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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×



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The Bavarian automaker’s X1 Concept will make its formal world premier at the Paris Motor Show in a few days time, but as often is the case the first official photos hit the web a bit earlier. Strip away those aluminum inserts on the X1 Concept and you can easily tell that what you see here is what you’ll get in late 2009 when BMW releases the production version of its baby SUV –slash- Crossover that will sit right under the X3 competing against the likes of the Toyota RAV-4 and VW Tiguan...




cred ca va fi un mare succes ... ma intreb la ce banutzi ... si cred ca e singura masina pentru care as renunta la seria 1 ...

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The Bavarian automaker’s X1 Concept will make its formal world premier at the Paris Motor Show in a few days time, but as often is the case the first official photos hit the web a bit earlier. Strip away those aluminum inserts on the X1 Concept and you can easily tell that what you see here is what you’ll get in late 2009 when BMW releases the production version of its baby SUV –slash- Crossover that will sit right under the X3 competing against the likes of the Toyota RAV-4 and VW Tiguan...




cred ca va fi un mare succes ... ma intreb la ce banutzi ... si cred ca e singura masina pentru care as renunta la seria 1 ...


eu n-as renunta la seria 1 pentru asta.....e ceva de genul: cahhhh

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parca ii renault-ul ala din reclama care urca pe Everest,ii mic nu cred ca va avea mare succes.


succes sigur va avea. la bmw totu-i calculat. gandeste-te ca au vandut si x3, care dupa parerea multora e cea mai urata din gama.

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The BMW X1 will be available with four and six cylinder engines both diesel and petrol, but expect to see the four cylinder turbo petrol in there too.


* 2.0-liter four-cylinder gasoline - 170-horsepower

* 2.0-liter four-cylinder diesel - 177-horsepower

* 3.0-liter six-cylinder gasoline engine - 265-horsepower

* 3.0-liter six-cylinder diesel - 245-horsepower

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Nu e urât ca seria 1 sau X3.


Rautate gratuita (sau ai gresit subforumul)


Dacã mie mi se par urâte, nu vãd unde-i problema.


Nu e vorba de rĂŁutate ci de gusturi Âşi simĂž estetic.


X3-ul fĂŁrĂŁ pachet M aratĂŁ groaznic, la fel Âşi seria 1 fĂŁrĂŁ pachet M.


Recunosc cã sunt niºte maºini practice dar cam atât.

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  • 2 weeks later...

este exact ce se cere astazi pe piata SUV, mai mica si inalta, si daca mai are sigla BMW, succesul este garantat. o fi si mai ieftina decat X3 si asta este.

nu vedeti ca toti aveau X5, Touareg, Q7, care erau scumpe, acum toti au X1, Tiguan, Q3, sa nu mai vorbim de fiat-ul 4x4.

totul este de piata, cat ai o cota mai mare cu atat mai bine.

ganditi-va ca BMW avea odata 4 modele, acum are nici nu stiu cate. de ce ? toti vor felia celuilalt.

Edited by danfoto
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Mie mise pare frumoasa arata mai bine decat x6 acela parca ar fi un seria sasecu roti mari si suspensie de off road cum a fost vw golful acela inaltat este frumos parerea me osa aiba succes eu osami scimb seria unu pe acest x1 cu siguranta daca osa apara .
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