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Bmw E39 530d, noua achizitie

Razvan Gavan

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Misto pozele!


Nu stiu daca mi se pare sau nu, dar stopurile parca se aprind un pic altfel decat cele originale, nu sunt chiar identice.

:twoup: Pai cele originale sunt pe LED ale lui sunt aproape ca alea care le-am luat eu de la dan ... cu bec.


Cele originale nu sunt pe led, au acel aspect numit de multi tip "resou".


Cate un bec lumineaza frana, la fel ca si in cazul angel eyes-urilor OEM care sunt alimentate de catre un bec foarte mic.


Pe led sunt stopurile tip tuning care arata urat.


Ale mele sunt originale Hella:



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Hai atunci sa facem un mic pariu :twoup: si asa am nevoie de bani pt masina :D


Deci eu personal i-am dat jos stopurile unui amic, hella de pe un 525d din 2002 si sunt pe led, se aprind exact cum se aprind ale tale si au ballasturi :twoup:

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Scuze pt offtopic http://www.m5board.com/vbulletin/e39-m5-e5...ail-lights.html


You cannot buy OEM tail lights from a 2001 to 2003 E39 and expect them to fit, they are too deep, plus you need ballasts for the celis LEDs.


http://i8.ebayimg.com/06/i/001/06/18/90ae_1.JPG si asa arata balasturile de la leduri :twoup: ce naiba doara stiam ca nu is nebun :twoup:

Edited by duxter
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Razvan daca te rog, nu faci o poza cand ai timp, din lateral, la roata sa vad cum ti se vede etrierul si fuzeta, prin janta... ca urmeaza sa pun si eu ceva jante sus si poate poate vopsesc si eu ...




PS: DIY foarte bun :twoup:

Edited by Lifestyle
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Scuze pt offtopic http://www.m5board.com/vbulletin/e39-m5-e5...ail-lights.html


You cannot buy OEM tail lights from a 2001 to 2003 E39 and expect them to fit, they are too deep, plus you need ballasts for the celis LEDs.


http://i8.ebayimg.com/06/i/001/06/18/90ae_1.JPG si asa arata balasturile de la leduri :twoup: ce naiba doara stiam ca nu is nebun :twoup:


Deci liniile alea asemanatoare cu un resou sunt leduri?


Hmm, destul de ciudat.


Eu la astea vad leduri: http://www.skiinstructor.bizoo.ro/vanzare/...LED-uri-BMW-E39 :D

Edited by Ciupanezu
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Scuze pt offtopic http://www.m5board.com/vbulletin/e39-m5-e5...ail-lights.html


You cannot buy OEM tail lights from a 2001 to 2003 E39 and expect them to fit, they are too deep, plus you need ballasts for the celis LEDs.


http://i8.ebayimg.com/06/i/001/06/18/90ae_1.JPG si asa arata balasturile de la leduri :twoup: ce naiba doara stiam ca nu is nebun :twoup:


Deci liniile alea asemanatoare cu un resou sunt leduri?


Hmm, destul de ciudat.


Eu la astea vad leduri: http://www.skiinstructor.bizoo.ro/vanzare/...LED-uri-BMW-E39 :D


eu stiam ca liniile de resou is facute din fibra optica, ca si la angel. Si sint luminate de bec normal, nu de leduri

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Asa stiu si eu.

Plus ca nu arata deloc a leduri.



For the 2001 model year, BMW updated the E39 with newer, clear-lens tail, side marker, and headlights which first displayed the now-popular "angel eyes." Rear tail lights were changed to LEDs (Hella, the OEM, refers to these lights as "CELIS"), while the side and rear turn signals were changed from amber lenses to clear. The black trim was now painted to match the body color, and the front bumper now featured rounded fog lights. Internally many changes were made to electronics; items such as window regulators and the air conditioning were updated. The 528i was replaced by the 530i which had a new 168 kW (225 hp) M54B30 3.0 L inline-6. A new entry-level 525i was introduced featuring a 137 kW (184 hp) M54B25 2.5 L I6 and a slightly lower price. The available navigation system was changed to a wide screen version.




sursa : www.wikipedia.org

Edited by Sini
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Scuze pt offtopic http://www.m5board.com/vbulletin/e39-m5-e5...ail-lights.html


You cannot buy OEM tail lights from a 2001 to 2003 E39 and expect them to fit, they are too deep, plus you need ballasts for the celis LEDs.


http://i8.ebayimg.com/06/i/001/06/18/90ae_1.JPG si asa arata balasturile de la leduri :twoup: ce naiba doara stiam ca nu is nebun :twoup:


Deci liniile alea asemanatoare cu un resou sunt leduri?


Hmm, destul de ciudat.


Eu la astea vad leduri: http://www.skiinstructor.bizoo.ro/vanzare/...LED-uri-BMW-E39 :D

stopurile OEM de la 39 sunt pe leduri ...insa ledurile nu sunt neaparat vizibile... nu sunt pe aceeasi tehnologie ca la e90 .. sunt ca cele de la noile modele ...x5 si x6.. ..

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M-am lamurit intre timp, am dat jos un stop de pe masina mea si l-am examinat. :twoup:

Liniile alea de "resou" sunt alimentate de leduri.


Sunt cu mult mai frumoase decat stopurile aftermarket pe led:




@Stefan_SNK: Sunt la fel ca cele de pe E60 LCI.

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Daca tot urla dupa faruri....maine primeste....


Misto! :twoup:


Ce marca sunt si cat au costat?


Sunt Depo cred si au si motorase electrice. Pretul a fost 1500 de ron.


Daca tot urla dupa faruri....maine primeste....


Misto! :twoup:


Ce marca sunt si cat au costat?

Au si motorase pt ajustare ? Angelurile pe ce sunt ?


Da au si motorase, angelurile sunt galbene oem,....ca cele originale

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