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Valva CDV


Valva CDV - Clutch Delay Valve  

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Salut stimati colegi,


De 2 zile am scos valva CDV si sunt foarte multumit de comportamentul care il are masina momentan. Schimbarea din treapa 1 in treapta 2 este foarte lina deoarece ambreiajul lucreaza "normal" acum. La schimbarea de viteze in turatie am impresia ca nu apuca sa piarda prea multe ture in timpul schimbarii. Per total am impresia ca schimbul in turatie e imbunatatit si schimbarea vitezelor 1-2-3 la turatii mici devine mult mai "controlabil" datorita posibilitatii de reglaj mai fin din ambreiaj.


Astept pareri de la cei pro si contra :)

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Iti dai seama ca am studiat problema. Din ce am vazut eu, la mine cel putin, adica motor in 6 cilindri, trebuie fortata conducta sa se conecteze. Nici nu stiam ca si pe modelele europene exista asa ceva, credeam ca doar pe cele de State. Americanii o inlocuiesc cu una goala.



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Da sunt multe informatii pe net referitoare la problema asta. La mine a durat cu tot cu bagat masina pe poarta vreo 5 minute maxim... Daca tii cu un deget la capatul furtunului nu trebuie nici macar aerisit :) tocmai am fost suprins sa vad :)


Am schimbat impreuna cu un amic care are 320i in 6 cilindrii si a fost identic si la fel de lejer ...


Am folosit http://m3.madrussian.net/diy_cdv.shtml pentru inspiratie dar defapt cand vezi cum sta treaba si ochii inchisi merge :)


Nu este nevoie de una goala (doar daca se pune problema garantiei) desi e discutabil si atunci :)


Chiar am testat mai amanuntit cum se comporta masina de cca 30 minute prin oras (e liber acum) si am fost surprins placut de comportamentul ei fara CDV ;)

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Io am unul si in spate, e filtru clar.


@Alexxx - fara CDV e super. Prinde ferm, nu il patineaza aiurea. In treptele 2 si 3 smuceste destul de violent la schimbare(in aceleasi conditii de schimbare ca inainte). Cred ca asta vroiau ei sa elimine.

Dar, poti sa schimbi si foarte fin, fara sa se simta ca si schimbat viteza.


Da, eu zic ca ajungi mai repede la 100, deoarece smucitul ala e de fapt crestere de viteza, brusc. De asemenea scartaie mai frenetic cand ii dai a-2a la turatii inalte.

Toate astea cu ASCul decuplat.

Edited by vl4d
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Theory of Operation - What is a CDV?


The Clutch Delay Valve (CDV) is a one-way restrictor installed by the factory between the clutch slave cylinder and clutch master cylinder, as shown in Figure 1. It "delays" the engagement of the clutch, much like old record players used a damped tone-arm to gently lower the needle onto the surface of a record.


Because of this valve, no matter how quickly you lift your foot off the clutch pedal, the clutch engages the flywheel at a constant (slow) rate. In theory, it can save the driveline from shock, were an inexperienced (or immature) driver to dump the clutch at high RPM. But in practice, all it does is prematurely wear out the clutch and turn experienced drivers into people who, despite 20 years of practice, cannot shift gears smoothly. During parallel parking maneuvers, the delay can be infuriating, causing constant clutch slippage. And during hard acceleration, the large amount of clutch slippage can greatly shorten the life of your clutch. During normal, sedate driving, the shift from first into second gear is often jerky, leading passengers to question your skill. As the driver, you can see your passengers' heads bobbing back and forth during every shift! Yes, in their minds, they are laughing at you.






LE: SE POATE inlocui valva legandu-se mufele pe direct, fara ce ofera cei de pe situl de mai sus! Search google! :)

Edited by Alexxx
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