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M5 e39 Power Folding, Heated, AntiGlare


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Vreau sa achizitionez in viitorul apropiat un set de oglinzi de ///M5 e39 care imi fac cu ochiul de ceva timp :blink:



Brand New Euro M5 Power Folding Mirrors

BMW E39 5-Series 1997-2003 All Models (LEFT HAND DRIVE ONLY)

Complete 2 piece set.

High Quality Materials - Metal Base - Not Cheap Plastic like others

Heated Mirrors

Blue Tinted Anti-Glare Mirror Glass w/split convex for increased visability.

12-pin OEM Connector

Mirror motors are included.

Comes Unpainted.

Minor Wiring will be required if your car is not pre-wired with power fold.

If needed, you can get your own switch or get the OEM Power folding control switch at your BMW dealer. Truly simple to hook up, only 2 wires activate the folding feature.

Item ships fast from the US. Watch out for sellers from Asia selling questionable products.




Poate cineva sa imi zica daca la e39 11/97 e la fel mufa, stiu ca scrie OEM 12 pin insa vreau sa fiu sigur ca nu ma uit aiurea :)


Edit: inca ceva poate cineva sa imi puna o poza cu switch-ul original pt oglinzi, cel pt rabatare.

Edited by Ciupanezu
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SIncer, nu pot sa zic ca nu imi plac oglinzile de la e39, modelul ala mic si patratos, insa eu am una de un fel si una de alt fel si decat sa dau o graoza de bani pe inca una sa pun la pasager mai bine o vand pe a mea si imi iau altele aftermarket.


Edit: si nu e neaparat asta principalul motiv ca pana la urma daca fac un calcul dau mult mai mult pe oglinzi si switch decat daca as fi luat una sh insa urmeaza sa imi pun bari de M si vreau sa arate altfel.

Edited by duxter
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Atentie la partea cu "power folding". Cel putin la E46, nu sunt plug & play (in cazul in care nu ai scaune cu memorie), trebuind sa mai cumperi si modulul care le comanda, plus cablaje. Plus desfacut destul de mult ca sa instalezi cablajele alea :blink:


Dar poate la E39 e mai simplu.

Edited by alexrosiu
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Atentie la partea cu "power folding". Cel putin la E46, nu sunt plug & play (in cazul in care nu ai scaune cu memorie), trebuind sa mai cumperi si modulul care le comanda, plus cablaje. Plus desfacut destul de mult ca sa instalezi cablajele alea :blink:


Dar poate la E39 e mai simplu.

Da, vad pe forumuri straine ca tot vb de 2 chestii:


1) 61 31 6 909 903 (master window switch)

2) 61 35 6 904 243 (passenger switch)


Chestia e urmatoarea... eu nu am scaune cu memorii iar oglinzile nu sunt cu memorie si nu sunt OEM... Firma care le vinde, am vb si cu persoana respectiva si mi-a zis ca e o chestie de legat 2 fire pt a le rabata si pot pune un switch obisnuit.


Edit: Apropos ... chestiile alea doua fac undeva la 300e...deci sunt mai scumpe decat oglinziile in sine.

Edited by duxter
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Revin cu alte info....


The biggest pain will be to get 2 wires from each mirror into the car and to mount a switch somewhere to control the fold motors. There are many manufactures of switches that you can use. Just make certain that the switch you use has a center off position and that it is spring loaded to return to the center when you let go of it. This way when you push it up or down to move the mirror housing, when it gets to the desired position and you release the switch the motor stops running. Here are a few switches that you can use.






The location you choose will probably determine the size switch you use. I'm not sure where I got the small blue switch, but here is one that is the same size. Scroll down to the bottom of the link, it's p/n 30-10018, notice it is DPDT switch, momentary on-off-momentary on.




Now you need to cut the blue and white wires from the mirror motors. (If you have real M5 mirrors the wires are different colors)

Make sure you get the correct wires, there are 2 white wires, get the correct one. The other white wire is for the L-R memory position of the glass. You DON"T want this one.



And the connector showing the pin locations if you want to pull it apart and take the wires out of pins 1 & 2.




Now that you need to wire your switch and connect it to power. There is power available in the center console and at the fuses above the glove box.




Piece of cake, shouldn't take you more that 3 hours to do a bang up job, just test it our before you screw everything back together.

Let me know if you have any questions.


Sursa: http://BMW.roadfly.com/bmw/forums/e39/8073986-1.html

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Ceea ce zic "baietii" pe care i-ai citat este ca tu iti vei rabata singur oglinzile, tinand tras butonul respectiv pana cand observi ca ajung in pozitia dorita. Cam nasol.


Ca o alternativa, ai putea face un mic montaj care tine sub tensiune pinul ce comanda rabatarea, pentru X secunde (determinate experimental). Sau poti lua modulul de la dezmembrari.

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Se pot face anumite "combinatii" cu modulul de la sofer:


Pe PCB-ul (Printed Circuit Board) exista deja contactul pt rabatare insa nu exista butonul :blink:


Edit: @alex daca nu ai acel modul de la pasager ti se rabateaza doar oglinda de la sofer, teoretic poti sa ajungi la sofer cu 2 fire de la oglinda de la pasager....dar e mai complicat. Oricum orice electrician in toate mintiile poate sa faca asta :) Eu acum incerc sa vad cat costa toate aste si o sa vad la sf care e treaba :)







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Pentru rabatare nu prea merita atata efort.


O rabatare manuala nu este un capat de tara. :)


Efortul e mic cand il faci din pasiune :blink:



Asta ziceam si eu, nu e o mare inginerie sa concepi un montaj care face treaba. Doar sa nu fie ceva vizibil, in genul switch-ului aluia albastru, care sa-ti compromita tot look-ul interiorului.

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  • 1 month later...

Azi mi-am montat eu oglinzi din astea si a trebuit sa schimb si modulul din usa dreapta ca nu a mers fara pe langa cel de la sofer care stiam ca trebuie schimbat.


Asta l-am avut pe masina:

Asta l-am luat de pe o masina care avea oglinzi rabatabile electric:

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