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lansare x1 bmw 2009

daniel LNC

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BMW X1 xDrive30i


* X1 will be available in late 2009 and only in Europe(at least for a while)

* the car is flat, not SUV-ish at all - it looks and feels much more like a 3er Touring “Allroad”(it is built on the same platform)

* the car is very agile, and drives just like 3er xDrive Touring

* the cabin is not cramped at all, yet the roof lies much lower compared to X3

* the dash was still in camo and the basic layout comes from the 1 Series, the steering wheel as well and the big-screen navigation from the 3 Series

* the car features 3.0L I6 engine with 272HP, and a 6-speed automatic gearbox

* xDrive basis torque-distribution ratio in this car is regular 40:60

* the sitting position is a bit higher than in 3er Touring xDrive but much lower than in X3

* the car’s driving and overall characteristics are much more similar to 1er & 3er than to X3

* there are four models available xDrive20i, xDrive20d, xDrive30i and a hybrid version

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  • 2 weeks later...
are cineva poza cu bordul de la x1?


in link-ul de mai jos sunt cateva fotografii cu conceptul insa mai interesant este filmuletul de prezentare.


mai multe informatii si filmulete aici:


mie masina la exterior imi pare superba insa daca vor pastra acelasi interior care mie mi se pare sub orice critica, ma vor pierde ca si admirator.

aceasta este cea mai buna fotografie ce exista pana in prezent cu interiorul lui X1

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detalii tehnice pt X1 nu prea ai unde gasi. tot ce conteaza este ca masina va fi facuta pe platforma lui bmw seria 3 si va imparti cu acesta aceleasi motoare si cutii. tinand cont ca X1 nu va fi prea voluminos(probabil va avea cu 100 kg in plus fata de un seria 3 cu tractiune integrala) performantele pe sosea vor fi f bune.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Probabil concurent pentru Q5, desi era deja X3 la categoria asta.

Sunt prea multe clase de masini... :)



la cum arata X1, ar trebui sa iasa din scena X3-ul... sau sa se transforme in altceva <_<

mie-mi place X1 ala galben din poze :bashwall: si... nu dati cu pietre ce nu i-am facut inca casco :unsure:

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
Guest poleposition

...bun, lasa x1 ala, dar ce e cu babuinii aia cocotati pe acel e38 ? <_<


gen, filmau x1 sau cum ?



in sfarsit...eu nu inghit chestia asta cu MICILE off roadere, nici cal, nici magar...x3, q5, tiguan (sau cum se numeste) si alte prostii.

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Se pare ca Seria 7 F01 a dictat design-ul viitoarelor modele , cum a facut si E30-ul si E36-ele. E frumusel , sunt curios sa-i vad dos-ul. Nu stiu , dar o vad o masina buna pentru soferite (sotii, amante, surori etc).
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