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Am un Bmw E36 2000Cm3 benzinar din 93 recent adus din germania si i-am schimbat uleiu cu un castrol gtx 15w 40 si a inceput sa tzacane un tachet cand se incalezeste putzin motorul mentionez ca inainte nu se auzea nimic la motor ce ii de facut ?
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uleiul 15w este un ulei mineral....rezulta ca si proprietatile sunt mai slabe calitativ decat in cazul unui ulei sintetic.este totusi un motor M 50 cu tacheti hidraulici la care nu ai ce lucra...

deci recomandarea mea prieteneasca este sa schimbi de indata uleiul cu un min 10w magnatec,sau 5w 40 sintetic,sau dai o fuga pan la bmw,si cumperi de la ei.

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Am un Bmw E36 2000Cm3 benzinar din 93 recent adus din germania si i-am schimbat uleiu cu un castrol gtx 15w 40 si a inceput sa tzacane un tachet cand se incalezeste putzin motorul mentionez ca inainte nu se auzea nimic la motor ce ii de facut ?

probabil era motorul "pregatit" de vanzare, cu ceva aditivi, ulei mai gros, inainte. Vezi de curiozitate daca si mananca ulei acum? Mi-am dat cu parerea doar!!! Ca am vazut niscaiva trucuri din astea de ziceai ca e motorul tipla si dupa 1000 km , il luai in batista.

Poti sa ai probleme daca pui full sintetic la o masina cu km multi ! Uleiul sintetic are proprietati de detergent mai bune si s-ar putea se spele motorul si sa inceapa sa dea ulei pe la garnituri. Tot pe aici pe forum s-a discutat. Cel mai sfant e sa pui ce scrie in carte si sa-l cumperi de la BMW daca n-ai alta sursa sigura.

Edited by DSF
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facand o paranteza mai am o intrebare ...cand am facut schimbu de ulei am bagat solutie deaia de spalat motorul pe nume Motor Flush, spunandu-mi cineva ca a fost uleiu prea murdar si ca ajuta la curatarea motorului :twoup: ce zicetzi este bine pt motor asa ceva ?
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Nu neaparat.


Exista si riscuri:


Flushing oils


hese are special compound oils that are very, very thin. They almost have the consistency of tap water when cold as well as hot. Typically they are 0W/20 oils. Don't ever drive with these oils in the engine - it won't last. (Caveat : some hybrid vehicles now require 0W20, so if you're a hybrid driver, check your owner's manual). Their purpose is for cleaning out all the gunk which builds up inside an engine. Note that Mobil1 0W40 is okay, because the '40' denotes that it's actually thick enough at temperature to work. 0W20 just doesn't get that viscous! To use them, drain your engine of all it's oil, but leave the old oil filter in place. Next fill it up with flushing oil and run it at a fast idle for about 20 minutes. Finally, drain all this off (and marvel at the crap that comes out with it), replace the oil filter, refill with a good synthetic oil and voila! Clean engine.

Of course, like most things nowadays, there's a condition attached when using flushing oils. In an old engine you really don't want to remove all the deposits. Some of these deposits help seal rings, lifters and even some of the flanges between the heads, covers, pan and the block, where the gaskets are thin. I have heard of engines with over 280,000km that worked fine, but when flushed it failed in a month because the blow-by past the scraper ring(now really clean)contaminated the oil and screwed the rod bearings.



Edited by Ciupanezu
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Pai deja ai bagat solutie engine flush...


Daca nu s-a intamplat nimic negativ, schimba uleiul la maximn 10 000 km si nu folosi decat ulei de calitate.


Depunerile cele mai mari erau cauzate uleiurilor minerale.


Cele sintentice nu prea fac depuneri.

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schimba repede uleiul si filtrul de ulei...lasa-l sa se scurga bine...si NU mai baga niciun aditiv nici de ulei nici de spalat motoru nici de nimic :twoup: ...bmwu n-are nevoie decat de un ulei bun, comustibil bun si talpa....piese cand se imbolnaveste :twoup:...mai ales pisicuta.

Baga-i un castrol 5w40 sau 10w40 asa cum au zis si colegii....chiar daca nu e asta problema...dar pt viitor

Edited by micky
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Depunerile cele mai mari erau cauzate uleiurilor minerale.


Cele sintentice nu prea fac depuneri.


Ce treaba are una cu alta?

De ce un ulei mineral cauzeaza mai multe depuneri decat unul sintetic? :twoup:

La masina mea neamtul a folosit ulei mineral Mobil1 15w 40. Rezultatul a fost dezastruos. 145000km facuti de neamt si daja motoril varza. Eu cuparat masina inca 40000km in Romania rezultat:cuzineti invartiti pe arbore cu toete ca eu de cand am luat-o am bagat numai Castrol 5w40 full sintetic. Totusi aveam consum de 1 litru la 1200 km. Acum motor cu segmenti si cuzineti noi cu Castrol 5w40Magnatec viteza de 180km/h pe autostrada consum ulei aproape 200 grame /1000km. Mult mai convenabil zic eu.

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Citeste aici: http://www.carbibles.com/engineoil_bible.html


The most common factor in sludge buildup is mineral oils combined with a lack of maintenance by the car owner combined with harsh driving conditions.


Pai citesc degeaba.Ce scrie acolo este litera de lege?Tu stii cine a scris tot ce este acolo?


"I am in no way affiliated with any branch of the motor industry. I am just a pro-car, pro-motorbike petrolhead who is into basic car maintenance"


Si eu sunt pro car si cred ca uleiurile minerale nu pot provoca depuneri mai mari decat cele sintetice.Este 50-50%. :twoup:


Daca ai fi dat un link catre ceva scris de Mario Theissen era altceva, asa nu pot spune decat ca, nu ai nici un argument.

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