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M54 325i compact --unde s-ar afla piesa aia?m-ar interesa mai exact ce inseamna high voltage si daca influenteaza senzorul de oxigen,mersi


If the lambda sensor continually reads high (rich), it will cause the engine computer to lean out the fuel mixture in an attempt to compensate for the rich reading. This can cause lean misfire, hesitation, stumbling, poor idle and high hydrocarbon emissions (from misfiring).


If the lambda sensor continually reads low (lean), it will cause the engine computer to enrich the fuel mixture. Injector pulse width will increase causing fuel consumption and carbon monoxide emissions to go up. Constant rich fuel mixture can also cause the catalytic converter to overheat and it may be damaged.


Sometimes an apparent lambda sensor problem is not really a faulty sensor. An air leak in the intake or exhaust manifold or even a fouled spark plug, for example, will cause the lambda sensor to give a false lean indication.

The sensor reacts only to the presence or absence of oxygen in the exhaust. It has no way of knowing where the extra oxygen came from. So keep that in mind when diagnosing oxygen sensor problems.


The lambda sensor is also grounded through the exhaust manifold. If rust and corrosion of the manifold gaskets and bolts is creating resistance, it may affect the sensor's output. To rule out a bad ground, use a digital volt meter to check for a voltage drop between the sensor shell and the engine block. More than 0.1v can cause a problem.




daca nu te descurci cu engleza spune si traduc


pe scurt trebuie sa faci cateva verificari inainte de a stii cu siguranta ca trebuie schimbat senzorul




A lambda sensor’s normal life span is 30,000 to 50,000 miles (asta * 1.6 vine 48.000 -> 80 000 Km). But the sensor may fail prematurely if it becomes clogged with carbon, or is contaminated by lead from leaded petrol or silicone from an antifreeze leak or from silicone sealer


deci daca ai acesti nr de km ar fi cazul sa ii schimbi si avand in vedere ca ai 4 nu va fi ieftina distractia




nu iti recomand sa iei second !


dar inainte de asta fa cateva verificari


sa nu fie vre-un furtun de ghidare a aerului slabit gaurit


vre-o bujie defecta, injector care curge, lipsa de contact din cauza ruginei...


Heated Oxygen Sensors varianta de senzor pe care o ai tu


To reduce the warm-up time of the Lambda sensor, an internal heating element may be used. Heated O2 sensors can reach an operating temperature of as high as 500 degrees C in as little as eight seconds! Shorter warm-up time means the system can go into closed loop fuel control sooner, which reduces emissions and improves fuel economy. Heating the sensor also means it can be located further downstream from the exhaust manifold.



si e posibil ca sa fie dusa rezistenta de incalzire a senzorului caz in care trebuie schimbat tot nu scapi :)


dar asta se poate masura cu conditia sa identific tipul de senzor mai apoi firele care duc la rezistenta interna pt incalzire


daca te intereseaza tot articolul



Edited by clauberty
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mda ma gandesc ca e dusa rezistenta aia,dar nu imi dau seama exact ce inseamna high voltage ala,se incalzeste senzorul mai repede sau nu se incalzeste de loc?ma rog o sa mai bag carsoftul odata pe ea sa vad daca mai am aceasta eroare,daca mai apare o sa incerc sa schimb senzorul.oricum poate pana la urma e ceva mai simplu gen fir intrerupt sau poate a fost o eroare intamplatoare:) Edited by alex230ro
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mda ma gandesc ca e dusa rezistenta aia,dar nu imi dau seama exact ce inseamna high voltage ala,se incalzeste senzorul mai repede sau nu se incalzeste de loc?ma rog o sa mai bag carsoftul odata pe ea sa vad daca mai am aceasta eroare,daca mai apare o sa incerc sa schimb senzorul.oricum poate pana la urma e ceva mai simplu gen fir intrerupt sau poate a fost o eroare intamplatoare:)



mai greu "eroare intamplatoare" sau fir rupt



insa daca ajunge firul schimba mufele intre ele si ara trebui sa se schimbe pe diagnoza "Bank 1 Sensor 2" cu "Bank 1 Sensor 1"

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tot nu am apucat sa schimb senzorul,as incerca cum se face un pic mai cald afara,acum intrebarea este:cum poate afecta acest senzor mersul motorului?din cand in cand am niste fluctuatii la relanti 500-1000 rpm apoi se calmeaza.Au aparut odata cu vremea rece,asta vara nu facea asa din cate stiu,pe franare de asemenea scade catre 500 rpm si apoi creste catre 700 rpm(ma rog asta cred ca e normal oarecum)

ce senzor a fost echipare OEM ,Bosch?a in legatura cu schimbarea firelor banuiesc ca trebuie schimbati senzorii intre ei nu?

masina are aproape 65 mii km <_< daca conteaza cumva asta

Edited by alex230ro
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