cum itzi arata tzie acu 230 km/h?

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Drive technology of the latest standard. The BMW 1 Series is entering the market with four engine variants covering a performance range from 85 kW/115 bhp (116i) all the way to 120 kW/163 bhp (120d). The 4 cylinder gasoline engine featured in the BMW 120i develops maximum output of 110 kW/150 bhp and is equipped with BMW’s fully variable Valvetronic valve management, with maximum torque of 200 Nm or 147 lb-ft. Like the 1.6-liter gasoline engine in the 116i, the 120i power unit is also equipped with double-VANOS. Maximum speed of the 120i is 217 km/h or 135 mph, with fuel consumption of only 7.4 liters/100 km premium (38.2 mpg Imp) in the EU composite cycle. BMW’s diesel engines with common rail injection technology, two balance shafts, a turbocharger with variable turbine geometry, and an intercooler, develop maximum output of 90 kW/122 bhp in the BMW 118d and 120 kW/163 bhp in the BMW 120d. With maximum torque of 280 Nm (206 lb-ft) and, respectively, 340 Nm (251 lb-ft), composite fuel consumption in the EU cycle is a mere 5.6 and, respectively, 5.7 liters/100 km (50.4 mpg Imp/49.6 mpg Imp). Top speed is 201 km/h (125 mph) and, respectively, 220 km/h (136 mph).

cum itzi arata tzie acu 230 km/h?


Daca te uiti mai sus am zis 220 km/h , acul arata 230 km/h deoarece cand acul este la 230 km/h viteza reala este 220 km/h .Acum ai priceput?

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Poti sa te duci oricand la Otopeni si sa le ceri o masina de test-drive spunandu-le ca vrei sa cumperi si iti vor da una sa conduci.



been there, done that. fix atunci le busisera pe ambele de la test... apoi au dat-o la intors ca numai daca vreau _sigur_ sa cumpar pot sa testez, si mi s-a facut sila.

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