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problema bord sau masina magarita?

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De cateva zile am in curte masina unui prieten pe care vreau sa o cumpar si omul a lasat-o sa o testez si sa o verific.Masina a venit din Germania, adusa de el, cu carte service la zi, 3 chei si 183.000 km.Am dus masina la mecanicul meu si am ridicat-o pe elevator si arata super ok mecanica.Pe drum sta excelent,nu bate, nu scartiei nimic, ce sa zic...e perfecta.In schimb am citit pe undeva pe forum ca daca apesi butonul din bord de la kilometraj si ii pui contactul iti arata kilometrajul real.Zis si facut.Apas butonul cu pricina, pun contactul si stupoare :386.000 km 1 si 0000000 km 2. :)

Intrebarea e urmatoarea.

E o alta informatie ce imi arata mie sau ala e kilometrajul real. Ca sincer am dubii sa arate asa dupa 350.000.E posibil sa fie toate actele masini magarite?

Am facut verificarea vin codului si imi da datele din carte corect.Problema e acest 386.000 km.

Zilele astea tb sa ii achit omului masina.Si daca are alt kilometraj si nu 183.000...o trimit inapoi. :)

Va multumesc.

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Masina e o pisicuta 318 i din 95. Am fost la un service de are calc pt diagnoza si flacaul nu a stiut ce sa imi raspunda.Iar la service bmw am aflat ca are geamurile de pe partea dreapta schimbate.Raspunsul omului a fost sec.Nu a avut accident.Ci un incident de strada.Adica cineva a spart geamurile...de kilometraj nicio vorba.

Mi-a intrat rau la suflet masina si mi-ar parea rau sa aflu ca e magarita.

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Masina e o pisicuta 318 i din 95. Am fost la un service de are calc pt diagnoza si flacaul nu a stiut ce sa imi raspunda.Iar la service bmw am aflat ca are geamurile de pe partea dreapta schimbate.Raspunsul omului a fost sec.Nu a avut accident.Ci un incident de strada.Adica cineva a spart geamurile...de kilometraj nicio vorba.

Mi-a intrat rau la suflet masina si mi-ar parea rau sa aflu ca e magarita.


pai daca au stiut de geamuri sigur aveau habar si de km. poate a omis sa iti spuna.

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Pune niÂşte poze cu maÂşina. :)

promit ca maine ... acum nu am nimic .

Oricum pana cum ceva timp nu vroiam sa aud de Bmw.Eu avand concurentul marci.De azi am devenit fun inrait si bag concurentul la vanzare.

Si mai am o problema.Pornirea imi pare cam grea.prietenul de mi-a adus masina banuieste ca ar fi bateria.Ca e de 7 ani si e posibil sa fie veche.Deocamdata nu imi pot permite sa imi bag nasul in masina omului pt ca inca nu am batut palma si nu am achitat-o.

Parerile voastre m-ar ajuta mult in decizia mea finala.

Va multumesc.

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despre aceast procedeu am auzit si eu de la niste tipi care se ocupa cu adusul masinilor de afara.

asa "ii faceau manevra" neamtzului k sa scada la pretz cand vroiau sa cumpere masina din DE.


deci e o chestie intalnita la pisici... si toate arata la fel 300si ceva de mii.


nu te pot lamurii ce inseamna k nu stiu.. insa iti pot spune sigur ca nu e vorba de km reali ai masinii!

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Masina e o pisicuta 318 i din 95. Am fost la un service de are calc pt diagnoza si flacaul nu a stiut ce sa imi raspunda.Iar la service bmw am aflat ca are geamurile de pe partea dreapta schimbate.Raspunsul omului a fost sec.Nu a avut accident.Ci un incident de strada.Adica cineva a spart geamurile...de kilometraj nicio vorba.

Mi-a intrat rau la suflet masina si mi-ar parea rau sa aflu ca e magarita.


nu lua masina daca nu esti linistit., dupa ce o ai in parcare, nu dormi noaptea ca are km manariti...

Actele masinii pot fii manarite foarte usor.. cu stampile si cu tot..

Referitor la "incident de strada" de unde stie el.. ca a fost incident de strada daca masina e adusa de el din germania... nu zic ca nu ar avea de unde sti, da dealleru, nu-i curios ce data au geamurile sa intrebe proprietarul, si faci tu legatura mai departe...


Nu zic ca nu poate fi masina buna.... dar eu nu m-as baga.. masini mai sunt.. toti te lasa sa le testezi...


