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325ix vs 325xi


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Rabanne: Tie nu iti trage chiar deloc puntea fata?

Mi-am facut ambreiajul si i-am dat cateva plecari mai rele :) Scartaie toate rotile, mai mult alea de pe fata :blink: Probabil ca am suspensia cam moale si se ridica de bot. Lasa 4 urme de cauciuc pe asfalta :)

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Rabanne: Tie nu iti trage chiar deloc puntea fata?

Mi-am facut ambreiajul si i-am dat cateva plecari mai rele :) Scartaie toate rotile, mai mult alea de pe fata :blink: Probabil ca am suspensia cam moale si se ridica de bot. Lasa 4 urme de cauciuc pe asfalta :)



Loool!Frate chiar nu-mi dau seama cum iti lasa 4 urme pt ca practic urmele se suprapun.As vrea sa-mi arati intr-o zi si mie cum lasa 4 urme;)SI chiar sunt curios cum mai functioneaza sistemul tau 4x4 in conditiile in care de cand ai masina n-ai completat niciodata uleiul din caseta de transfer.Dac-o punem pe praf sunt 100% sigur ca nu-ti trage fatza deloc;)UN sistem iX striat functioneaza, si iar ma repet, ca un diferential open.Daca o punte derapeaza toata puterea este repartizata catre acea punte, deci nici o sansa sa traga fatza.Fatza se misca in inertie, odata cu masina.Tu mi-ai zis mai demult ca pe zapada la cate o bordura iti trage doar spatele.Asta e dovada clara ca sistemul tau 4x4 e in pioneze;)

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daca au cam 30cm urmele nu cred ca se suprapun. :)


Eu iti dovedesc cand vrei ca dau scartz cu toate rotile.. ne vedem si iti arat. :blink: Poate vii la inalnirea de maine.




Pun 100 de euro la bataie ca masina ta nu trage 4x4 si ca dac-o punem pe praf trage doar spatele;)pot sa aiba si 50 de cm , masina ta fiind 4x4 nu pleaca de spate la startul de pe loc deci urmele s-ar suprapune , dar nu cred ca e cazul:D

Edited by Rabanne
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Pun 100 de euro la bataie ca masina ta nu trage 4x4 si ca dac-o punem pe praf trage doar spatele;)pot sa aiba si 50 de cm , masina ta fiind 4x4 nu pleaca de spate la startul de pe loc deci urmele s-ar suprapune , dar nu cred ca e cazul:D



distanta dintre punti(ampatament era? :) ) e de peste 2m. cum sa se suprapuna la niste urme de pana in 50cm.


in fine.. ne vedem si testam. + ca suntem :blink: :)

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Pun 100 de euro la bataie ca masina ta nu trage 4x4 si ca dac-o punem pe praf trage doar spatele;)pot sa aiba si 50 de cm , masina ta fiind 4x4 nu pleaca de spate la startul de pe loc deci urmele s-ar suprapune , dar nu cred ca e cazul:D



e vorba de lungimea urmelor, nu de latime. daca nu-s de o lungime egala cu distanta intre punti, nu se vor suprapune :blink:

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e vorba de lungimea urmelor, nu de latime. daca nu-s de o lungime egala cu distanta intre punti, nu se vor suprapune :blink:



Corect, insa eu tot zic ca pe suprafata alunecoasa pleaca doar spatele;)Iar ma repet: reationeaza ca un diferential open, daca are ceva aderenta pleaca ambele punti, la fel face si a mea, insa pe suprafete alunecoase...nu prea:)

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daca dau scartz cu rotile din fata imi dati amandoi cate 100E ? :)


nu zic de alte teste, doar testul scartzului :blink:



nenea, nu pe asfalt. acolo si eu dau scirt cu ambele roti, desi am open.

testele astea se fac pe suprafete cu aderenta diferita in cele doua parti ale diferentialului.

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nenea, nu pe asfalt. acolo si eu dau scirt cu ambele roti, desi am open.

testele astea se fac pe suprafete cu aderenta diferita in cele doua parti ale diferentialului.



INtr-adevar , daca pune fatza pe asfalt si spatele pe suprafata alunecoasa, sunt curios ce scartz mai da cu fatza:)Cred ca pregatesti tu cate 100 de euro pentru noi Florinele:)

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Se pare ca mai grav da cu spatele.. :blink:


astea din prim plan sunt urmele de la rotile din spate..



Loool!Frate?Si astea ar fi urme impresionante?Hahahahaha!Pai aici iti da un scartz efemer si gata.Urmele alea le poate face mult mai lungi si al meu, si am caseta de transfer pilaf;)

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Two "limited-slip" Ferguson-type viscous couplings are fitted on the 325iX. These are filled with silicone and are not computer controlled. The one behind the transmission splits torque front to rear (nominally 37/63%). A series of plates with holes and slots turn in the silicone fluid. Some plates are attached to the front axle driveshaft and some are attached to the rear axle driveshaft. Normally the plates turn at the same rate without relative motion. The silicone becomes very viscous as soon as it is heated by friction and shear caused by differences between the motion of the plates. This tends to lock the driveshafts. If the rear wheels and driveshaft are slipping and turning faster than the front, friction between the plates increases, slippage is reduced, the rear wheel spin is reduced and the power from the input shaft is transferred to the front.


Side View -The drive system add only 145lb. to the vehicle and is very reliable. The viscous couplings are sealed permanently and require no maintenace. The only additonal maintenance items required are changes of 1) the front differential oil (GL-5 90 weight, same as the rear) and 2) the transfer case fluid which is ATF. All drivetrain fluids should be changed at "Inspeciton II", nominally at 30K miles.


The front wheels always have some torque transmitted to them. BMW choose a ratio of 37/63% front to rear because this corresponds to the weight distribution on each axle under full acceleration. This avoids the problem typical of front wheel drive vehicles in which the front wheels spin under acceleration due to weight transfer to the rear. Road and Track (April '88) states that "The net effect of the center differential is to act as a power-management system, transferring engine torque away from the end that is slipping and to the end with greater grip; as much as 90 percent of the torque may be shifted to the front or rear as required. This is done actively, quickly and without the occupants of the car ever being aware of it."


In it's stock form, the iX understeers slightly more than most BMWs. It is 0.4 seconds slower than an ordinary E30 from 0 to 60, and 0.3 seconds slower in the quarter mile. The rear axle ratio is changed slightly (3.91 vs.3.73:1) to minimize the effect of the added weight on acceleration. Car and Driver specifically notes that on dry surfaces, the iX stops 13 ft. shorter than an 325is, probably due to wider stock tires (205s vs. 195s).


-The basic technique used to drive the iX quickly is to "point and shoot". :blink:

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