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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×



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de la temperatura. la drum lung trebuie sa folosesti frina cit mai putin, preferabil deloc. mai ales la vale, cind o chinui (frina) rau de tot.


pai si cum incetinesti?


mai folosesti frana de motor, dar la un condus mai sportiv la vale nu prea ai cum sa nu folosesti frana de picior..

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Nu ai ce sa faci. Ori o lasi mai moale cand vezi ca s-au incins ori schimb franele cu unele performante :blink:


Dupa 3-4 ture de circuit (~5.5km pe tur) si la noul M5 se incing franele deci nu tre sa-ti faci probleme ca au ele ceva...

Edited by Kane
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Nu ai ce sa faci. Ori o lasi mai moale cand vezi ca s-au incins ori schimb franele cu unele performante :)


Dupa 3-4 ture de circuit (~5.5km pe tur) si la noul M5 se incing franele deci nu tre sa-ti faci probleme ca au ele ceva...




In principiu rezista foarte bine.Testele ptr frane sunt foarte dure.

Am citit intr-o revista cum s-a testat SLK-ul(un test,nu toate :) ).A coborat o panta cu frana apasata vreo 6 km.


Am vazut poza.Discurile erau rosii .Masina "inca" mai avea frane.Si e vorba ,doar de un Mercedes :blink:

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haideti sa nu le zicem.. :blink::lol:





"When brakes are overheated or overused their effectiveness is eroded. This condition is referred to as brake fade."


"When the fluid in the brake system exceeds its boiling point due to hard use, bubbles can form in the brake lines and calipers. Since these bubbles can be squeezed smaller by pressure from the brake pedal, the pedal tends to "go soft" and may even go to the floorboard without the brakes working properly."


"In automobiles, fade, or brake fade is the reduction in stopping power caused by a buildup of heat in the braking surfaces (and in the case of drum brakes the change in dimension of components in response to heat) . It occurs most often during high performance driving or when going down a long, steep hill. Owing to their configuration this is more prevalent in drum brakes. ..."


"Fading Pedal

(A falling away of pedal under steady foot pressure.)


Loose hydraulic connections, ruptured or damaged hoses or lines (causing leakage) - repair or replace faulty part.

Worn or damaged master cylinder cups or master cylinder bore - replace unit.

Cracked master cylinder castings - replace unit. "


" Brake pedal fade can occur for two primary reasons. The most common is the over heating of the brake fluid to a point where the fluid actually boils and turns to gas. The other common scenario is the over heating of the brake pad friction material to a point where it simply disintegrate from the pad backing plate." link


"This chart shows what happens when brake linings get hot.The friction provided by the linings decreases. The linings no longer offer the same resistance to the rotation of the drums, they get slick:"


"Organic brake linings are essentially composed of glue and a strengthening material, this used to be asbestos but today differant materials are used because asbestos is a health hazard. When the linings get hot, the glue softens and starts to melt and the linings get slick.


The phenomenon of brake fade is not just a matter of lining fade however. As the drum heats up it expands and moves away from the shoes. With an air brake system the stroke of the pushrod and thus the distance that the shoes can be moved out into the drum is limited. If the brakes are improperly adjusted, when they get hot it is possible to run out of stroke before the shoes make good contact with the drums."

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