Cuzko: Probabil ca samsarii romani is mai smecheri ca deallery samsarii straini....

Edited by Lifestyle
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Masina e o pisicuta 318 i din 95. Am fost la un service de are calc pt diagnoza si flacaul nu a stiut ce sa imi raspunda.Iar la service bmw am aflat ca are geamurile de pe partea dreapta schimbate.Raspunsul omului a fost sec.Nu a avut accident.Ci un incident de strada.Adica cineva a spart geamurile...de kilometraj nicio vorba.

Mi-a intrat rau la suflet masina si mi-ar parea rau sa aflu ca e magarita.


nu lua masina daca nu esti linistit., dupa ce o ai in parcare, nu dormi noaptea ca are km manariti...

Actele masinii pot fii manarite foarte usor.. cu stampile si cu tot..

Referitor la "incident de strada" de unde stie el.. ca a fost incident de strada daca masina e adusa de el din germania... nu zic ca nu ar avea de unde sti, da dealleru, nu-i curios ce data au geamurile sa intrebe proprietarul, si faci tu legatura mai departe...


Nu zic ca nu poate fi masina buna.... dar eu nu m-as baga.. masini mai sunt.. toti te lasa sa le testezi...


Cuzko: Probabil ca samsarii romani is mai smecheri ca deallery samsarii straini....

De la service am aflat faza cu incidentul.Ca reparatia a fost facuta in germania in 2001 la reprezentanta si cica l-e apare lor in istoricul masini..

Dar cine mai are incredere si in astia..

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Da ...chestia a inceput sa se lamureasca.Indiferent de cati km faci cifrele nu se schimba...

iar daca ar fi un kilometraj de control ar tb sa mearga in paralel cu cel din bord.Azi am facut 90 km si suma a ramas identica.Deci clar ca respectivele cifre nu reprezinta kilometrajul.Am mai intrebat si alti posesori de pisicute si mi-au spus toti acelasi lucru.

M-am linistit ...

Urmeaza sa ii virez omului banu si....Bine te-am gasit BMW CLUB !!!! :) :) :) :)

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Da ...chestia a inceput sa se lamureasca.Indiferent de cati km faci cifrele nu se schimba...

iar daca ar fi un kilometraj de control ar tb sa mearga in paralel cu cel din bord.Azi am facut 90 km si suma a ramas identica.Deci clar ca respectivele cifre nu reprezinta kilometrajul.Am mai intrebat si alti posesori de pisicute si mi-au spus toti acelasi lucru.

M-am linistit ...

Urmeaza sa ii virez omului banu si....Bine te-am gasit BMW CLUB !!!! :) :) :) :)


bine ai venit!

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NOTE: Just for the hell of it. KLR means ignition switch position #1

(accessory) KL-15 is ignition switch position #2 (on), and KL-50 is ignition

position #3 (start)


This works on all instrument clusters 1992-1999 E36 - 4



Step 1. Press and hold the mileage reset button.


Step 2. Put key into ignition switch and turn to KLR (Ignition switch

position #1)


Your LCD display will show something like this "tESt 01"


Step 3. Once "tESt 01" is shown, let go of reset button and the IC

(Instrument Cluster) will go through

some test cycles. Numbers will be shown and here's what they mean:


1st display: BMW PART NUMBER (6 digits)

2nd display: CODE NUMBER (5 digits) Internal Coding Plug #

3rd display: K NUMBER (4 digits)

4th display: CHASSIS NUMBER (5 digits) this is part of your VIN

5th display: SOFTWARE VERSION (3 digits)

6th display: REVISION INDEX (2 digits) Hardware #


After all 6 displays are finished, an analog gauge test will be performed.


The self-test is canceled by switching the ignition off or to KL-15 (ignition

switch position 2)




IC (instrument cluster) tests 1-15

1995 - 1998 (99) 318ti

1996 - 2000? Z3

1997 - 1999 E36 4dr/coupe/convertible/M3



*Test functions 1-4 are unlocked tests and can be called up at any time for


*Test functions 5-14 are locked and require unlocking the test mode before

they can be displayed.

*Test functions 2-14 can be selected at any time when the cluster is

unlocked, even when vehicle is moving.

*Test function 15 is the lock/unlock function.


Step 1: Press and hold the mileage reset button.


Step 2: Put key into ignition switch and turn to KLR (Ignition switch

position #1)

Your LCD display will show something like this "tESt 01"


Step 3: You will need to unlock the test function first so when the LCD

Display shows "tESt 01," press the reset button till you get to "tESt 15."

