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Resetare senzor placute de frana e60

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Salut. Zilele trecute am schimbat placutele de frana si senzorii la un service, si m-am gandit eu sa resetez si bordul, cu toate ca mai aveam 7000km. Dupa ce am resetat, mi-a aparut cu minus 25000km si eroare in bord. Stie cineva daca se poate rezolva si fara sa ajung la bavaria?



Eu nu inteleg de ce nu faceti resetarile acestea la service-uri specializate BMW. Eu am facut un drum de 150 de km pentru resetarea unui bec de airbag. Asta e....Dar prefer sa fie facute de oameni instruiti.

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@530inewowner: dupa ce iti apare la placute, Reset? dai click si dupa inchide contactul si scoate cheia.. si o sa mearga.. ce rost are sa bata atita drum pentru un reset la placute, care se poate rezolva foarte simplu. Edited by Big990
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Salut. Zilele trecute am schimbat placutele de frana si senzorii la un service, si m-am gandit eu sa resetez si bordul, cu toate ca mai aveam 7000km. Dupa ce am resetat, mi-a aparut cu minus 25000km si eroare in bord. Stie cineva daca se poate rezolva si fara sa ajung la bavaria?



Eu nu inteleg de ce nu faceti resetarile acestea la service-uri specializate BMW. Eu am facut un drum de 150 de km pentru resetarea unui bec de airbag. Asta e....Dar prefer sa fie facute de oameni instruiti.



Bro, am intrebat daca stie cineva. Si am service BMW la 10 minute de mine, dar astept 10 zile la programare. Daca stii bine, daca nu, nu. Dar nu ma mai certa ca sunt mai mic si lacrimez. :blink:


@530inewowner: dupa ce iti apare la placute, Reset? dai click si dupa inchide contactul si scoate cheia.. si o sa mearga.. ce rost are sa bata atita drum pentru un reset la placute, care se poate rezolva foarte simplu.



Stiu ca asa se procedeaza de obicei, la reset filtre si altele. Dar la placute cica ar fi alta smecherie. Asta e, mi-am facut programare la Filaret saptamana viitoare.

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Bro, am intrebat daca stie cineva. Si am service BMW la 10 minute de mine, dar astept 10 zile la programare. Daca stii bine, daca nu, nu. Dar nu ma mai certa ca sunt mai mic si lacrimez. :blink:


"Bro" hai sa lasam ironiile. Ai inteles ce vroiam sa spun. Pur si simplu iti dadeam o solutie, chiar daca nu cea dorita de tine.

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  • 4 weeks later...

cred ca asa:


1. Switch the ignition on (so that the battery, Oil and Parking brake lights are displayed) and the key is ready to start the engine - but don't actually start the car.


2. Press the odometer reset button for between 5 and 10 seconds until a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark in the centre appears in the top window between the clocks (where the outside temperature / time or date normally appears) - this is the "Service" icon.


3. Release the odometer button briefly and press again straight away which brings up a picture of the Brake Fluid symbol (same as the one that the i-drive shows when you look at the Service menu).


4. If you want to reset the Brake Fluid interval for another 2 years then keep holding the odometer button until the word "RESET?" appears at the bottom of the lower window.


5. Release the button briefly and push it in again and hold for about 5 - 10 seconds until the new date appears in the bottom window. You can then switch the ignition off and the new Brake Fluid date will appear in the service menu on the i-drive screen next time you switch on.


6. If you want to reset the Oil, Microfilter or Brake Pad indicators then you will need to follow the same sequence as steps 1 and 2 above, but when you get to step 3 and the brake Fluid icon appears, just release the button and press again and the next service item will appear.


7. You can continue releasing and pressing the button until the required service item icon appears for the one you want to reset. As soon as it does then hold in the button in until the word "RESET?" appears again as in step 4 above. Once the word "RESET?" has appeared, you need to release the button briefly and hold it in again for about 5 - 10 seconds until it is replaced by the new service interval figure (as per step 5 above).

Edited by anddrei
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  • 2 weeks later...

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