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Anvelope si drift


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Driftul este un derapaj controlat.


Poti derapa controlat pe ud?

Ce tehnica folosesti?


Derapaj controlat pe ud...

Poti derapa controlat si pe ud.. dar nu e indicat .. mai ales pe soselele noastre ..

Nu stii ce e in balta aia .. si daca ai noroc sa fie o groapa .. :twoup:

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Derapajul controlat pe ud este foarte dificil, nu stie oricine asa ceva..


Multi spun ca derapeaza controlat pentru ca reusesc sa mearga un pic in derapaj.


Cand controlezi si traiectoria masinii, atunci poti spune ca derapezi controlat.

Pe ud .. nu prea ai cum sa faci derapaj controlat ..decat daca ai LSD si chiar si atunci e greu

Adica.. poti sa faci insa sansele de a ajunge in sant sunt mult mai mari decat la un derapaj controlat pe uscat ..

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  • 1 month later...
Guest poleposition
imi explica cineva ce inseamna LSD ? (Lambo Style Doors? :twoup:) ) glumesc, totusi ce inseamna? inteleg ca e ceva legat de diferential, e cel autoblocant?




As the name implies, it is designed to limit slip... it does this by using a secondary mechanism to transfer power back to the slower wheel when a large difference in speed exists between the wheels. There are several ways to accomplish this transfer, and the most common types are the clutch-type and viscous-type LSD.


Viscous-type limited slip differentials

A viscous-type LSD uses a thick fluid sandwiched between plates, one plate being connected to (drives) each wheel. When a rotation difference occurs between wheels, the faster plate spins the fluid which in turn spins the slower plate, hence transferring power from the faster wheel to the slower wheel.

A viscous-type LSD has the advantage of requiring little to no maintenance, since the fluid never wears out. However, from a performance standpoint, a viscous-type LSD is not ideal. On a viscous LSD, it takes a split-second for the LSD to react to slip as the fluid must speed up before it starts turning the slower plate. On higher horsepower cars, any lag in response resulting in uneven traction is especially undesirable.

A viscous-type LSD is often used as the center differential on AWD cars, where the delay in the transfer of power (from front to back) is not as critical. It is also often used in OEM applications where cost, ease of maintenance and quiet operation is important.


Clutch-type limited slip differentials

A clutch-type LSD uses a set of clutch discs, that are connected to each wheel, and the discs are clamped together at a certain pressure when in operation. When one wheel tries to rotate faster than the other wheel, the clutch discs start to slip, the faster disc transfers power to the slower disc through friction, hence transferring power from the faster wheel to the slower wheel.

A clutch-type LSD responds immediately to any slippage, unlike the viscous-type LSD, and is so better from a performance standpoint. A clutch-type LSD is also much more easily upgradeable to handle high horsepower, as the number of clutch discs can be easily increased or the clutch disc sizes can be enlarged. Most aftermarket clutch-type LSDs have larger/more clutch discs. The downside with a clutch-type LSD is that with the slipping of the clutch discs, they eventually wear down and will require maintenance. Also clutch discs will chatter when they are engaged, so a clutch-type LSD is not as quiet as other LSD

Clutch-type LSDs are often offered as 1-way, 2-way or 1.5-way. A 1-way LSD only engages the clutch discs only on acceleration, while a 2-way LSD engages the clutch discs on both acceleration and deceleration. If the clutch discs work to limit slip on deceleration, they can optimize traction under braking, but at the same time as they transfer power from the faster wheel to the slower wheel, this increases oversteer in turns. Therefore a 2-way LSD is generally considered more difficult to handle, but superior for handling, while a 1-way LSD is more forgiviing. A 1.5-way LSD is a compromise between a 1-way and 2-way, as it engages the clutch discs with less pressure on deceleration, which allows for more slip on deceleration and hence less overstee


Gear-type limited slip differentials

Finally there are other limited slip differentials that work through gears to limit slip. These LSDs can offer very immediate response like a clutch-type LSD, with little maintenance and quiet operation. However, there are not as easily upgraded for high horsepower as with the clutch-type LSD, they are limited by the strength of their gears. Gear-type LSDs are also generally a lot more costly than the clutch-type or viscous-type LSDs.


pe romaneste si pe scurt:


Limited Slip Differential ( LSD )

Diferential care reduce diferenta de viteza dintre roti. LSD-ul imbunatateste tractiunea impiedicand roata care patineaza sa mai primeasca putere de la motor. Rotile sunt actionate diferit la conditii normale de drum, dar tractiunea este imbunatatita cand masina ruleaza in noroi sau pe zapada.


este doar un copy/paste de pe gugal, dar este posibil sa fie adevarat.

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complicat dar prin ce ai descris pe scurt am cam inteles, deci cu un diferential LSD se fac drifturi mai usor?


