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chiar acolo ma uitam :twoup:


este vorba de Dunlop Sp Sport Maxx 225/45/17




vad ca la masura asta este decat cu indice de greutate 94Y :twoup:



am gasit la augsburg asta.. cu indice 94 nu au, iar cel mai mic pret cu indicele asta e 460ron/bucata..

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Pai ce scrie pe acolo stiam, adica faptul ca cu cat e mai mare indicele suporta greutate mai mare.


Chiar daca iei cel mai mic indice tot suporta cu mult peste greutatea masinii incarcate la maxim, adica 2.4tone.. Atunci de ce sunt si indici mai mari? Ce masini care folosesc dimensiunea asta au peste 2.4 tone ?:twoup:

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stiu, acolo m-am uitat prima data :D


Acum sunt si mai in ceata. Am vazut ca la indice mai este si o litera. De ex: 225/45/ZR17 94Y unele sunt 94H :twoup:

Pe mai multe site-uri se zice ca ala e indicele de viteza, dar eu stiam ca indicele de viteza e cel de dinaintea diametrului, ZR in cazul de mai sus. :twoup:

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ultima litera e indicele de viteza





de asta ziceam.. ca sunt 2 indici diferiti :twoup:


ma rog, oricum nu o sa ajunga masina la vitezele pe care le suporta cauciucul..


am lamurit-o si pe asta cu indicele de greutate:


The load index on a tyre is a numerical code associated with the maximum load the tyre can carry. These are generally valid for speed under 210km/h (130mph). Once you get above these speeds, the load-carrying capacity of tyres decreases and you're in highly technical territory the likes of which I'm not going into on this page.

The table below gives you most of the Load Index (LI) values you're likely to come across. For the sake of simplicity, if you know your car weighs 2 tons - 2000kg - then assume an even weight on each wheel. 4 wheels at 2000kg = 500kg per wheel. This is a load rating of 84. The engineer in you should add 10% or more for safety's sake. For this example, I'd probably add 20% for a weight capacity of 600kg - a load rating of 90. Generally speaking, the average car tyre is going to have a much higher load rating than you'd ever need.


deci o sa ramana cele cu indice 91.. nu cred ca o sa fie masina incarcata cu 1.1tone :twoup:

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