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[Vand] piese NOI, piese caroserie, ULEI original BMW,Castrol, Motul FILTRE MANN la preturi speciale


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  On 11/21/2011 at 11:19 PM, mihai_e39 said:


as avea nevoie pt un bmw 520d an 12.2000,ulei 5w30 35 lei/l sau 5w40 27 lei/l oe bmw+toate filtrele aer mann 85 sau alco 60,ulei mann 39 sau bardi 15,motorina mann 155 sau mahle 105,f polen carbon 4f 80 lei set

merci mult

salut,preturi in text


  On 11/21/2011 at 8:27 PM, ebenize said:

Cam cat ar fi o pompa servo 770 lei/delco remy+pompa veche sau 1450 lei oe sau 970 lei/spidan si sonde lambda inainte si dupa catalizator sunt 4 sonde in total,2 la 435 lei/buc/ngk si 2 la 435 lei/buc/ngk sau 360 lei/buc/bosch evident neuniversale.



salut,preturi in text

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  On 11/22/2011 at 9:59 AM, Cristi B said:

Ti-am trimis un PM cu o comanda.

Nu ai mai zis nimic...:)

ce sa mai zic,le-am comandat si maine iti ajung


  On 11/22/2011 at 10:11 AM, dee-low said:

sal ma int. 51167135098 cat mai ieftina posibil .Mersi.

80 lei/alkar


  On 11/22/2011 at 9:46 AM, radduu said:

ar ajunge pana vineri - sambata?


Edited by grozadan
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  On 11/22/2011 at 12:06 PM, grozadan said:

2 zile

ok,o vreau,dar am uitat sa te intreb de inca niste piese

am nevoie pt e46 sedan facelift de capacelele de la spalatorii de faruri,cei incastrati in ornamentul de subb faruri,nu am gasit niciunde codul :blush: ,dar am atasat o poza.

Si as vrea sa stiu si preturile pentru ornamentele de sub faruri fara gauri pt spalatori,tot pt e46 sedan facelift


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  On 11/22/2011 at 12:52 PM, dee-low said:

ok,o vreau,dar am uitat sa te intreb de inca niste piese

am nevoie pt e46 sedan facelift de capacelele de la spalatorii de faruri,cei incastrati in ornamentul de subb faruri,nu am gasit niciunde codul :blush: ,dar am atasat o poza. 35 lei/buc/oe

Si as vrea sa stiu si preturile pentru ornamentele de sub faruri fara gauri pt spalatori,tot pt e46 sedan facelift 149 lei/buc/oe sau 45 lei/buc/producator


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salut dan, pt un e39 520d GU56705:

*tubulatura turbina-intercooler-egr -11617787888 -11617785396

-11617785249 -11612247323

-11617787889 -11617799391

*flansa cardan(nu stiu reperul pe realoem)

*scut motor (aici te rog sa ma crezi ca nu am habar cum e la e39, stiu decat ca se vede asfaltul din compartimentul motor..realoem nu ma poate ajuta sa iti dau reper exact, poate vine intr-o bucata..)

*senzor uzura placute de frana 1 buc

nu e masina mea, dar vreau sa ajut la reconditionare, asa ca niste preturi de la tine sunt numai bune pt a incepe. multumesc

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  On 11/22/2011 at 6:37 PM, SorinT said:

salut dan, pt un e39 520d GU56705:

*tubulatura turbina-intercooler-egr -11617787888 nu cred ca e bun codul asta ca e pt masini Hot-climate version

S823A=Yes cred ca ar trebui 238 lei/oe

11617785396 238 lei/oe

11617785249 154/oe

11612247323 144/oe

11617787889 236/oe dar ar trebui 11617785248 238 lei/buc

11617799391 204 lei oe

*flansa cardan(nu stiu reperul pe realoem) 240 topran sau 385 lemforder

*scut motor (aici te rog sa ma crezi ca nu am habar cum e la e39, stiu decat ca se vede asfaltul din compartimentul motor..realoem nu ma poate ajuta sa iti dau reper exact, poate vine intr-o bucata..) 367 lei/oe

*senzor uzura placute de frana 1 buc 40 lei

nu e masina mea, dar vreau sa ajut la reconditionare, asa ca niste preturi de la tine sunt numai bune pt a incepe. multumesc

salut,preturi in text

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as vrea un pret informativ pt astea daca ai timp..


3x Pin kit 23117525048 (Each contains 1 pin, 1 spring, and 1 lined bushing)


3x Sealing cap 07119937227 (RealOEM.com shows #23 31 7 531 369 for this, but the cap I spec fits the cap drift better and matches the original)


2x Pin bushing kit 23117542726 (This part number is not found on RealOEM.com, but is correct and can be ordered from a dealer. Each contains 1 lined bushing, 1 plastic-coated cap, and 1 snap ring clip)


1x Reverse gear pin 23311224849 (OPTIONAL, but recommended because of possible wear on original pin)


1x 5th gear pin 23317502165 (OPTIONAL, but recommended because of possible wear on original pin)




BMW bushing drift 233110 (DRAWING)


BMW sealing cap drift 232360 (DRAWING)


BMW bushing drift 234023 (Reverse gear pin. DRAWING)


BMW bushing drift 234022 (5th gear pin. DRAWING)


BMW sealing cap drift 234021 (DRAWING)

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  On 11/23/2011 at 9:18 AM, hitman1234 said:


as vrea un pret informativ pt astea daca ai timp..

3x Pin kit 23117525048 (Each contains 1 pin, 1 spring, and 1 lined bushing)

3x Sealing cap 07119937227 (RealOEM.com shows #23 31 7 531 369 for this, but the cap I spec fits the cap drift better and matches the original)

2x Pin bushing kit 23117542726 (This part number is not found on RealOEM.com, but is correct and can be ordered from a dealer. Each contains 1 lined bushing, 1 plastic-coated cap, and 1 snap ring clip)

1x Reverse gear pin 23311224849 (OPTIONAL, but recommended because of possible wear on original pin)

1x 5th gear pin 23317502165 (OPTIONAL, but recommended because of possible wear on original pin)


intra pe www.realoem.RO iar in campul din stanga sub butonul autentificare ai posibilitatea sa introduci codul original=> da-i click pe cauta si o sa iti arate preturile,sunt la bucata ; daca nu te descurci zi-mi ;iar pt codurile de mai jos ele nu sunt coduri de bmw... trebuie sa aiba cel putin 7 cifre


BMW bushing drift 233110 (DRAWING)


BMW sealing cap drift 232360 (DRAWING)


BMW bushing drift 234023 (Reverse gear pin. DRAWING)


BMW bushing drift 234022 (5th gear pin. DRAWING)


BMW sealing cap drift 234021 (DRAWING)

salut,raspuns in text

Edited by grozadan
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