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cand unii mor, altii se ridica. audi au avut crestere worldwide de 17,4% in decembrie 2008 fata de luna similara a anului trecut, ducand astfel cresterea 2008 fata de 2007 la 4,1%.


January 8, 2009

AUDI AG records sales of over one million cars for

the first time

• Company achieves 13th record year in a row

• Worldwide unit sales increased by 4.1 percent

• 12 new models helped boost unit sales

• Audi Chairman Stadler: “We want to make Audi the most

attractive premium brand worldwide”

Ingolstadt – AUDI AG has achieved its stated objective of selling one

million cars in 2008 for the first time in its history. With about 1,003,400

cars sold worldwide, Audi increased its unit sales volume by 4.1 percent

over the prior year (2007: 964,151). With the newly introduced Audi Q5

and the successful young A4 family, sales in December increased by

17.4 percent over the prior year’s December, to around 82,800 units

(2007: 70,523).

“This 13th record year in a row is a success achieved by the entire Audi team. I

would like to express the gratitude of the Board of Management for their

wholehearted commitment,” says Rupert Stadler, Chairman of the Board of

Management of AUDI AG. “We’ll continue to draw on this strength in the difficult

year of 2009. We have ambitious long-term goals: We want to make Audi the

most attractive premium brand worldwide.”

In the past year, the Ingolstadt-based firm has launched 12 new or upgraded

models. This gives Audi the advantage of having the youngest model range in

the premium segment. The most important introductions were the Audi A4

sedan, which was rolled out in Europe in November 2007, the Audi A4 Avant

which followed in April, product upgrades of the A3 and A6, and the brand-new

Audi Q5.

Corporate Communications

Esther Bahne

Tel: +49 (0)841 89 35430

e-mail: esther.bahne@audi.de

JĂźrgen De Graeve

Tel: +49 (0)841 89 34084

e-mail: juergen.degraeve@audi.de


“We will keep up our model initiative as planned: In 2009 we’ll continue to offer

our customers a succession of new models,” says Peter Schwarzenbauer,

Member of the Board of Management for Marketing and Sales of AUDI AG.

Audi achieved growth especially in the European markets and in the Asia-

Pacific region. In Western Europe, unit sales of around 53,900 in December

surpassed the prior year’s December by 22.7 percent (2007: 43,969). In the

entire year of 2008, Audi sold some 667,000 cars in this region, 2.5 percent

more than in the prior year (2007: 650,407). These excellent sales volumes

also resulted in record market shares in Western Europe and Germany.

In the Asia-Pacific region, Audi delivered new cars to around 14,000

customers in December, an increase of 15.6 percent in unit sales (2007:

12,097). During the entire year, 155,100 customers bought an Audi in this

region – 15.6 percent more than in 2007.

In the USA, the third-largest export market for the premium brand from

Ingolstadt, sales of 87,760 cars in 2008 amounted to a 6.1 percent drop from

the prior year (2007: 93,506). In December Audi sold 7,712 units here,

9.3 percent fewer than in the prior year (2007: 8,504).

- End -

Photos and further information are available at www.audi-mediaservices.com/en.

AUDI AG sold a total of 1,003,400 cars in 2008 and thus achieved its thirteenth consecutive

record year. Audi produces vehicles in Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm (Germany), GyĂśr (Hungary),

Changchun (China) and Brussels (Belgium). Aurangabad in India saw the start of local

production of the Audi A6 at the end of 2007 and of the Audi A4 in early October 2008. The

company is active in more than 100 markets worldwide. AUDI AG’s wholly owned subsidiaries

include Automobili Lamborghini Holding S.p.A. in Sant’Agata Bolognese (Italy) and quattro GmbH

in Neckarsulm. Audi currently employs around 57,000 people worldwide, including 45,000 in

Germany. The brand with the four rings invests more than €2 billion each year in order to sustain

the company’s technological lead embodied in its "Vorsprung durch Technik" slogan. Audi plans

to significantly increase the number of models in its portfolio by 2015 to 40. The Audi brand

celebrates its 100th birthday in 2009. The company was founded by August Horch in Zwickau on

July 16, 1909; he named it Audi after the Latin translation of his surname (“hark!”).

AUDI AG will present the complete results for the 2008 business year at its Annual Press

Conference on March 10, 2009 in Ingolstadt.

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dupa ce audi au anuntat ca au avut crestere worldwide de 17,4% in decembrie 2008 fata de luna similara a anului trecut, ducand astfel cresterea 2008 fata de 2007 la 4,1% a venit randul celor de la bmw si mercedes sa-si anunte cifrele.


BMW brand sales were down 5.8% to 1,202,239 units for the year and off 26.2% to 97,256 units in December.

deci bmw a vandut 1,2 milioane masini adica 199 mii in plus fata de audi dupa ce anul trecut diferenta de vanzari era de 312mii.


per total 2008 Sales of the flagship Mercedes-Benz vehicles accounted for the bulk of deliveries, but fell 5.4 percent _ to 1,121,700 cars from 1,185,300 the year before. in decembrie worldwide mercedes au vandut 87mii fata de 106 mii in decembrie anul trecut ceea ce inseamna o scadere de 18%.

fata de mercedes a mai ramas o diferenta de 118 mii fata de 221 mii anul trecut.


practic targetul audi de a deveni brandul premium nr 1 in 2012 este realizabil urmand ca mercedes si bmw sa-si dispute locul 2.

