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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×



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da...si pentru pasageri...se mai utia prietena la un film cand mergem la drum lung cv...


Ma mir ca nu ti-a raspuns Ciupanezu ... el e numaru unu la posturi .. si nu cred ca va rata ocazia sa-si dea cu parerea :) , ai putea sa intrebi pe Razvan Gavan deasemenea ... el are navi parca ...

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Ma mir ca nu ti-a raspuns Ciupanezu ... el e numaru unu la posturi .. si nu cred ca va rata ocazia sa-si dea cu parerea :) , ai putea sa intrebi pe Razvan Gavan deasemenea ... el are navi parca ...


Eu nu-mi dau cu pĂŁrerea, eu postez dacĂŁ Âştiu ceva.

DacĂŁ nu Âştiu, nu mĂŁ bag.


RĂŁvan GĂŁvan nu are navigaĂžie Âşi nici nu are E65.

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Da, se poate debloca si poti viziona posturile tv indiferent daca esti in stationare sau in mers, si te costa intre 30-150 ron ( depinde de la mester la mester)

as vrea sa gasesc si eu un mester d-asta <_<


Incearca si chestia asta, eventual cu "variatii" de butoane:

Watch TV / Videotext during driving

This works on all 5/7 Series with the Mark I Navigation System (the one with the male voice).

On Mark II (the newer version with the female voice) you have to use "brightness" instead of contrast for TV and "color" instead of brightness for videotext to get the trick to work.

This works on the latest 99 7-series models as well. The software updates for latest navigation CD-ROM's do not appear to affect or disable this trick.

1. set ignition to pos. II

2. enter TV mode

3. enter "settings"

4. enter "contrast"

5. when the green contrast bar is visible, push the knob and keep it pressed

6. turn ignition off (keep button pressed!)

7. wait 8-10 seconds (timing must be accurate!)

8. release the knob

9. turn on ignition again

Now the TV will operate while the car is in motion, though you certainly should leave that to your passengers only while driving. To watch videotext use the same procedure as above, but choose "brightness" instead of "contrast"

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Da, se poate debloca si poti viziona posturile tv indiferent daca esti in stationare sau in mers, si te costa intre 30-150 ron ( depinde de la mester la mester)

as vrea sa gasesc si eu un mester d-asta :)


Incearca si chestia asta, eventual cu "variatii" de butoane:

Watch TV / Videotext during driving

This works on all 5/7 Series with the Mark I Navigation System (the one with the male voice).

On Mark II (the newer version with the female voice) you have to use "brightness" instead of contrast for TV and "color" instead of brightness for videotext to get the trick to work.

This works on the latest 99 7-series models as well. The software updates for latest navigation CD-ROM's do not appear to affect or disable this trick.

1. set ignition to pos. II

2. enter TV mode

3. enter "settings"

4. enter "contrast"

5. when the green contrast bar is visible, push the knob and keep it pressed

6. turn ignition off (keep button pressed!)

7. wait 8-10 seconds (timing must be accurate!)

8. release the knob

9. turn on ignition again

Now the TV will operate while the car is in motion, though you certainly should leave that to your passengers only while driving. To watch videotext use the same procedure as above, but choose "brightness" instead of "contrast"



Ma bag si eu. La e 39/2003 merge?

Care e butonul knob? Cel din stanga sau cel din dreapta? Nu ma injurati ca intreb lucruri prostesti...<_<

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Da, se poate debloca si poti viziona posturile tv indiferent daca esti in stationare sau in mers, si te costa intre 30-150 ron ( depinde de la mester la mester)

as vrea sa gasesc si eu un mester d-asta :)


Incearca si chestia asta, eventual cu "variatii" de butoane:

Watch TV / Videotext during driving

This works on all 5/7 Series with the Mark I Navigation System (the one with the male voice).

On Mark II (the newer version with the female voice) you have to use "brightness" instead of contrast for TV and "color" instead of brightness for videotext to get the trick to work.

This works on the latest 99 7-series models as well. The software updates for latest navigation CD-ROM's do not appear to affect or disable this trick.

1. set ignition to pos. II

2. enter TV mode

3. enter "settings"

4. enter "contrast"

5. when the green contrast bar is visible, push the knob and keep it pressed

6. turn ignition off (keep button pressed!)

7. wait 8-10 seconds (timing must be accurate!)

8. release the knob

9. turn on ignition again

Now the TV will operate while the car is in motion, though you certainly should leave that to your passengers only while driving. To watch videotext use the same procedure as above, but choose "brightness" instead of "contrast"



Ma bag si eu. La e 39/2003 merge?

Care e butonul knob? Cel din stanga sau cel din dreapta? Nu ma injurati ca intreb lucruri prostesti...<_<


nu merge. a mai incercat cineva si nu merge.

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dupa mai multe cautari se pare ca solutia pentru e38 arata cam asa:





Nu merge la E65.




sau daca gaseste careva dispozitivele respective si in romania sa ne anunte

Edited by muri72
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  • 9 months later...
Decat "TV in miscare" mai bine imi spuneti si mie ce trebuie sa fac pentru a regla cum trebuie tv-ul. Decat TVR1 are sunet dar imaginea nu are claritate buna, in rest Prima Tv, Pro Tv, Antena1, se vad bine dar nu au sunet(decat un harait enervant). Nu ma astept sa prind Discovery Chanel, dar macar cateva posturi locale sa fie cum trebuie. Ce as putea sa fac?
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Decat "TV in miscare" mai bine imi spuneti si mie ce trebuie sa fac pentru a regla cum trebuie tv-ul. Decat TVR1 are sunet dar imaginea nu are claritate buna, in rest Prima Tv, Pro Tv, Antena1, se vad bine dar nu au sunet(decat un harait enervant). Nu ma astept sa prind Discovery Chanel, dar macar cateva posturi locale sa fie cum trebuie. Ce as putea sa fac?

dute la o reprezentanta bmw si roaga-i sa i-ti faca resoftare intreaga a masini si pe urma o sa ai sunet

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