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Inspektion II


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Vine Inspection II si am luat din softul Autodata chestiile care trebuie facute la aceasta inspectie.

Avand in vedere ca nu avem reprezentanta BMW in Oradea, o voi face probabil la un service cat de cat mai rasarit ( Bosch Car Service, Autocenter) si am nevoie de putin ajutor cu traducerile. ( presupunand ca daca merg cu foaia in engleza sau germana se vor uita ciudat la mine...)


Atasez aici cele 2 pagini cu ce am de facut


am nevoie de traducere la cele incercuite, la care nu am trecut nimic la mentiuni, cele cu liniuta le stiu si fac singur verificarile, deci ies din discutie.






Astea au mai ramas :


footbrake si handbrake travel

clutch hydraulic system

steering rack/box

PAS hoses

Suspension joints/seals/gaiters

Drive Shaft joints/seals/gaiters

Rear diferential oil leaks

Road springs

Shock absorbers/mountings

Brake pipe corrosion

Underbody condition/sealant

front wheel bearings

Brake hydraulic system

Baterry/specific gravity

Steering free-play


Vreau sa o fac bine, stand langa masina si de asta ma interesez. :twoup:

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footbrake si handbrake travel - circuitul franei de seviciu si de mana

clutch hydraulic system - sistem hidraulic ambreaj

steering rack/box - caseta directie

PAS hoses - furtune servodirectie

Suspension joints/seals/gaiters - garnituri, imbinari ,suspensie

Drive Shaft joints/seals/gaiters - garnituri ,imbinari ,ax cardan

Rear diferential oil leaks - pierderi ulei diferential spate

Road springs - arcuri

Shock absorbers/mountings - amortizoare / flanse

Brake pipe corrosion - grad rugina conducta frana

Underbody condition/sealant - aspect pedalier , antifonare

front wheel bearings - rulmenti fata

Brake hydraulic system - sistem franare hidraulic

Baterry/specific gravity - conditie acumulator

Steering free-play - joc volan


Nu dati cu pietre in mine daca nu este corect :twoup:

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