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cum se numeroteaza pistoanele

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Referindu-ne doar la BMW, avem asa :blink:


In a straight engine the spark plugs (and cylinders) are numbered, starting with #1, usually from the front of the engine to the rear. In most rear wheel drive cars, the engine is longitudinally mounted and the front of the engine also points to the front of the car. In front wheel drive cars with a transverse engine, the front of the engine usually points towards the righthand side of the car; in any case the front of the engine is the part where the pulleys for the accessories (such as the alternator and water pump) are. In front wheel drive cars with longitudinally mounted engines, most often the front of the engine will point towards the front of the car, but some manufacturers (Saab, CitroĂŤn) in some models place the engine 'backwards', with #1 towards the firewall.


In a radial engine the cylinders are numbered around the circle, with the #1 cylinder at the top. There are almost always an odd number of cylinders, as this allows for a constant every-other-piston firing order: for example, with a single bank of 7 cylinders, the order would be ...2-4-6-1-3-5-7-2....


In a V engine, cylinder numbering varies among manufacturers. Generally speaking, the most forward cylinder is numbered 1, but some manufacturers will then continue numbering along that bank first (so that side of the engine would be 1-2-3-4, and the opposite bank would be 5-6-7-8) while others will number the cylinders from front to back along the crankshaft, so one bank would be 1-3-5-7 and the other bank would be 2-4-6-8. (In this example, a V8 is assumed)




BMW V8, cylinders 1 through 4 are the RIGHT bank, cylinders 5 through 8 are the LEFT bank. V12, 1-6 RIGHT, 7-12 LEFT.

#1 cylinder on a BMW V8 or a BMW V12 is the RIGHT front cylinder. Always, no exceptions.

[...]in a 6 cylinder car, if there is a reference to Bank 1, and Bank 2, bank 1 is the first 3 cylinders, bank 2 is the back 3 cylinders.





The easy way to remember banks, and/or cylinder numbering in a BMW is this.

What side of the car did you need to stand on to remove the spark plugs from

a 1970's 4 or 6 cylinder BMW? The RIGHT hand side. The cylinder number is

1 to 4, or 6, starting at the front. So, cylinder number 1 is the forward

most cylinder on the RIGHT hand side of the car. Go back from there. When

you run out of cylinders, move to the LEFT side. The even/odd numbering

system is an American V8 trait that has probably made it's way into various

European models, but not BMW.





Cel putin la BMW, e ca mine si ca Sorin TSO. :)

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Ba eu cred ca v-ati nascut in BMW.


Motorul la Dacii e pus ca si la BMW, unele au chiar si un fel de paleta de racire cum e vascocuplajul la BMW, dar e pe direct.



si cine a zis ca e altfel ?!

am avut o dacia liberta...record personal a-3-a 110km/h, a-2a 80km/h ..masina avea esapamentul mai mare decat la daciile berline si pinioanele schimbate

160km/h viteza max ...ce vremuri de burlacie mai traiam pe atunci...

Edited by POIUYT
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imaginilie inlocuesc 1000 de cuvine :blink:



Acolo sunt conductele de le injectoare.Ce legatura are cu numerotarea pistoanelor? :)



graba strica treaba :)


sub poza punctul 1 si 2 ce scrie acolo ?



banuesc ca nu trebuie sa spun ca pompa e orientata spre radiator


si piesa 5 e spre cutia de viteze


deci 1 incepe de la radiator la diesel 525 M57


On topic ?

Edited by clauberty
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WLF cum numerotarea ca la dacie?dacia are numai mot transversal

num dinspre bot se fac numai la longitudinale

BOBO si la V-uri cum se numeroteaza


Cum ma, Dacia 1300-1310 are motorul asezat ca si BMW-ul, longitudinal.

sa mor daca stiam

eu am avut oltcit care era boxer si supernova care era transversal

Edited by Tesio
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banuesc ca nu ai inteles exact ce ai subliniat acolo, sau ca ai incurcat pozele.

Nu neg ca cilindrul 1 este spre radiator, dar ce ai subliniat tu se refera la cu totul altceva decat ceea ce vrei sa demonstrezi :blink:.

Edited by paul
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  • 4 years later...
sal! aveti idee la cate atmosfere trebuie sa lucreze injectoarele de pe 320 136 p .??la mine la un test au aratat ca lucreaza la 190 atm , nenea de acolo a zis ca e bine dar eu nu prea cred . Mi a zis un mecanic ca e prea mult si ca nici el nu stie exact. multumesc!
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