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E90 325i (2,5L vs. 3.0L)


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Eu am 325iA si consuma 20-21% in Bucuresti.


Wow!!,incredibil!....sigur ceva nu e in regula...ori faci numai drumuri scurte in plin trafic,am auzit si eu de cineva cu un 325xiA care are un consum de 19% in Buc.,dar 20-21% mi se pare enorm,asta e consum de M3 :twoup: ...dar in traficul din Buc.....e o vorba "ardem gazul de pomana" si la propriu si la figurat.


Referitor la diferentele dintre N52/B25 si N52/B30 01 sau N52KP(325i de 3.0L) : The technical highlights of the N52KP include:

• New engine management (MSV80)

• New HFM (digital)

• New throttle - EGAS8 with magnetoresistive position feedback

• Plastic valve cover with integrated crankcase vent valve and oil separation

• Stronger connecting rods

• Exhaust valve stem increased to 6mm

• New electric water pump (2nd generation)

• Lightweight camshafts (hydroformed)

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Este vorba de e90 an 2005/10 cu motor n52, 2497cmc si 218 cp.

Pai am scris mai sus ca merg ziua in plin trafic si atunci cand prind un pic liber o duc in 7000rpm. Daca merg linistit, scot in acelasi trafic aprox 18-19%. Dar atunci cand stai la un semafor de 10 ori, eu cred ca nu e de mirare. Ia incercati sa mergeti din Drumul Taberei pana in Pipera la 8 dimineata. Mergeti cred ca e un pic exagerat. Un rac ar ajunge mai repede.

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si eu am stat in drumul taberei si lucram in pipera. e drum lung si aglomerat. aveam 3-4 variante de mers insa toate erau nenorocite. aveam noroc ca plecam pe la 9 de acasa si mai scapam de ora de varf.

asa cum am mai spus e pacat de motorul, si cele puertnice in general, ca trebuie sa mearga "taras" prin traficul bucurestean.

sorry for off topic

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