Once you're on test 15 press, and hold the reset button for a few seconds

until it displays "off." Now you can cycle through the test features. Here

they are as they follow:


Test 1: Instrument self test


Test 2: Engine Data - This display is an "engine factor" value that is stored

in the coding plug. The instrument cluster processor uses this factor in

addition to the "TD" signal from the DME control module to process and

display tachometer RPM based on the engine installed. For EXAMPLE:





Test 3: SI elapsed distance - the total mileage in kilometer since the last

reset. Which service is due at the next inspection (OIL SERVICE or INSPECTION)


Test 4: SI elapsed days - no value for US vehicles. Relates to Euro annual



Test 5: SI evaluation factor - for engine speed and temp. thresholds being


Display: n = 0 or 1. Engine speed (over-rev)

t = 0 or 1. Engine temp.

NOTE: "n0" means that you hit the maximum threshold for engine speed and "t1"

means you overheated the engine. I found out from my instructor that this

test 5 is false due to software related problems.


Test 6: Fuel Level and coolant temp. - Display of hexadecimal codes in

relation to gauge position.

Fuel gauge ----> Hex value

A (empty)---------> 0d

End of reserve---> 37

B-------------------> 54

C-------------------> 90

D------------------> c4

E (full)-----------> f0


Engine temp. ----- Hex Value

A----------------------> ce

B----------------------> 6d

C----------------------> 5c

D (center)----------> 4f-23

E-----------------------> 1e

F-----------------------> 18


Test 7: Engine speed (Digital Tach)- display of current engine speed


Test 8: Road speed - display of current road speed in km/h


Test 9 Distance reading - this allows the total stored mileage to be updated

if one of the storage components has to be replaced. This test step will be

used if the manipulation dot is illuminated in the cluster display. This

display will show the component with the lower mileage. For example:

Display of 012654 l indicates that the mileage in the internal EEPROM is

lower than the mileage stored in the coding plug.

Display of 000325 E indicates that the mileage in external coding plug is

lower then the total mileage stored in the internal EEPROM.

Pressing the reset button for 4 seconds will over write the lower mileage

with the higher mileage and cancel the manipulation dot. The SI data will

also be transferred at the same time.


Test 10: Status bits (input signals) - the status of digital inputs to the

cluster are displayed as 0 or 1.

Display: 0 = input low, 1 = input high.

_ _ _ _ _ _ <--- Mileage display...6 digits left to right

1st - belt contact, seat belt fastened = 0

2nd - ignition lock contact, key inserted = 0

3rd - door contact, door open = 0

4th - clock button pressed = 0

5th - SI reset = 0, for reset = 0

6th - EGS transmission failure = 0


Test 11: Status Bits (output signals) - the status of digital outputs is


Display: 0 = output inactive, 1 = output active

_ _ _ _ _ _ <--- Mileage display...6 digits left to right

1st - Gong output

2nd - Brake warning lamp

3rd - Low fuel warning lamp

4th - EGA lamp

5th - seat belt lamp

6th - manipulation dot


Test 12: not used


Test 13: Country code of cluster - the display indicates the country version

of the cluster. This cannot be

changed in the workshop. Display: USA 02


Test 14: Software Reset - The reset must be carried out if any faults are

present that are not plausible before any components are replaced. After the

reset, the system will exit the TEST mode and the lock

will be reactived.


Test 15: lock/unlock


NOTE: Try not to use the engine speed and road speed while driving. The

display is too low and you have to read instead of glancing which takes time

taking away your eyes off the road.

Hope this test brings some fun and interest to you all.


aceste informatii le-am gasit pe mai multe site-uri, deci cred ca sunt cat de cat corecte

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Merci domnu pentru informatii.Tocmai descarcam si eu aceleasi informati .Si printre actele masini am gasit si documentele de intrare si iesiri din parc.i acolo e trecut kilometrajul real .Si am aflat de la un avocat din Germania ca schimbarea unor informatii despre un autoturism (si aici intra kilometraj,reparati, lucrari ascunse ) pentru a obtine un alt pret mai bun se pedepseste cu dosar penal si inchiderea parcului.Chestia asta e valabila pt masinile din parc .Tepretic ar tb sa primesti si o garantie pt autoturism care poate diferi de la cateva zile pana la cateva luni .

Poze cu masina o sa pun la topicul dedicat...

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