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G P L pe un 318i e46 2000


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Salut pe toata lumea de pe acest forum,

Am montat acum vre-o luna o instalatie de gaz pe masina,aud tot felul de pareri, unele pro altele contra.

Eu personal deocamdata sunt multumit,nu simt nici o diferenta, cum ca ar pierde din putere (oricum 118 sunt putini cai),consumul e undeva la 8 8-5 acum ca e iarna,instalatia este de tip Landirenzo,injectoarele sunt foarte silentioase,motorul mege foarte rotund.

As dorii sa stiu si parerea voastra,in legatura cu ceea ce am facut

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eu nu mi-as pune GPL pe nici o masina niciodata.parerea mea.GPL-ul nu face nimic altceva decat sa scada din viata motorului , in schimb masinile care sunt facute pentru GPL sunt pentru GPL. daca o masina merge pe benzina pe benzina trebuie sa mearga in continuare. e ca si cum ai lua o masina care este pe GPL si sa vrei sa-i pui benzina in loc de GPL.In general GPL-ul se pune la taximetristi , sa aiba consumul mic -> deci pentru economie.
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daca u esti multumit...totul e ok.

o sa vedem in timp cum se comporta...

mi-e greu sa cred ca o sa primesti si raspunsuri pro pe aici pe forum..unde toata lumea discuta de motoare mari, putere si apoi consum.

important e sa iti faci treaba cu ea... si sa nu cada nimic pe la motor, ca atunci e mai trist si o sa vezi daca a meritat GPL-ul.

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Mai bine iti luai un 318d daca vroiai BMW si sa consume putin, gazul este pentru aragaz si centrale termice...parerea mea.

:) plus ca din punctu` meu de vedere e un fel de blasfemie ... logan de taxi pe gaz da , bmw pe gaz ? never ever dupa mine ... :blink: !

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In definitiv, tu trebuie sa fi multumit. E masina ta, si nimic altceva nu conteaza. Daca a fost instalata in mod profesionist, nu ai de ce sa-ti faci griji. Doar sa mai mergi si pe benzina, din cand in cand, ca sa nu-i uiti pretul...:blink: .


Eu am montata instalatia de GPL de ~ 1 an si jumatate si nu am de ce sa ma pling de ea sau de vreo schimbare in rau in comportamentul masinii. Instalatia este de tip Landirenzo Omegas si a fost montata la o firma din Pitesti. Am reusit si am facut o interfata de diagnoza si cu ajutorul ei verific din cand in cand daca este stocata vreo eroare in computerul de GPL.


Atentie la statiile de unde alimentezi cu GPL. Fereste-te de cele care au pretul cel mai scazut. Orienteaza-te in special la OMV, PETROM, LUKOIL. Si ar fi bine sa te "stabilizezi" la o statie. Eu apelez in proportie de 80% la o statie LUKOIL, care pe linga faptul ca e relativ aprope de blocul unde stau, prezinta incredere datorita faptului ca personalul de acolo mi-a pus la dispozitie cand le-am cerut, buletinele de analiza ale gazului. Poti vedea clar compozitia, si in felul asta nu cumperi gaz de vara la pret de gaz de iarna... Plus ca ei sint producatorii gazului...

Oricum, cand vei alimenta cu gaz prost, vei simti...


Asa ca, mergi linistit, gaz sa ai in butelie! ":)

Edited by maciu1
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am vazut un documentar,cu instalarea unei instalatii de gaz pe un mercedes-instalatia costa 2500-3000 euro,sau marci nu mai stiu exact,pt. a avea performante foarte apropiate de cele din fabrica-in general,se pierde cam 10 la suta din puterea motorului-am vazut motoare de taxi desfacute care au mers cu gaz,pistoanele erau maro-rosiatice in cap,de la ardere,la fel si supapele-sant de acord cu ce au spus colegii,ca mai bine iti luai un diesel,dar e alegerea ta.
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A distrus pe dracu. Ia uite aici:


AC Schnitzer Builds Fastest LPG Car: GP3.10 GAS POWERED


Going green will no longer mean the slitting of wrists with the mention of the word performance. This highly-strung high-performance vehicle by AC Schnitzer is an LPG-powered design study based off the new BMW 3-Series Coupe, which just happens to have set a new world speed record for liquid gas fuel cars. The record-breaking concept, dubbed the GP3.10 GAS POWERED, clocked up a speed measurement of 318.1 km/h (197 mph) on a run on Southern Italy's 13 km long high speed Nardo track.


