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Am schimbat uleiul

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Am fost la un service pe langa bloc sa schimb uleiul. M-a costat doar 35 lei (fata de 50 sau 70 pe unde am mai intrebat). A turnat 4 litri de ulei. Cand am verificat cu joja este putin peste maxim. El a zis ca nu e nicio problema ca e vorba de f putin. In bord nu`mi arata nicio problema. Dar totusi, nu ar trebui sa fie intre cele 2 liniute? Este vreo problema daca il las asa? Se mai "aseaza"?
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Am fost la un service pe langa bloc sa schimb uleiul. M-a costat doar 35 lei (fata de 50 sau 70 pe unde am mai intrebat). A turnat 4 litri de ulei. Cand am verificat cu joja este putin peste maxim. El a zis ca nu e nicio problema ca e vorba de f putin. In bord nu`mi arata nicio problema. Dar totusi, nu ar trebui sa fie intre cele 2 liniute? Este vreo problema daca il las asa? Se mai "aseaza"?

...ce masina ai?...acum am vazut 318 i ...la diesel intra mai mult de 4 litri...nu stiu la benzinar

Edited by vip72
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deci nivelu de maxim la tine este cel de jos ? si nivelul minim e sus ?


De obicei iti spun cum fac eu.. la mine este invers.. linia de jos e minim si linia de sus e maxim , eu pun ulei pana la mijloc intre cele 2 si apoi tot completez pana ajunge la maxim, Fiind uleiul la linia de maxim, pot urmari mult mai usor, daca a consumat masina ulei intr-un interval de km.. , decat daca as avea ulei pana undeva intre cele 2 linii si aproximarea ar fi relativa...

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Prietene Lifestyle, te-ai grabit sa vorbesti.. Priveste joja (din poza) mai cu atentie. Varful ei este in partea dreapta. Umflatura aia din partea stanga nu este varful jojei. Deci uleiul este peste maxim (maxim care este sus, logic). Daca tot nu esti lamurit coboara la masina, trage joja si arunca un ochi sa vezi ce si cum..


Deci, intrebarea inca e valabila: E problema daca-l las asa, putin mai mult decat trebuie?

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Cristianatotputernicu: doar prima parte se referea la joja, ai cam 300 ml in plus, intre semnu de minim si maxim este diferenta de 1 L de ulei, tu ai acolo nu chiar 500 ml de ulei in plus da vreo 300 ml ai in plus, si eu consider ca e cam mult peste, teoretic ar fi bine sa slabesti putin surubu sa se mai scurga macar 200 ml..
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Prietene Lifestyle, te-ai grabit sa vorbesti.. Priveste joja (din poza) mai cu atentie. Varful ei este in partea dreapta. Umflatura aia din partea stanga nu este varful jojei. Deci uleiul este peste maxim (maxim care este sus, logic). Daca tot nu esti lamurit coboara la masina, trage joja si arunca un ochi sa vezi ce si cum..


Deci, intrebarea inca e valabila: E problema daca-l las asa, putin mai mult decat trebuie?

si eu am avut aceeasi impresie cu stg./dr....in situatia asta e cam mult peste limita max.

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Guest IulianE

cand ai facut poza nu pornisesi motorul deloc inainte dupa schimb?

filtrul de ulei e gol in cazul asta...

poti sa pui ulei in motor cu filtru scos cand faci schimbul...numai dupa ce pornesti se umple

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A mai fost o discutie pe aici pe forum legat de nivelul de ulei peste maxim. Parerea mea, nu este nici o problema.

Eu am pus ulei cat scrie in carte si cand m-am uitat pe joje era peste maxim.. am mers 7000km de atunci l-am mai schimbat odata.. si nu am intalnit nici o problema.. in principiu exista o toleranta la nivelul de ulei..

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Alinos MB care il am pe langa e39 anunta cat ulei trebuie completat dar anunta si cand sa golesc din ulei in caz ca e prea mult... NU stiu cat de in gluma este treaba asta. Teoretic nu e bine, practic fiecare cum se risca, nu mi se pare greu sa desurubezi un surub, mi se pare ca este de 13 sau 17 nu mai retin.
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La mine intra 4,25 litri si intra toti. Joja e pe la jumate intre cele 2 semne. Dar pentru treaba asta dau drumu' la ulei si-l las sa se scurga juma' de ora. In timpul asta gadil (schimb) filtrul, mai beu un tutun etc... Apoi pun busonul (cheie de 17) si torn uleiul.


Din cate stiam eu e mult mai nasol sa mergi cu mai mult ulei decat sa mergi cu mai putin. Vorba baietilor. Da o tura prin cartier, las-o juma' de ora sa se aseze uleiul si apoi mai masoara o data. Daca tot e prea mult... pic-pic-pic pana la nivelul regulamentar.

