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putere data de butonul 'power'


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Probabil că este ca la alte M-uri.


La M5 E39 există un buton Sport.


Beneficiezi de puterea maximă doar cu Sport activat.


Nu doar puterea creşte ci şi exactitatea direcţiei.

Overall steering ratio was reduced to 14.7 from 17.9 it featured a servotronic vehicle-speed-sensitive power assist that provides two levels of resistance controlled via console mounted Sport button. The Sport button also adjusted the electronic throttle butterflies for faster throttle response.



Edited by Ciupanezu
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Probabil cĂŁ este ca la alte M-uri.


La M5 E39 existĂŁ un buton Sport.


Beneficiezi de puterea maximĂŁ doar cu Sport activat.


Nu doar puterea creÂşte ci Âşi exactitatea direcĂžiei.

Overall steering ratio was reduced to 14.7 from 17.9 it featured a servotronic vehicle-speed-sensitive power assist that provides two levels of resistance controlled via console mounted Sport button. The Sport button also adjusted the electronic throttle butterflies for faster throttle response.



la m5 e60 butonul power iti da 107cp.masina normal merge cu 400 cp.ma intereseaza la m3 e92 cu e treaba


cu ce putere functioneaza m3 e92 cu butonul power decuplat?

420 CP in Europa, 414 CP in State ?

420 cu power cuplat.dar fara???

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nu cred ca se modifica puterea de acolo ca la m5, doar maping-ul, raspunde mai rapid la acceleratie. cred ca puterea finala e aceeasi. nu sunt sigur dar asa mi se pare. directia de asemeni nu se schimba, doar daca in modul m pui setare sport la volan si intri in modul m. o poti lasa si pe normal in mod m, eu asa umblu in oras si nu se mai schimba nici atunci.
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  • 1 year later...
La e46 M stie cineva cum e treaba cu butonul SPORT?


1. does the sport button change the engine map?


No, it only changes the responsiveness of the electronic throttles, so that less input with your foot on the accelerator pedal yields more output from the throttles than when in normal mode.


2. does it add power when the sport button is pressed?


No, although the car seems to feel invigorated, again you are only getting more fuel into the engine with less effort from your foot.


3. my gas mileage seems lower when i drive in sport mode?


Yes, yes it does.

actual mileage may vary, it is likely that you will comsume fuel at a faster rate with sport mode on.

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  • 3 weeks later...
La e46 M stie cineva cum e treaba cu butonul SPORT?


1. does the sport button change the engine map?


No, it only changes the responsiveness of the electronic throttles, so that less input with your foot on the accelerator pedal yields more output from the throttles than when in normal mode.


2. does it add power when the sport button is pressed?


No, although the car seems to feel invigorated, again you are only getting more fuel into the engine with less effort from your foot.


3. my gas mileage seems lower when i drive in sport mode?


Yes, yes it does.

actual mileage may vary, it is likely that you will comsume fuel at a faster rate with sport mode on.

de unde sunt citatele ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

buldy ii correct. La e46 si e92 M3, Sport doar ajuta reactia masinii cand appesi pe pedala. Masina ii constant la cai maximi. Cel mai bine simti can o tii in treapta 3 la turatie constanta de 3000 ture si apesi pe Sport.


Doar M5 si M6 permit ajustarea cailor.




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