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My E39


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frumoasa masina...o mica sugestie ...daca ai putea gasi niste faruri cu semnal alb si pe fata...

jantele de 17 sunt suficiente... eu am pe 17 si inaltime de 50 la anvelope si trebuie sa imi fac abonament la vulcanizare

in 7 luni am schimbat 3 anvelope.... galme...

din pacate drumurile care le bat cu masina eu zilnic nu sunt deloc bune

Edited by Stefan_SNK
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Eu am 18 si nu am avut nici o problema cu gumele....poate ai luat de proasta calitate. Oricum fata de 17 este mult mai frumos aspectul cat si handling-ul./...

nu sunt de acord cu tine, STRAZILE sunt distruse, si handling pentru E39 !!! asta nu e masina de curse sau asa ceva, are suficente sisteme pentru handling si stabilitate...

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Farurile adaptive se refera la pozitionarea luminii in funtie de curba, nu cred ca se refera la autoleveling, ca si eu am autoleveling la normale!

AUTOLEVELING iseamna ca pozitia farurilur se misca automat vertical sau orizontal in fonctie de curba sau daca este greutate in masina...

Edited by ///MPower_5er
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level sensor !!

nu am auzit niciodata de atoadaptve


frumoasa masina...o mica sugestie ...daca ai putea gasi niste faruri cu semnal alb si pe fata...

jantele de 17 sunt suficiente... eu am pe 17 si inaltime de 50 la anvelope si trebuie sa imi fac abonament la vulcanizare

in 7 luni am schimbat 3 anvelope.... galme...

din pacate drumurile care le bat cu masina eu zilnic nu sunt deloc bune

asa cu simal galben fata ca masina e american system :twoup:

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Xenon Adaptive Headlights: 3 Series Coupe

Our Xenon Adaptive Headlights with distinctive corona rings began as a groundbreaking idea that went on to become a major advancement in safety. Using an electromechanical system, our adaptive headlights follow the direction of the wheels. So as you begin cornering, the headlights turn into and around the bend, which allows you to see more of the road, sooner. Xenon lights, another BMW innovation, help provide clarity by emitting twice as much light as halogen light, while using half as much energy.


Autolevelingu e optiunea smechera pana in anu 2004, adica optiunea ce regla inaltimea la care bateau farurile in functie de incarcare...in loc la rotita aia ce exista la modelele fara xenon , dupa care a aprut asta de mai sus Adaptive Headlights

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Xenon Adaptive Headlights: 3 Series Coupe

Our Xenon Adaptive Headlights with distinctive corona rings began as a groundbreaking idea that went on to become a major advancement in safety. Using an electromechanical system, our adaptive headlights follow the direction of the wheels. So as you begin cornering, the headlights turn into and around the bend, which allows you to see more of the road, sooner. Xenon lights, another BMW innovation, help provide clarity by emitting twice as much light as halogen light, while using half as much energy.


Autolevelingu e optiunea smechera pana in anu 2004, adica optiunea ce regla inaltimea la care bateau farurile in functie de incarcare...in loc la rotita aia ce exista la modelele fara xenon , dupa care a aprut asta de mai sus Adaptive Headlights

mutumesc mult,

we go back to: self-leveling xenon hedlights... horizintal and vertical :twoup:

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Xenon Adaptive Headlights: 3 Series Coupe

Our Xenon Adaptive Headlights with distinctive corona rings began as a groundbreaking idea that went on to become a major advancement in safety. Using an electromechanical system, our adaptive headlights follow the direction of the wheels. So as you begin cornering, the headlights turn into and around the bend, which allows you to see more of the road, sooner. Xenon lights, another BMW innovation, help provide clarity by emitting twice as much light as halogen light, while using half as much energy.


Autolevelingu e optiunea smechera pana in anu 2004, adica optiunea ce regla inaltimea la care bateau farurile in functie de incarcare...in loc la rotita aia ce exista la modelele fara xenon , dupa care a aprut asta de mai sus Adaptive Headlights

mutumesc mult,

we go back to: self-leveling xenon hedlights... horizintal and vertical :twoup:


Adaptive headlights e doar de la e65 /e60/e90 in sus

Autoleveling.. adica reglarea farurilor pe directie paralela cu drumul... este la e39.. pe directia stanga dreapta le reglezi din imbus :twoup: ai unu sus pe stanga ptr faza mare si unu sus pe dreapta pentru faza mica :D

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