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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

ce ulei sa bag


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aveam impresia ca se recomanda un 0W-40 sau 5W-40 pentru motoarele mai noi, cu mai putini kilometri, cum citeam prin alte topicuri despre un Castrol EDGE Sport 0W-40 spre exemplu...dar tocmai ce i-ai indicat Castrol Magnatec 10W-40 unui 318is din '94...deci probabil mi-am facut o impresie gresita

intamplator la mine shimburile de ulei s-au succedat primavara (aprilie-mai) sau toamna, iar Filaret mi-a bagat primavara in ultimii doi ani un BMW 5W40 SUPER POWER (cod 81229407547): http://www.elen-mar.com/images/81229407547.jpg

Acum am tot citit pe aici numai de bine de BMW 5W30 Longlife-04, si de aia am intrebat... La pret am vazut ca se invarte tot ca si BMW 5W40 SUPER POWER, insa exista si un BMW 0W40 Longlife-04 (cod 83210398504) care e mai scump. Asta inseamna oare ca e mai bun?


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La un E34 525i 88 ce ulei este recomandat sa bag si cam cati l intra?Masina are peste 250 mii km,motorul a fost segmentat cu un an in urma


Am pus 4,2l cat scrie in carte Castrol Magnatec 10/40 iar cand am verificat joja era uscata,iam mai pus 800ml si indica minim apoi iam mai pus 1 litru si e aproape de maxim.Nu inteleg de ce in carte scrie 4,2 dar defapt intra 6,5 <_<

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Trebuie sa fac si eu schimbul de ulei la 140.000 km si nu prea stiu ce sa bag. Am un BMW 525 DA din 2001. fostul proprietar care imi este si prieten mi-a spus ca a bagat Castrol 5w40. Aici vad ca se merge pe 5w30 LL4. imi puteti da un sfat?

multumesc anticipat

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Trebuie sa fac si eu schimbul de ulei la 140.000 km si nu prea stiu ce sa bag. Am un BMW 525 DA din 2001. fostul proprietar care imi este si prieten mi-a spus ca a bagat Castrol 5w40. Aici vad ca se merge pe 5w30 LL4. imi puteti da un sfat?

multumesc anticipat

BMW 5w30 LL04 sau Castrol 5w30 LL04.

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Trebuie sa fac si eu schimbul de ulei la 140.000 km si nu prea stiu ce sa bag. Am un BMW 525 DA din 2001. fostul proprietar care imi este si prieten mi-a spus ca a bagat Castrol 5w40. Aici vad ca se merge pe 5w30 LL4. imi puteti da un sfat?

multumesc anticipat

BMW 5w30 LL04 sau Castrol 5w30 LL04.



multumesc pentru raspuns

imi poti spune si cati litri imi trebuie?

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@Gymmy: LL04 5w-30 all year round and u r ok.


BMW has developed two specification levels for engine lubricants:

-the “special oils” make it possible to reach an oil change interval, determined by an

onboard indicator, of 10 to 15,000 km.

-the “long life oils”, for which the specification was introduced in March 1998, allow a

longer oil change interval of up to 15 to 30,000 km (average 22,000 km), or even more.

The requirements of these categories are indicated below:


Special oils in the UK this was a 10w/40 (Obsolete)

TESTS Engine test M42 Air intake test

DRAIN 10 to 15,000 km


Long Life – 98 in the uk this was a 5w/40 (Obsolete)

TESTS Engine test M44 Air intake test

DRAIN 15 to 15,000 km (avg. 22,000 km)


Long Life – 01 in the UK this was a 0w/30 (Active)

TESTS Engine test M54 Test RNT N42 Air intake test

DRAIN > 30,000 km potentially


Long Life – 01 FE same as above (Active)

Engine test M54 Test RNT N42 Air intake test and fuel economy

DRAIN > 30,000 km potentially


Long life – 04 in the UK this is a 5w/30 (Active)

Engine test M54 Test RNT N42 Air intake test SAPS limits

DRAIN > 30,000 km potentially


ACEA level A3/B3 A3/B3 A3/B3/B4 A3/B3/B4 C3


The successive switch from engine test BMW M42 to test M44 then M54 made BMW

requirements considerably more severe in order to account for the aspect of a longer oil

change interval. Moreover, the development of the very sophisticated Valvetronic? variable

distribution engines led BMW to develop a distribution wear test on engines with radioactive

cams, type RNT.

Published at the end of 2004, BMW LL-04 is the first Low SAPS specification issued by BMW and

intended for diesel engines fitted with post-treatment (initially a Diesel Particulate Filter). The

BMW LL-04 certification is retroactively applicable to engines requiring BMW LL-01, with the

exception of the BMW Motor Sport engines. It is suitable for all Gasoline / Diesel engines,

whether or not equipped with post-treatment systems. For gasoline engines,

however, its usage is limited to the perimeter of the EU, Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

BMW LL-04 = BMW LL-01 + Mid SAPS chemical limits


In summary as long as you buy a LL04 5w/30 from one of the Major oil companies you will be okay (except M types), I would list them as,


BP/Castrol, FUCHS, Exxon/Mobil, Shell, Total/Fina/Elf, Chevron/Texaco, Q8


A good motor factor should have what you want.

Edited by ///MPower_5er
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