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Boxe MB QUART 469 $ ... merita ?


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HELP !!!


Merita aceste difuzoare pe e 34 meu? Exista o marca mai buna ?

Astea's 470 $


Technical Specification

* Sensitivity: 90 dB

* RMS Power Range : 80-150 Watts

* Peak Power Handling: 300 Watts

* Frequency response: 35-32000 Hz

Diameter: 6.5 Inch


* 2-way Component Speakers System

* 1" Titanium tweeter

* 6.5" Polypropylene woofer with special coat

* Crossover

* Crossover Frequency 2.400 Hz

* Crossover Slope 12/12 dB/octave

* Impedance: 4 ohms

* A new variation of the WPC process used in QSD is applied here

* Midrange with 37mm (1.5") voice coil is used - Former made of Kapton foil (a temperature resistant plastic) that can withstand extreme heat

* Regardless of the wire size or type you can always connect to an MB QUART. Connection types include solder, screw-down, spade or bare wire.

* Designed specifically for low-profile installations, these die cast aluminium baskets can be installed in factory locations with little or no modification. They are lightweight but extremely rigid.

* BBalanced Temperature Technology is used throughout

* Tweeter level can be adjusted in 2dB steps up to -6dB

* A light bulb is incorporated into the crossover networks to extend the life of the tweeter by protecting it against overloading.

* Tweeter with a 25 mm (1") titanium dome with a highly elastic butyl rubber surround


Sau astea ... HELP !!! Astea sunt 130 $


* RMS Power Range : 50-120 Watts

* Peak Power Handling: 240 Watts

* Frequency response: 40-32000 Hz

Diameter: 6.5 Inch




* 2-way coaxial system

* 0.75" Titanium tweeter

* 6.5" Polypropylene woofer

* Impedance: 4 ohms

* Crossover Frequency: 4700 Hz

* Crossover Slope: 12 dB/octave

* The Discus basket combines the advantages of a heat-reflecting metal basket with a low-resonant ABS composite basket.

* Coated speaker cone

* Titanium dome tweeter

* A PTC is incorporated into the crossover network to extend the life of the tweeter by protecting it against overloading.

* Tweeter level can be adjusted in 3 dB steps up to -6 dB

* On board 12 dB crossover


Stiu ca diferenta e mare din toate punctele de vedere intre cele doua variante.

Ce ma sfatuiti ?

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din cate ai specificat boxele sunt chiar valabile,dar sincer eu nu as da asa o caruta de bani pe niste boxe!Sunt pana la urma niste difuzoare.


Iti propun altceva:pe spate 2*boxe ovale 6*9'' pioneer(maxim 100euro),pe fata 2*boxe pioneer 5''(rotunde-maxim 40 euro)+un amplif de 500w(magnat sau ce preferinte ai tu-uita-te la RMS sa aiba min 300w)+un subwoofer jbl (preferabil de 10''-sunt mai mici si difuzorul are o cursa mai rapida)max 100 euro------>>>si in 300 si ceva de euro ai iesit cu o linie audio complexa,linie care-ti astupa si ca fidelitate si ca volum boxele astea MB QUART,parerea mea si sunt sigur a multora :blink:



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stai putin ca nu tre sa decupuzi deloc :blink:

la mine in masina in locul boxelor de fabrica am pus niste boxe de firma acelasi diametru;in carcasa originala a boxelor din spate am vazut ca poti adauga si niste tweetere,deci sonorizarea mediilor + inaltelor e suficienta,bassul fiind asigurat de subwoofer,care poate sa fie activ(adica cu amplif incorporat),si iti spun nu se compara calitatea sunetului daca optezi pt un subwoofer(lada) ca si daca nu ai unul :)

Nu o sa-ti para rau!!!

Nici eu nu ascult cu un bass puternic dar imi place sa se auda mai plin :)

Si mai mult ---NU TRE SA DECUPEZI NIMIC----


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