M-urile ce diferential au? M3 E46 de exemplu, am vazut in filmuletul de pe youtube ca face driftul foarte usor

Edited by tupeu
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As avea si eu nevoie de alte cauciucuri. Desi nu mai e multa vara, cred ca ar trebui sa dau jos cauciucurile de iarna. Ce ma sfatuiti sa iau cauciucuri noi 195/65 sau 60? Am jante de tabla pe 15". Sau sa iau jante+cauciucuri mana a 2-a ceva gen 225/45 sau 40 pe 17" ? Mentionez ca nu merg f mult in afara buc. Poate asa o data la o luna-doua. Dar cand ies imi place sa-i dau talpa..


Am nevoie de o aderenta mai mare, pt ca la astea de iarna (pe temperaturile astea) le-am simtit neputinta in franari si in plecari in forta in curba.

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Am nevoie de o aderenta mai mare, pt ca la astea de iarna (pe temperaturile astea) le-am simtit neputinta in franari si in plecari in forta in curba.


Nu mai folosi cauciucuri de iarna vara. Pe langa faptu ca asa cum ai spus nu sunt deloc eficiente, se si uzeaza foarte repede la temperaturi de peste 7 grade si le strici imediat.

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As avea si eu nevoie de alte cauciucuri. Desi nu mai e multa vara, cred ca ar trebui sa dau jos cauciucurile de iarna. Ce ma sfatuiti sa iau cauciucuri noi 195/65 sau 60? Am jante de tabla pe 15". Sau sa iau jante+cauciucuri mana a 2-a ceva gen 225/45 sau 40 pe 17" ? Mentionez ca nu merg f mult in afara buc. Poate asa o data la o luna-doua. Dar cand ies imi place sa-i dau talpa..


Am nevoie de o aderenta mai mare, pt ca la astea de iarna (pe temperaturile astea) le-am simtit neputinta in franari si in plecari in forta in curba.

Poti lua 205/65 15" pe jantele vechi care sunt foarte bune fiind si originale.

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Da am sa ma mai gandesc. Anvelopele le iau noi? Sau pot gasi bune si aici pe forum? Desi nu ma pricep sa zic cand un cauciuc e in stare buna sau nu..

cauciucul incepe sa imbatraneasca cu prima zi cind e scos din matrita. si cauciucul e singurul contact dintre masina ta si asfalt. oare merita sa cumperi SH? daca vrei poti pune si 225/65 15"

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  • 4 months later...
Pe cine intereseaza pentru un seria 3, de ex. 318i. I-am luat cauciucuri de vara Michelin Energy Saver 195/65 R15 91H NEU Made in Italy. Le am de 2 saptamani si sunt foarte multumit. Le-am luat de la AZ(cauciucuri dela a la z Constanta) 270RON/Buc. Am impresia ca fura ceva din puterea motorului si la mine cu cei 118 CP se simte. Aderenta e dusa la extrem. Nu le recomand celor care vor sa faca drifting.


@ciupanezu cu 316Ti 116CP merge acceptabil cat sa ai parte de senzatii

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  • 2 weeks later...
mie mia iesit driftul cu e36 318is cu lsd, (LSD cel putin asa reiese din actele de provenienta ale masini), are 143 de caluti si daca o lovesti bine si cand trebuie in a 2 te scoate spatele la drift imediat destul sa ii dai un pic de inteles din volan, superb... cu 5-arul nu am avut tupeu sa incerc drifturi ca daca ii scot DSC ii prapad, inca nu am gasit locul potrivit sa o incerc la drifturi si chestii deastea
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pai nu se poate fara LSD din ce cauza? sa intamplat ca dupa ce am spalat masina si i-am pus pe aia de la spalatorie sa insiste in interiorul aripilor ca era plin de noroi, din cauza ca erau minusuri considerabile, sa imi dea eroare la sistemul de siguranta DSC care isi revine la normal dupa ce iei si pui contactul, fiind in trafic si neavand posibilitatea sa opresc si sa repornesc motorul am circulat cum ar veni cu DSC dezactivat, si am intrat intr-o intersectie mai fortat si spatele a fugit de numa numa, norocul meu a fost ca nu m-am pierdut si am accelerat si debraiat la timp in asa fel incat am trecut printre masinile parcate si pe o parte si pe alta la milimetru, intrebarea mea este LSD iti permite sa tii masina in drift prin accelerare, un diferential normal de ce nu ar face-o?
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ce ai facut tu acolo a fost ceva fortat, si nu ceva controlat, lsd-ul te ajuta ca driftul sa il controlezi, in momentul in care pe jos este alunecos, sau sunt - 10 grade de exemplu, e ceva normal sa derapeze, si sal poti controla incat sa nu dai in masinile din lateral, dar daca incerci de exemplu in polus sa faci un drift controlat (defapt sa aluneci controlat = drift, sorry) nu vei reusi decat sa faci o tentativa, ba te intorci de tot 180 de grade, ba nu te duci cu lateralul masinii deloc, etc... daca incerci mai ales vara sau pe uscat, cand este aderenta buna cu asfaltul, nu vei reusi absolut nimic, doar pe nisip, apa etc


vad ca ai 530i, nu ai cumva din fabrica LSD ?

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