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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

WorldCarFans: Caparo T1 Destroys Top Gear Lap Record


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Vorbesc prostii. Am si 12x07 si 12x08. M-am uitat acum din nou la 12x07... Jason Plato a testat Caparo T1 si undeva, dupa ce au oprit filmarile, la 150 mph, masina a luat foc. Se vede intr-o camera laterala flacara si ulterior imagini cu Jason iesin din masina si fugind. "Jason screetch to a halt and managed to scrable out". "Jason says he felt an intense heat all around him and knew he had to get out quickly". "He sustained burns to his hands, face and neck but thankfully will be ok". Investigatia asupra prototipului a gasit ca problema a fost: "a faulty oil ceiling component".


Jason a participat la urmatoarea cursa BTCC, aparent fara rezultate pozitive.

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