The design study transplants a modified M5 engine into the new BMW 3-Series coupe, turning the BMW M5's 552 hp or 406 kW ten-cylinder unit into that which powers the fastest vehicle on the planet to utilise liquid gas fuel. It joins AC Schnitzer's earlier record breaker, the M6-based TENSION, which claimed the undisputed title of fastest road-going BMW in the world. Acceleration to 100 km/h (62 mph) is a staggering 4.6 seconds, while to 200 km/h (124 mph), that figure climbs to just 13.9 seconds.


But this is a green car, so it's only right to flaunt it as such. Reductions of 15 percent in emissions are achieved through the use of LPG, while with over 2700 refuelling stations offering liquid gas in Germany, it is a readily available fuel which is sold at below the price of ever-rising gasoline.


Set to remain exclusively in AC Schnitzer's portfolio of concept vehicles, the one-off GP3.10 GAS POWERED has been valued at 198,000 Euros. The tuner however remarks that components may very well trickle down to future models.

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A distrus pe dracu. Ia uite aici:


AC Schnitzer Builds Fastest LPG Car: GP3.10 GAS POWERED


Going green will no longer mean the slitting of wrists with the mention of the word performance. This highly-strung high-performance vehicle by AC Schnitzer is an LPG-powered design study based off the new BMW 3-Series Coupe, which just happens to have set a new world speed record for liquid gas fuel cars. The record-breaking concept, dubbed the GP3.10 GAS POWERED, clocked up a speed measurement of 318.1 km/h (197 mph) on a run on Southern Italy's 13 km long high speed Nardo track.


The design study transplants a modified M5 engine into the new BMW 3-Series coupe, turning the BMW M5's 552 hp or 406 kW ten-cylinder unit into that which powers the fastest vehicle on the planet to utilise liquid gas fuel. It joins AC Schnitzer's earlier record breaker, the M6-based TENSION, which claimed the undisputed title of fastest road-going BMW in the world. Acceleration to 100 km/h (62 mph) is a staggering 4.6 seconds, while to 200 km/h (124 mph), that figure climbs to just 13.9 seconds.


But this is a green car, so it's only right to flaunt it as such. Reductions of 15 percent in emissions are achieved through the use of LPG, while with over 2700 refuelling stations offering liquid gas in Germany, it is a readily available fuel which is sold at below the price of ever-rising gasoline.


Set to remain exclusively in AC Schnitzer's portfolio of concept vehicles, the one-off GP3.10 GAS POWERED has been valued at 198,000 Euros. The tuner however remarks that components may very well trickle down to future models.


da dar exact ce se spunea mai sus, masina are motorul proiectat numai pt GPL. nu merge si cu benzina.

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ultima oara cind am bagat gaz era la rind si un S-TYPE,si recent,ca an ...in familie avem ambele masini pe gpl,si prsonal sunt la a 2-a MB pe gaz,sunt supermultzumit...pentru chibzuitzi si cei ce macina multi km(acum fac doar 1000-1500 km pe saptamina)e o optiune valabila....de gustibus...si despre gpl,nu mai aprofundez ca e prea multa necunoastere si nu ma plateste nimeni ptr consultanta.....totul este in functie de gradul de informare al fiecaruia.... Edited by Ciupanezu
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Ce sa se mai simta la evacuare? Spre deosebire de benzina, arderea GPL-ului este cvasicompleta, rezultind mult mai putini diversi compusi reziduali.

Asa ca, nu compara o masina care e dotata cu o instalatie de GPL bine reglata, cu una ce merge cu gaz metan si care mai are si scapari ...

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