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Resetare RDC - senzor presiune pneuri

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Am un E46 2003 cu aceasta optiune. Cand am cumparat-o l-a resetat din tester si s-a aprins iarasi. Vechiul proprietar mi-a spus ca tomai facuse o pana. Din cate am inteles trebuie facuta o setare(resetare) a presiunii rotilor ( asta dupa ce sunt umflate binenteles). Stie cineva cum se face acest lucru?
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Am un E46 2003 cu aceasta optiune. Cand am cumparat-o l-a resetat din tester si s-a aprins iarasi. Vechiul proprietar mi-a spus ca tomai facuse o pana. Din cate am inteles trebuie facuta o setare(resetare) a presiunii rotilor ( asta dupa ce sunt umflate binenteles). Stie cineva cum se face acest lucru?



Am rezolvat singur. Pt cei ce au nevoie de asa ceva:


Initializing the system

Initializing is necessary to familiarize the

system with the correct inflation pressures.

Repeat this process after tire replacement,

tire rotation or any changes in tire

inflation pressure.

1. Check the tire inflation pressures in

all the tires, comparing them with the

inflation pressure chart on page 25

and adjusting their pressure if necessary

2. Turn ignition key to position 2, do not

start the engine

3. Press the button long enough for the

yellow indicator lamp in the instrument

cluster to light up for a few seconds

4. After a few minutes' driving time,

TPM sets the current inflation pressures

in the tires as the target values

to be monitored.

In the event of loss in inflation


If the inflation pressure has dropped

significantly over a long period of time,

which is normal for any tire, the yellow

indicator lamp will come on.

This alerts you to have the tires inflated

to the specified pressures as soon as



p.s. RDC e prescurtarea din germana, iar TPM din engleza(tire pressure monitor)

Edited by masinioricestare
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  • 5 years later...

Am rezolvat singur. Pt cei ce au nevoie de asa ceva:


Initializing the system

Initializing is necessary to familiarize the

system with the correct inflation pressures.

Repeat this process after tire replacement,

tire rotation or any changes in tire

inflation pressure.

1. Check the tire inflation pressures in

all the tires, comparing them with the

inflation pressure chart on page 25

and adjusting their pressure if necessary

2. Turn ignition key to position 2, do not

start the engine

3. Press the button long enough for the

yellow indicator lamp in the instrument

cluster to light up for a few seconds

4. After a few minutes' driving time,

TPM sets the current inflation pressures

in the tires as the target values

to be monitored.

In the event of loss in inflation


If the inflation pressure has dropped

significantly over a long period of time,

which is normal for any tire, the yellow

indicator lamp will come on.

This alerts you to have the tires inflated

to the specified pressures as soon as



p.s. RDC e prescurtarea din germana, iar TPM din engleza(tire pressure monitor)


Intrebarea mea e la care buton face referinta la punctul 3?

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