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Poi, de la service pana acasa sunt 50 de metrii. Atat am mers inainte sa masor. Oricum, acu am dat o tura prin orash, o mai las putin si cobor sa vad ce si cum. Si probabil ca, daca e tot pe plus, maine o sa mai scurg nitel.. Dar sa vad unde o ridic ca sa am loc sub ea.
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What happens when an engine is overfilled with oil?


So you topped up the engine when it was warm after getting a faulty dipstick reading, or you put too much oil in when you changed it yourself. What's the worst that could happen? Well the problem with this is that the next time the engine is run, the windage in the crankcase and other pressures generated by the oil pump, etc. place a great strain on the seal on the rear main bearing.

Eventually, often much sooner than the ordinary man in the street might expect, the rear main bearing seal ruptures, and the engine becomes a 'leaker'. If you've got a manual gearbox, this means one thing: this oil goes right onto the flywheel and the face of the clutch disc. A lubricated clutch is A Bad Thing. If this still goes unnoticed, the front seal is the next to go, and the engine then becomes a 'gusher' (or to be more colourful, it starts pissing oil all over the place). As well as smothering the clutch with oil from the rear, the oil now coming from the front leak will be neatly distributed about the engine bay as it hits the front pulley - often propelling it out as far as the brake discs. At the same time as this Hollywood disaster movie is unfolding outside the engine, things aren't working out any better on the inside. As you can see from the diagram, the correct oil level is really close to the rotating crank. Overfilling will mean the crank dips into the oil and churns it into a froth. Froth is good on certain types of coffee but not good in an engine. The mixture of aerated oil will be forced into the bearings and in case you didn't know, air is not a lubricant. Typically this means that bearing damage will follow quite rapidly, especially if you are driving on a motorway. You'll know bearing damage when you get it. The engine smells like a garage mechanic cooking over an open flame and the noise coming from the engine is the sort of thing you'd normally hear in vaudeville plays when a piano is pushed down a flight of stairs. As if that all wasn't bad enough, the excess oil gets thrown up into the piston bores where the piston rings have a hard time coping with the excess oil and pressure. It gets into the combustion chamber and some of it will get out into the exhaust system unburned resulting in a nice patina of oil all over the platinum surfaces of your catalytic converter. This renders it utterly useless for good.

Well, you did ask.



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What happens when an engine is overfilled with oil?


So you topped up the engine when it was warm after getting a faulty dipstick reading, or you put too much oil in when you changed it yourself. What's the worst that could happen? Well the problem with this is that the next time the engine is run, the windage in the crankcase and other pressures generated by the oil pump, etc. place a great strain on the seal on the rear main bearing.

Eventually, often much sooner than the ordinary man in the street might expect, the rear main bearing seal ruptures, and the engine becomes a 'leaker'. If you've got a manual gearbox, this means one thing: this oil goes right onto the flywheel and the face of the clutch disc. A lubricated clutch is A Bad Thing. If this still goes unnoticed, the front seal is the next to go, and the engine then becomes a 'gusher' (or to be more colourful, it starts pissing oil all over the place). As well as smothering the clutch with oil from the rear, the oil now coming from the front leak will be neatly distributed about the engine bay as it hits the front pulley - often propelling it out as far as the brake discs. At the same time as this Hollywood disaster movie is unfolding outside the engine, things aren't working out any better on the inside. As you can see from the diagram, the correct oil level is really close to the rotating crank. Overfilling will mean the crank dips into the oil and churns it into a froth. Froth is good on certain types of coffee but not good in an engine. The mixture of aerated oil will be forced into the bearings and in case you didn't know, air is not a lubricant. Typically this means that bearing damage will follow quite rapidly, especially if you are driving on a motorway. You'll know bearing damage when you get it. The engine smells like a garage mechanic cooking over an open flame and the noise coming from the engine is the sort of thing you'd normally hear in vaudeville plays when a piano is pushed down a flight of stairs. As if that all wasn't bad enough, the excess oil gets thrown up into the piston bores where the piston rings have a hard time coping with the excess oil and pressure. It gets into the combustion chamber and some of it will get out into the exhaust system unburned resulting in a nice patina of oil all over the platinum surfaces of your catalytic converter. This renders it utterly useless for good.

Well, you did ask.




Ce groaznic :twoup:


Cel care a scris articolul nu prea are notiuni elementare despre cum functioneaza un motor.Deci presiunea creata de surplusul de ulei distruge garniturile, dar cand nivelul de ulei este corect presiunea creata este calculata perfect astfel incat sa nu distruga garniturile :D

Banuiesc ca pe situl respectiv nu exista si o explicatie despre cum functioneaza valva PCV.

De fapt are un pic dreptate, daca se pune ulei pana cand nivelul ajunge la capacul de umplere este posibil sa se intample acest lucru :twoup:

Edited by Bavaria
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