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Reset interval service. (schimb ulei)

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Am un E46 din 99. Benzina 1.8. Cand pornesc motorul imi indica pentru cateva secunde intervalul pana la service. Am facut schimbul in Germania si nu stiu ce au facut aia ca s-a resetat la 15.000 si a inceput sa scada. Am facut apoi schimbul in Romania si nu l-au mai resetat si acuma sunt pe -12.000. Stie cineva cum se reseteaza sau ce pot sa fac. Ideea este ca aia in Germania l`au resetat fara a umbla in masina ca doar stateam eu la volan ...

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No need for reset tool for 2001+ model


BMW insp. reset


- Iginition OFF (POS 0)

- Press and Hold the trip odometer button while turning key to position 1 (ACCESSORY)

- Keep the button depressed (about 5 secs.) until you see "Oil Service" or "Inspection" with "Reset" or "Re" in the display

- *Note: On vehicles with "High" cluster, you will also see the amount of fuel (in litres) remaining until next service

- Press the button again and hold for approx. 5 secs. until "Reset" or "Re" flashes

- While the display is flashing, briefly press the button again to reset the Service Interval. After the display has shown the new interval you should see "END SIA" for about 2 secs.


Note that if the "Reset" or "Re" does not flash, then you have not met the minimum consumption level and cannot reset.





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din ce oras esti? eu sunt din cluj si am primit de la un prieten ,care a lucrat 2 ani la bmw service, o scula cu care se face resetarea. se monteaza acolo in compartimentul motor la mufa la care se face citirea in service si se pune contactul . are un buton care in 10 - 12 secunde se face resetarea..... mie mi-a facut el inainte sa plece in SUA .... eu nu am probat inca aceasta scula dar daca esti din cluj sau ai drum prin cluj contacteazama si poate rezolvam ceva.
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