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cristi, cât timp mai ai de gând să-ţi repeţi argumentu ăsta ieftin? aşa cum au motor de 143cp ĂŽn 2008, au şi de 170cp... nu văd ce nu ĂŽnţelegi. la aceeaşi capacitate. tot aşa are bmw-ul, de 143cp, şi 177cp.... şi 318d/118d, tot motor de 2.0 e... nu văd unde tot baţi.



aşa pot spune eu, că vw-ul, care nu e o maşină premium, au motoare de 1.4 tsi de 140cp, şi tfsi de 170cp.... când ajunge bmw-ul la performanţa asta? 1.4cmc - 170cp? şi asta de prin 2006.... ĂŽţi dai seama ce-o să facă ĂŽn 2009.... :)

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cristi, cât timp mai ai de gând sã-Þi repeÞi argumentu ãsta ieftin? aºa cum au motor de 143cp În 2008, au ºi de 170cp... nu vãd ce nu ÎnÞelegi. la aceeaºi capacitate. tot aºa are bmw-ul, de 143cp, ºi 177cp.... ºi 318d/118d, tot motor de 2.0 e... nu vãd unde tot baÞi.



aºa pot spune eu, cã vw-ul, care nu e o maºinã premium, au motoare de 1.4 tsi de 140cp, ºi tfsi de 170cp.... când ajunge bmw-ul la performanÞa asta? 1.4cmc - 170cp? ºi asta de prin 2006.... ÎÞi dai seama ce-o sã facã În 2009.... :)


eu le-am mai explicat de zeci de ori. oamenii nu stiu ce e aia pozitionare in piata , marketing samd.

un alt exemplu este 2.0 tfsi de 272cp vechi de un an jumate. initial a fost 2.0tfsi de 265 cp ce are aproape 3 ani.

mai vine in juma de an un 2.5tfsi de 350cp

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Poate totusi se sesizeaza cineva si ne scapa odata de tine ca pe mine unul ma plictisesti teribil.


hai ca sa iti mai treaca supararea, m-am gandit sa aduc si eu ceva valoare adaugata acestui forum.


atasat ai vanzarile din romania pt toate marcile premium , pe model, motorizare samd.

practic la aceste informatii au acces f putini oameni, iar acum ai acces si tu. poti vedea de exemplu cate 335i e92(de ex) s-au vandut in ro sau cate 123d cu motor de 204 cp s-au vandut. eu zic ca este o statistica extrem de interesanta si din punct de vedere al motorizarilor ce le prefera romanii


in al doilea fiser, sunt puse vanzarile doar pe modele: seria 3 cu categoriile e90, e91, e92, e93 samd dar fara trimitere la motorizari.


din pacate in atasamente nu este doar bmw ci sunt toate marcile premium insa informatiile ce nu te intereseaza le poti ignora.

statistica este comparativa si cu 2007 si de aia apar in lista si motorizari ce s-au vandut in 2007 dar nu exista in oferta dealerului in 2008.

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"The Munich-based company said management and employee representatives have agreed to expand production cutback measures to include shorter work times at selected plants in Germany. It will also reduce the number of temporary workers.


BMW said the hours reduction measure is restricted to its German facilities in Dingolfing, Regensburg, Landshut and Berlin. In Berlin only brake disc production for automobiles will be affected and not motorcycle production. A total of approximately 26,000 employees will work shorter times on certain days during the months of February and March." - Yahoo news


Se intelege de aici ca doar isi vor scurta programul de munca zilnic...

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BMW trimite ĂŽn Âşomaj tehnic 28.000 de angajaĂži din Germania


Constructorul de automobile BMW a anunÞat, marÞi, cã va trimite În ºomaj tehnic 28.000 de angajaÞi de la patru uzine din Germania, Începând cu luna februarie.


Mãsura este destinatã reducerii costurilor Într-un mediu economic nefavorabil pentru sectorul auto ºi ar putea sã dureze pânã la sfârºitul lunii martie, potrivit unui comunicat al grupului.


BMW a folosit metoda ºomajului tehnic ºi În lunile trecute În cazul a câteva mii de angajaÞi din Germania.


Vânzãrile producãtorului auto s-au prãbuºit cu peste 25% În lunile noiembrie ºi decembrie, comparativ cu perioada similarã din 2007, iar situaÞia În 2009 se anunÞã dificilã.


Pe lângã trei uzine din Bavaria, ºomajul parÞial va afecta ºi 190 de angajaÞi de la fabrica din Berlin.


LucrĂŁtorii afectaĂži de Âşomaj tehnic vor beneficia de "cel puĂžin 93% din salariul lor net", se aratĂŁ ĂŽn comunicatul de presĂŁ.


BMW s-a alãturat companiilor rivale Daimler ºi Opel, care au apelat deja la trimiterea masivã În ºomaj tehnic, În perioada de sfârºit de an, pentru a adapta producÞia la cererea redusã a pieÞei.


Ăn plus, BMW intenĂžioneazĂŁ sĂŁ solicite garanĂžii din partea guvernului pentru filiala de servicii financiare, dupĂŁ ce, ĂŽn decembrie, Volkswagen a procedat asemĂŁnĂŁtor.



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Guest poleposition
Mda, mediafaxu' s-a prostit. Nu-i nimic, SHIFT+Delete :)


aaaa, pai abia acum ai aflat ?


numai asta e la TV de la pranz.


Mai intai la Acces Direct pe Antena 1 acum cred ca inca mai e Tolea la Nasul...pfff seara e lunga. Iti dai seama ce baga OTV-ul etc.


Nu ne plictisim:


Eleva porno, pompierul porno, ciumac si tolea, nikita linsa pe tate, legalizarea casatoriilor intre gay, Traistaru se saruta cu Tarky dar defapt nu e adevarat..... :)




acum la Capatos de ex sunt 2 lesbiene si 2 homo.


edit 2:


pardon dezinformez: 2 transexuali, scuze...

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